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![Blank icon.png](/w/images/1/19/Blank_icon.png) [[]]
![Blank icon.png](/w/images/1/19/Blank_icon.png) [[]]
![Blank icon.png](/w/images/1/19/Blank_icon.png) [[]]
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![Joker m icon.png](/w/images/d/d1/Joker_m_icon.png) Joker_m
To Liliphy, hidden by my inbox for my jealous eyes only
In a safe containment
Of her sole confinement
Weaving threads she sits,
Fillaments refinement.
Pictures of days past
Her eyes depth's retaining.
There above them cast
No stars by pavement.
Warming words that sooth
With the leaves sends Autumn.
Nary window through
Can she read them often.
Units wiki pending updates
- Raw stats on panel event and EUs - done
- Renae - Fresh: Air>Land; MLB: Land>Air???
My Fanta profile huuuuge conspiracy
- I started playing Fanta in August 2017
- My profile says August 2013 or something (personally I do not see it, so from others' words)
That is not a secret, so I was quite surprised when one concerned citizen started Revealing this my Dark Side.
Why is it so? I do not know. I have few guesses, but they are that, guesses. You may guess too, if you care. I do not. In my experience it did not bothered anyone, until....
....until the volunteer investigator and the famous Fanta savior from evil conspiracies looked into these my shenanigans. And started alerting people here and there, started even searching for and bugging my allies and so on.
So people started asking me, and it is quite hard to explain same things again and again in that super-twitter of Fanta, twice so on the phone. Because, I got tired to type it into Fanta app again and again. From August to December 2017 I was asked... just meager 3-4 times I think, until...
Until recent. When players started telling me I should not claim "Fanta changed numbers in my profile" it was a bit overboard.
I did never made this claim. My claim is that I "do not know why Fanta put those numbers" but never I said about "changed".
Gossips grew a bit too stretched. So I am writing this snippet now, and if anyone inquires me in Fanta walls on this greater mystery of mine, I can just tell "go read wiki" instead.
So, back to the guess work.
1. Why I entered Fanta game? I got me a new Android phone, and I got tired with old games, so i looked through the "my apps library" at the Play Market and was thinking what games to install now. Then I saw Fanta there, and decided to give it a try. Just because bored with other games. It was in August 2017. I do not have memorized the specific day it was, because - why on Earth?
2. Does it mean I had Fanta installed in 2013? Probably. I remember I was once ago looking for Tower Defense games, and tried a few. Fanta, in retrospect, was published in 2012 so in 2013 it was heavily advertised. And since it has Tower Defense aspects, Google probably pushed it to my searches. However since Fanta was NOT the tower defense game I most probably uninstalled it and forgot. Just look into you Android Market log of ever installed apps - do you frankly recall every one them?
3. Does it mean I created Fanta account and played back in 2013? I don't remember. If I did, it only lasted as long it takes to get Fanta is not the pure Tower Def and abandon it. For what I remember about August 2017 though, I installed Fanta, and when I run it - Fanta asked me to create my account via Google Profile and I did. I also think I started Quests and Training from stages #1. At least I do not remember I was confused by starting with greater numbers. I had that "army training", was getting all those "artifacts" for p2p battles, etc. Frankly, I do not remember much of this trivia, because why would I try to ever memorize it?
In retrospect, my first "last chance" successes were awakening Dragon Zombie m and getting Nykus as my first 11*. I definitely played The Stars of Space, and I probably tried Caturday Night Fever. I almost certainly did not play Point of Ignition but I recall many players I saw around were wearing Schazzenan or Demha or Niessuh, so their events were probably just finished. I also remember some weird tickets were asked to some weird card packs. It confused me a lot, but I could get no good explanation. Now I think those should had been Athlete Tickets, but I do not have sure memory.
Talking about artifacts. I burned my Banshee M in a desperate attempt to awaken my Dragon Zombie having very few stones yet (got dz9, limited success). But I liked Banshee, so if someone does not - I would gladly receive the gift.
4. Additionally, Fanta is bound to MobaCoins, and Fanta is not the only game MobaGames released, promoted and collected payments for. Since on Android all payments go via Google Profile it is well possible my MobaGames Google profile was created in 2013 for some other game, and Fanta just shares that profile.
5. Or maybe there any other technicalities to explain it. I don't know, nor care. Neither did I met any Fanta players concerned enough to start digging in.
Last words, about honourable hero and her (or his) relentless service to our community.
Any due investigation should start with gathering hard evidence. The detective said she/he can read my "player log" (whatever it meant) and see I am lying. And she even extended the courtesy to make screenshots of the chat we had on her wall. Hopefully one day she would publish it, so that hard work would not get wasted.
In the end I told her that if this issue is really of any concern to her, then she should just request my "player log" from Fanta.
Dates of the events like logging in, entering quest NNN for the first time, entering training floor NNN for the first time, gaining levels, winning and losing battles, events, et cetera. On the condition that she would publish (because I do not remember much and would be curious to re-read it myself) such a log I authorized her to make such request to Fanta. She refused and went on gossiping. Then I asked and authorized her for the second time, and she refused again. And I did it again, for the third time, and same way for the third time she refused again to inquire for any facts and committed herself to on-the-walls investigation. Sad. I was hoping to get my glorious "player log" out of Fanta headquarters for me without any efforts of mine. But - no cigar.
All in all, this got boring and tiresome.
She said I was developing as a player way too fast for the newb allegedly started in August 2017. I inclined to believe now would her devoted spirit and endless energy be invested into playing Fanta more than into her investigations, she would definitely be top ranked player by now in all imaginable Fanta ratings. I hope one day we would all see her ultimate glory and be ashamed of ourselves.
Sapienti sat.
PS. Was asked to recall what were my first rank reward 11. My second 11 was Sandora, insanity level of training event. Snatched her an hour before maintenance. Was about 90% of the last floor and had one more EU than could deploy. Had three options how to fuse my EU's. Would I guess wrong - there would be no second chance. But I guessed right. Well, still probably she is not "ranking award". Then...
- at Y is for Youkal! I got 9* Zashiki and Ryuzo. I also have now 10* Kenzoku but I do not feel him "mine", I either AUCed him or been gifted but failed to earn, for what I vaguely recall. I also have Amanosagume (EU-9) and had several Azukies and Yukies (EU-8 and EU-7). Probably that was about when sinned against my free playing ideals and started spending. Because I really wanted to have many Youkai's, so it is plausible that I succumbed then.
- at Fortunes Told I got 10* Marseina, and despite I like violet colour, I didn't like her arts, so I saw one guy, even more novice than me, with Marseina lead, and I sold her him for ascension for a good price.
- at Simply Divine I got 11* Fen Lie and Celasin, and Fen Lie still is perhaps (as of December 2017) my only worthy 11-Missile.
PPS. The hero said he got enough explanations to believe my story and apologized for the prior persistence. I truly hope he was not so fast to jumping to the conclusions, even with the best intentions. Though, as Deep Purple sang it, "Everybody thought the show was funny" :-D