Flower Maidens in Bloom!

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Flower Maidens in Bloom!
Flower Maidens in Bloom! release banner.png
Start Date 2013-04-18
End Date 2013-04-26
Event Type Team Event
Japanese Wiki In full bloom! Flower girl
Preceded By The Gemstone Palace of Light
Followed By Mandragora March!
Flower Maidens in Bloom! announcement.jpg
Flower Maidens in Bloom! release.jpg

Event Info

Complete quests and training to gather Sun Drops - a rare substance that you can donate to Flower Maidens to give them support!

Flower Maidens in Bloom is a new, limited-time event where you must collect a special item called "Sun Drops" via Quests and Training. You can then donate these Drops to Flower Maidens to gain PR Pts.

Flower Maidens in Bloom is a team event. You begin the event by choosing to form your own team, or to join one already made. Each team chooses a maiden to represent.


Work together with your team and lead your Flower Maiden to victory! When you join the event, you will have the choice to "Form a Team!" or "Join a Team!" You will then be given the option to choice a Flower Maiden to represent. Each team can have up to 10 members.

Depending on the average number of teams and members, there may be times when you will be unable to form a team. If you are unable to form a team, please choose "Join a Team" and your desire Maiden, to participate in the event. Alternatively, you can try to Form a Team for another Maiden. Ability to form a team depends on team distribution and may be subject to change.

Once you form or join a team, it can not be disbanded.

You may not change teams.

All teams will be disbanded on May 3, 2013 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

Sun Drops

Sun Drops have a chance to appear whenever you complete quests or training. There is also the possibility that they will not appear. The probability of a Sun Drop appearing varies by quest and training stage. Sun Drops may also come bundled with some card purchases. Donate Sun Drops to a maiden to gain PR Pts.

  • Sun Drops cannot be traded.
  • None of the quests from the first 4 episodes will grant PR Pts / Sun Drops.

PR Points

Donate Sun Drops to Maidens - Get PR PTS! When you donate Sun Drops, you gain PR Pts both for your team and for yourself.

  • You can only donate Sun Drops to the Maiden your team represents.
  • Donating multiple Sun Drops at once can earn you a PR Pts bonus, depending on the amount offered.
    • 1 Sun Drop: 5 - 10 PR Pts
    • 50 Sun Drops: 400 - 550 Pts (8-11 Pts / Drop)
    • 100 Sun Drops: 1100 - 1200 Pts (11-12 Pts / Drop)
  • The maximum number of Sun Drops you can donate at once in 100.

Additionally, throughout the day there will be periods of "Fever Time" where donating Drops will award you with 1.5 times the PR Pts!

On the main event page, your maiden will give updates about her standing, as well as other tidbits of useful information.

There are a number of rewards you can earn by amassing PR Pts. You must first contribute 100 PR Pts before you can accept event rewards.

Fever Time!

Fever Time is a special state that increases the amount of PR Pts you earn from Sun Drop donations.

  • Fever Time occurs several times a day.
  • Donating Sun Drops during Fever Time grants you 1.5x the normal amount of PR Pts.
  • During Fever Time, your maiden's message will change and a special banner will appear on your main page.
  • Fever Time occurs at different times depending on the team.
  • The schedule and timing of Fever Times will not be made public.

Don't miss it!

The amount of PR Pts you gain for donating Sun Drops during Fever Time is outlined below.

  • 1 Sun Drop: 8 - 15 PR Pts
  • 50 Sun Drops: 600 - 825 Pts (12-16.5 Pts / Drop)
  • 100 Sun Drops: 1650 - 1800 Pts (16.5-18 Pts / Drop)

