Difference between revisions of "Bonded by Blood"

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({{Icon_s|Mob Ticket}} Mob Battles)
(Final Group Rank Rewards)
(6 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 47: Line 47:
| 2 || 40 || ~60 || ~120 || ~60 || 5,000
| 2 || 40 || ~60 || ~120 || ~60 || 5,000
| 3 || 65 || ~110 || ~210 || ~70 || 10,000
| 3 || 65 || ~110 || ~112 || ~70 || 10,000
| 5 || 100 || ~165 || ~315 || ~65 || 22,500
| 5 || 100 || ~165 || ~315 || ~65 || 22,500
Line 166: Line 166:
{{Unit_GroupName|BT Point Rewards}}
{{Unit_GroupName|BT Point Rewards}}
{{Unit_GroupName|Oathkeeper Rewards}}
{{Unit_GroupName|Golden Bullets Rewards}}
Line 230: Line 230:
| 10,000 || {{Icon_m|Aurora Essence}} || Aurora Essence x 1
| 10,000 || {{Icon_m|Aurora Essence}} || Aurora Essence x 1
| 13,000 || {{Icon_m|TBD}} || 7{{*}} [[TBD]]
| 15,000 || {{Icon_m|Daniela}} || 7{{*}} [[Daniela]]
Line 253: Line 253:
| 16th - 20th ||  || 8{{*}} Anise || 7{{*}} Cleo || 6{{*}} Giuliette || You Talkin to Me?<br>The Maker<br>Rookie Racketeer || Aurora Essence x 10 || Ichor x 7 || Soma x 15 || || 10{{*}} Beta Ticket x 1 ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3
| 16th - 20th ||  || 8{{*}} Anise || 7{{*}} Cleo || 6{{*}} Giuliette || You Talkin to Me?<br>The Maker<br>Rookie Racketeer || Aurora Essence x 10 || Ichor x 7 || Soma x 15 || || 10{{*}} Beta Ticket x 1 ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3
| 21st - 30th ||  || 8{{*}} Anise || 7{{*}} Cleo || 6{{*}} Giuliette || You Talkin to Me?<br>The Maker<br>Rookie Racketeer || Aurora Essence x 7 || Ichor x 7 || Soma x 10 || || 10{{*}} Ticket x 1 ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3
| 21st - 30th ||  || 8{{*}} Anise || 7{{*}} Cleo || 6{{*}} Giuliette || You Talkin to Me?<br>The Maker<br>Rookie Racketeer || Aurora Essence x 7 || Ichor x 7 || Soma x 10 || || 10{{*}} Beta Ticket x 1 ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3
| 31st - 50th ||  || 8{{*}} Halley || 7{{*}} Talli || 6{{*}} Domina || Cloudburst Warrior<br>The Skyfighter<br>Treaty Bearer || Aurora Essence x 7 || Ichor x 5 || Soma x 10 || || 10{{*}} Beta Ticket x 1 ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3
| 31st - 50th ||  || 8{{*}} Anise || 7{{*}} Cleo || 6{{*}} Giuliette || You Talkin to Me?<br>The Maker<br>Rookie Racketeer || Aurora Essence x 7 || Ichor x 5 || Soma x 10 || || 10{{*}} Beta Ticket x 1 ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3
| 51st - 75th ||  || 8{{*}} Anise || 7{{*}} Cleo || 6{{*}} Giuliette || The Maker<br>Rookie Racketeer || Aurora Essence x 5 || Ichor x 5 || Soma x 7 || ||  ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3
| 51st - 75th ||  || 8{{*}} Anise || 7{{*}} Cleo || 6{{*}} Giuliette || The Maker<br>Rookie Racketeer || Aurora Essence x 5 || Ichor x 5 || Soma x 7 || ||  ||  ||  ||  TBD x 3

Latest revision as of 09:37, 19 August 2015

Bonded by Blood
Bonded by Blood release banner.png
Start Date 2015-08-17
End Date 2015-08-20
Event Type Gifting Event
Event Cards Extreme Packs Season 30
Revival Packs
Unlimited Challenger Packs 5
Preceded By The Fantasica Chronicles 28
The Palace of Veils
Followed By Bathed in Flames
Bonded by Blood announcement.jpg
Bonded by Blood release.jpg

[edit] Event Info

Bonded by Blood is FANTASICA's latest gift event where players compete to earn BT Pts by giving each other Rusted Ammo - a special item found in quests and Mob Battles!

During the event, players will complete quests and Mob Battles to earn Rusted Ammo.

You can then gain BT Pts by gifting this Rusted Ammo to other players.

Event rankings will be determined by the number of BT Pts earned. Higher ranks give greater rewards so good luck and get gifting!

Furthermore, Rusted Ammo you receive from other players will turn into Golden Bullets.

Collect Golden Bullets to unlock cool loot!

[edit] Event Schedule

August 17th, 2015, post-maintenance
August 20th, 2015, at 2:00 am (PST/PDT)
  • The above times may be subject to change without prior notice.
  • Go to the Rankings page after the event has finished to confirm your final rankings and press Receive to have your ranking rewards sent to your Inbox.

