User talk:TORAelle

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Revision as of 19:04, 25 February 2017 by Mithandir730 (Talk | contribs)

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Hiya and Thanks!!

Hi, TORAelle - just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all of your help on the wiki!! It's been absolutely wonderful having someone help out with creating all the pages, and I appreciate it so much! /hugs :D

-Kattiara (talk)

Yasuyuki Syuri / Yasuyuki Syurit

Hi TORA! There's not a great answer for this, haha. Basically, Fanta has typo'd multiple artists names, multiple times. I'm pretty sure that Yasuyuki Syuri = Yasuyuki Syurit, and is in fact one person.. but which of those two is the actual real and correct name, I'm not sure. You can totally go ahead and recreate the one for Yasuyuki Syuri, though.. I think there are more spelled that way, and I didn't realize they were missing an artist page currently! Oops!

Thank you SO much again for all of your help!! It's been amazing having you helping! :) I am normally racing the clock on update mornings to even get the files posted before leaving for work, and being able to get home in the evenings and see you have everything set up and organized already has been so wonderful!!! /more hugs :D -Kattiara (talk)

Thank you

Hey there, I wanted to thank you for all the work you did on the wiki. I walked away from the game half a year ago because of the same reasons as you and I'm glad you were able to quit. Please be careful to not make the same mistake as me though, other games out there are just as addicting...

Wish you all the best

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