Reward Units

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Rank Rewards
Lys.gif Lys icon.png
6 Magic 30 D 150 76,255 86,110 63,800 Slow Flower Maidens in Bloom!
1st Place Daily Rank Reward
Pullable with Maiden Ticket2 icon.png Maiden2 Tickets
Rosier.gif Rosier icon.png
5 Melee 25 C 130 37,750 33,650 32,100 Knockback Flower Maidens in Bloom!
Team Rank Reward
1st - 30th
300 units awarded
Maiden Pack Rewards
Blume.gif Blume icon.png
4 Missile 20 D 175 18,339 24,344 12,256 Knockback Flower Maidens in Bloom!
Pullable with Maiden Ticket2 icon.png Maiden2 Tickets
Enia.gif Enia icon.png
4 Magic 20 D 150 22,357 18,339 17,848 Slow Flower Maidens in Bloom!
Pullable with Maiden Ticket2 icon.png Maiden2 Tickets
Orte.gif Orte icon.png
4 Melee 20 B 130 15,497 9,763 20,237 Poison Flower Maidens in Bloom!
1st Place
Rewarded to all Teams that selected her
Paeoni.gif Paeoni icon.png
4 Missile 20 C 150 20,369 12,136 16,262 Poison Flower Maidens in Bloom!
3rd Place
Pullable with Maiden Ticket2 icon.png Maiden2 Tickets
Sakura.gif Sakura icon.png
4 Magic 20 D 150 16,292 21,580 21,152 Area Attack Flower Maidens in Bloom!
2nd Place
Pullable with Maiden Ticket2 icon.png Maiden2 Tickets


Team PR Rewards

PR Reward
300 PR Sun drop icon.png x 3
1,000 PR Luna icon.png 5000 Luna
2,500 PR Potion p icon.png x 1
5,000 PR Time elixir p icon.png x 1
8,000 PR Sun drop icon.png x 5
12,000 PR Potion p icon.png x 3
16,000 PR Time elixir p icon.png x 3

Team PR Rewards

PR Reward
20,000 PR Premium ticket icon.png x 1
25,000 PR Ambrosia icon.png x 1
30,000 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1
50,000 PR Potion p icon.png x 5
80,000 PR Time elixir p icon.png x 5
100,000 PR Ambrosia icon.png x 1
150,000 PR Premium ticket icon.png x 1
300,000 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1

Individual PR Rewards

PR Reward
100 PR Sun drop icon.png x 3
300 PR Luna icon.png 10,000 Luna
500 PR Potion p icon.png x 1
1,000 PR Sun drop icon.png x 5
1,600 PR Time elixir icon.png x 1
2,200 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1
3,500 PR Potion icon.png x 3
6,000 PR Time elixir icon.png x 3
8,000 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1
10,000 PR Potion icon.png x 5
15,000 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1
20,000 PR Time elixir icon.png x 5
25,000 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1
30,000 PR Premium ticket icon.png x 1
50,000 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1
65,000 PR Maiden Ticket2 icon.png x 1
(every 15,000 PR)

Individual Daily Rank Rewards

Rank Lys icon.png
Maiden Ticket2 icon.png Time elixir p icon.png
1st 6★ Lys
2nd - 5th Maiden Ticket x 3
6th - 10th Maiden Ticket x 2
11th - 50th Maiden Ticket x 1
51st - 200th Time Elixir(P) x 2
201st - 500th Time Elixir(P) x 1

Total Team Rank Rewards

Rank Rosier icon.png
Maiden Ticket2 icon.png Premium ticket icon.png Time elixir p icon.png
1st 5★ Rosier Maiden Ticket x 5
2nd - 5th 5★ Rosier Maiden Ticket x 4
6th - 10th 5★ Rosier Maiden Ticket x 3
11th - 30th 5★ Rosier Maiden Ticket x 2
31st - 60th Maiden Ticket x 2
61st - 100th Maiden Ticket x 1
101st - 300th Premium Ticket x 1 Time Elixir(P) x 3
301st - 500th Premium Ticket x 1 Time Elixir(P) x 2
501st - 800th Time Elixir(P) x 1


Flower maidens winners.jpgFlower maidens winners2.jpg

Day 1

Flower maidens winners day1.jpg

Day 2

Flower maidens winners day2.jpg

Day 3

Flower maidens winners day3.jpg

Day 4

Flower maidens winners day4.jpg

Day 5

Flower maidens winners day5.jpg

Day 6

Flower maidens winners day6.jpg

Day 7

Flower maidens winners day7.jpg

Day 8

Flower maidens winners day8.jpg

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