[edit] Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Battles

Mob Ticket icon.png Ticket(s) Cost Rec. Lvl Rusted Ammo icon.png Win Rusted Ammo icon.png Perfect Win Gift per Ticket (perfect) Total EXP
1 15 ~40 ~40 ~80 2,000
2 40 ~60 ~120 ~60 5,000
3 65 ~110 ~112 ~70 10,000
5 100 ~165 ~315 ~65 22,500
7 120 ~220 ~420 ~60 30,000
9 125 ~310 ~610 ~68 40,000
12 130 ~450 ~850 ~71 50,000
15 160 ~650 ~600 ~83 70,000

[edit] Rusted Ammo icon.png Rusted Ammo

Get Rusted Ammo. Gift it to other players. Get tons of BT Pts.

Rusted Ammo is available via quests and Mob Battles.

You can gift Rusted Ammo to other players to earn BT Pts.

Sending Rusted Ammo to your allies will award you with more BT Pts than sending to non-allies.

The maximum amount of Rusted Ammo you can send a single player in one transaction is 20.

Once you have sent Rusted Ammo to a player, you cannot send them any more Rusted Ammo until either 15 minutes have passed, OR they send you back Rusted Ammo of their own.

The number of times you can gift Rusted Ammo to the same player is limited to 10 times every 6 hours.

This limit is reset daily at 4:00 am; 10:00 am; 4:00 pm; and 10:00 pm PST/PDT.

  • Rusted Ammo cannot be traded.
  • Rusted Ammo does not drop in Quests 1 through 4.

[edit] Golden Bullet icon.png Golden Bullets

Rusted Ammo gifted to you by other players will turn into Golden Bullets.

Collect enough Bullets and you will become eligible for rewards!

Rewards are simply unlocked. You do not lose Bullets for collecting rewards.

  • Golden Bullets cannot be gifted, nor traded, to other players.

[edit] BT Pts

You will receive BT Pts each time you send Rusted Ammo to another player.

The number of BT Pts you'll receive for gifting Rusted Ammo is as follows: ・Gifting to an Ally - 5 BT Pts / 1 Rusted Ammo ・Gifting to a non-Ally - 2 BT Pts / 1 Rusted Ammo

Additionally, gifting Rusted Ammo to a player that has sent you a greater amount of Ammo will award you with a larger sum of BT Pts.

You will receive these bonus BT Pts regardless of whether or not your allies have Push Notifications disabled through their settings.

This limit is reset daily at 4:00 am, 10:00 am, 4:00 pm, and 10:00 pm.

[edit] Push Notifications

You can send Push Notifications to players you have sent Rusted Ammo to.

You can send up to one batch of Push Notifications every 6 hours.

Push Notifications will be sent to the last set of players you sent Rusted Ammo to immediately preceding your Push Notifications.

The 6-hour time limit for Push Notifications is reset daily at 4:00 am, 10:00 am, 4:00 pm, and 10:00 pm PST/PDT.

Sending Push Notifications will award you with a BT Pts bonus.

The size of the bonus depends on the number of people you send Rusted Ammo to right before you send your Push Notifications. You will receive 1 bonus BT Pt for each person you send a notification to.

You will receive these bonus BT Pts regardless of whether or not your allies have Push Notifications disabled through their settings.

You can set whether or not you want to receive event-related Push Notifications via the main page of the event.

Alternatively, you can also adjust these settings via the Options tab found on the main page.

[edit] Bonus Units

The following units from the Extreme Packs Season 30 receive Bonuses to their HP, attack power and speed when they are deployed in Event Battles. They also earn bonus Rusted Ammo based upon their rarity.

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Extreme Packs Season 30
Cerbera.gif Cerbera icon.png
10 Missile 30 C 175 288,218 292,271 263,796 Poison,

Critical Shot
Extreme Packs Season 30
Ticket 10 Beta icon.png 10★ Beta Ticket Exchange
Ultimate Plus Packs 29
Ravana.gif Ravana icon.png
9 Melee 30 D 130 243,529 241,673 162,103 Area Attack,

Fire Storm
Extreme Packs Season 30
5 Star Plus Packs 13
One Shot Packs 80
OP Unit Exchange 2
Marcy.gif Marcy icon.png
8 Melee 25 A 150 0 0 0 Poison,

Extreme Packs Season 30
Nidalia.gif Nidalia icon.png
7 Melee 25 C 130 0 0 0 Knockback,

Nerve Strike
Extreme Packs Season 30
Tasma.gif Tasma icon.png
6 Magic 15 C 175 63,080 73,075 69,650 Slow,

Speed Order
Standard Card Packs
Added during Bonded by Blood
  • Bonus units CANNOT be traded for the duration of the Bonded by Blood event.
  • Arena skills are not available during Mob Battles.
  • Ally units will not receive bonuses when participating in one of your Mob Battles.
  • Mob Tickets cannot be traded.
  • You can only use Mob Tickets during the Bonded by Blood event.

