Difference between revisions of "Kindle 7"

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Kindle 7=
[[Category:Artist:Metawo Ueda]]
Kindle 8=
A 8{{*}} version of Kindle also exists:
[[Category:Artist:Metawo Ueda]] [[Category:Alternate Versions]] [[Category:Weapon:Fire]] [[Category:Modified Name]]

Latest revision as of 19:00, 18 January 2016

Kindle, Fairy of Fire
Kindle 7 icon.png
Kindle 7.gif
Blank album 7.png
Missile icon.png Missile 150 Range C Speed
20 Cost Poison,

Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
140 95,129 119,506 95,129 309,764 138,224 0
160 106,224 133,531 106,224 345,979 176,459 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
Spirit of Love
250,000 Kindle Love Point Reward

Kindle 7 card.jpg Kindle 7 card back.jpg

JP Version Artwork:
Kindle 7 jp.jpgKindle 7 back jp.jpg

CN Version Artwork:
Kindle 7 cn.jpgKindle 7 back cn.jpg

A 8★ version of Kindle also exists:

Kindle, Hotter than Ever
Kindle 8 icon.png
Kindle 8.gif
Blank album 8.png
Missile icon.png Missile 150 Range C Speed
30 Cost Poison,

Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
160 147,192 189,831 147,192 484,215 248,048 0
180 0 0 0 0 0 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
Spirit of Love
Kindle Love Points Rank Reward
1st - 50th

Kindle 8 card.jpg Kindle 8 card back.jpg

JP Version Artwork:
Kindle 8 jp.jpgKindle 8 back jp.jpg

CN Version Artwork:
Kindle 8 cn.jpgKindle 8 back cn.jpg

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