[edit] Reward Units

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Rank Rewards
Cecily.gif Cecily icon.png
9 Missile 30 C 175 244,445 233,342 189,861 Slow,

Bonded by Blood
Group Rank Reward
1st - 15th
30 units awarded
Anise.gif Anise icon.png
8 Magic 30 C 150 119,885 171,079 162,539 Knockback,

Acid Rain
Bonded by Blood
Rank Reward
1st - 100th
200 units awarded
Cleo.gif Cleo icon.png
7 Melee 25 B 130 128,723 99,677 75,728 Poison,

Drain Attack
Bonded by Blood
Rank Reward
1st - 500th
1,000 units awarded
Giuliette.gif Giuliette icon.png
6 Missile 20 D 200 82,895 65,030 72,900 Area Attack,

Bonded by Blood
Group Rank Reward
1st - 2000th
BT Point Rewards
Carmen.gif Carmen icon.png
8 Magic 25 C 150 162,554 141,205 122,423 Slow,

Stone Breath
Bonded by Blood
800,000 BT Points Reward
Golden Bullets Rewards
Daniela.gif Daniela icon.png
7 Melee 20 C 130 0 0 0 Knockback,

Iron Wall
Bonded by Blood
Golden Bullet icon.png 15,000 Golden Bullets Reward

[edit] Rewards

[edit] Golden Bullet icon.png Golden Bullet Rewards

Bullets Reward
10 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 2
20 Potion p icon.png Potion (P) x 1
30 Potion icon.png Potion x 1
50 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 4
100 Potion p icon.png Potion (P) x 2
150 Potion icon.png Potion x 2
200 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 6
300 Potion p icon.png Potion (P) x 3
350 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 8
400 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4★+ Ticket x 1

[edit] Golden Bullet icon.png Golden Bullet Rewards

Bullets Reward
450 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 10
500 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
1,000 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 10
2,000 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1
3,000 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 10
5,000 Soma icon.png Soma x 2
6,000 Mob Ticket icon.png Mob Ticket x 20
8,000 Ichor icon.png Ichor x 5
10,000 Aurora Essence icon.png Aurora Essence x 1
15,000 Daniela icon.png 7★ Daniela

[edit] Final Group Rank Rewards

Based on rank as of August 20th, 2015 at 2:00am PST

Rank Cecily icon.png
Anise icon.png
Cleo icon.png
Giuliette icon.png
Title icon.png
Aurora Essence icon.png
Ichor icon.png
Soma icon.png
Ambrosia icon.png
Ticket 10 Beta icon.png Ticket 5 icon.png Premium ticket2 icon.png Blank icon.png
1st 9★ Cecily 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette The Godfather
You Talkin to Me?
The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 20 Ichor x 20 Soma x 30 10★ Beta Ticket x 3 TBD x 3
2nd - 5th 9★ Cecily 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette You Talkin to Me?
The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 15 Ichor x 15 Soma x 20 10★ Beta Ticket x 2 TBD x 3
6th - 10th 9★ Cecily 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette You Talkin to Me?
The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 12 Ichor x 10 Soma x 20 10★ Beta Ticket x 1 TBD x 3
11th - 15th 9★ Cecily 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette You Talkin to Me?
The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 10 Ichor x 10 Soma x 15 10★ Beta Ticket x 1 TBD x 3
16th - 20th 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette You Talkin to Me?
The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 10 Ichor x 7 Soma x 15 10★ Beta Ticket x 1 TBD x 3
21st - 30th 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette You Talkin to Me?
The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 7 Ichor x 7 Soma x 10 10★ Beta Ticket x 1 TBD x 3
31st - 50th 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette You Talkin to Me?
The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 7 Ichor x 5 Soma x 10 10★ Beta Ticket x 1 TBD x 3
51st - 75th 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 5 Ichor x 5 Soma x 7 TBD x 3
76th - 100th 8★ Anise 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette The Maker
Rookie Racketeer
Aurora Essence x 3 Ichor x 3 Soma x 7 TBD x 3
101st - 150th 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette Rookie Racketeer Aurora Essence x 1 Ichor x 3 Soma x 5 TBD x 3
151st - 200th 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette Rookie Racketeer Ichor x 1 Soma x 5 TBD x 3
201st - 300th 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette Rookie Racketeer Ichor x 1 Soma x 3 TBD x 3
301st - 500th 7★ Cleo 6★ Giuliette Rookie Racketeer Soma x 3 TBD x 3
501st - 750th 6★ Giuliette Soma x 3 Ambrosia x 5 TBD x 3
751st - 1,000th 6★ Giuliette Soma x 1 Ambrosia x 5 TBD x 3
1,001st - 2,000th 6★ Giuliette Soma x 1 Ambrosia x 3 TBD x 3
2,001st - 3,000th Soma x 1 Ambrosia x 3 TBD x 3
3,001st - 4,000th Ambrosia x 3 5★+ Ticket x 1 TBD x 3
4,001st - 5,000th Ambrosia x 1 4★+ Ticket x 1 TBD x 3
No reward past 5,000th
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