Taking Soulless Reward Issues

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On April 13th, 2017, during the Taking Soulless Colossi Event, it was discovered by the Fantasica Team that Individual BT Point Rewards were awarded to players who had not achieved the required point totals. An emergency maintenance was conducted. Dysnomia and Horkos, if awarded to any player, was taken away. If Dysnomia was set as the players' leader, an Orlando was substituted. Any Ascension Goddesses received from the error with BT Point Rewards were allowed to be kept by players.

In addition to the removal of the unit rewards, all BT point totals and rankings were reset to 0. The battle schedule was not extended to allow for the usual four days of Colossi battles. The Individual BT Point, Victory Point and Participation Rewards were all adjusted to compensate for this shorter battle schedule. The changes in these rewards will be detailed below. All rewards appear to be reduced in requirement by 25% to compensate for 25% of battles missed.

Please see below for all official releases regarding the emergency maintenance and any recompense offered by Fantasica.


April 13th, 2017

■Teams Within the Clash of the Colossi: Taking Soulless

Thank you for playing FANTASICA.

We encountered an issue where the Edit Team function had not reset properly, which (in certain conditions) could possibly prevent a player from participating in later battles during the event.

This issue has been resolved, however, and all teams have been disbanded and must be created anew.

Furthermore, as a reminder, all Luna, Essence Orbs, Ambrosias, etc., that were used to level either 11★ Dysnomia (all versions) or 9★ Horkos, WILL be compensated at a future, yet-undetermined date. The schedule for the rest of the Taking Soulless event has also been updated. Please check the rules for more details.

We apologize for the inconvenience that the above has caused and ask your continued support as we strive to make Fantasica the best it can be.

April 13th, 2017

■Emergency Maintenance

Thank you for playing FANTASICA.

We are currently undergoing emergency maintenance to deal with an unexpected technical issue that occurred in the Taking Soulless event.

We do not have an estimate of when it will end at this time. While we do not have concrete details available at this time, we are currently planning on rescheduling future, and possible past battles, for the duration of the event.

Further details will be made as they are available.

  • Please note that maintenance times are subject to change and that maintenance may end at any time without prior notice, so check back frequently!

Thank you again and we apologize for any inconvenience this downtime may cause.

April 13th, 2017

■Reward Issue in the Clash of the Colossi: Taking Soulless Event

Thank you for playing FANTASICA.

We encountered an issue where the Bt Pt Rewards in the Taking Soulless event where not set correctly. As a result, players were able to obtain some, or all, of the rewards at an extremely accelerated pace. We have taken the following steps to rectify the issue:

1) All copies of 11★ Dysnomia, ANARCHY, 11★ Ω Dysnomia and 9★ Horkos, False Oaths will be rescinded.

If any of the above units were present in your unit list, or set as your leader, they will be replaced with a 2★ Orlando the Fighter

If any of the above units were present in your Inn, converted to Souls, or in your Inbox, they will be removed without replacement.

2) All Potions, Potions (P), and Kykeons that you have spent leading up to the emergency maintenance will be restored

3) All BT Pts, Victory Counts, etc., will be reset.

4) The event will continue as scheduled. There will now be 16 battles. Please consult the rules for more details concerning battle times.

5) All other rewards you received during the course of the event (excluding all versions of 11★ Dysnomia and 9★ Horkos) will not be rescinded. They are yours to keep for the inconvenience that this issue has caused.

6) Players who have invested resources into leveling, evolving, or raising 11★ Dysnomia and / or 9★ Horkos, WILL receive recompense. Further details will be released at a later time.

We apologize for the both the inconvenience, and the negative experience, that the above has caused and ask your continued support as we strive to make Fantasica the best it can be.

April 13th, 2017

■Emergency Maintenance

Thank you for playing FANTASICA.

We have received reports that event rewards in the Taking Soulless event are not being distributed properly and are now performing an emergency maintenance session to resolve the issue.

We do not have an estimate of when it will end at this time. While we do not have concrete details available at this time, we are currently planning on rescheduling future, and possible past battles, for the duration of the event.

Further details will be made as they are available.

  • Please note that maintenance times are subject to change and that maintenance may end at any time without prior notice, so check back frequently!

Thank you again and we apologize for any inconvenience this downtime may cause.

Reward Changes

Individual BT Rewards

100,000 75,000 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 1
200,000 150,000 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1
400,000 300,000 Ticket 6 icon.png 6★+ Ticket x 1
700,000 525,000 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 2
1,000,000 750,000 Earth Stone icon.png Earth Stone x 25
1,500,000 1,125,000 Ticket 7 icon.png 7★+ Ticket x 1
2,000,000 1,500,000 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 3
3,000,000 2,250,000 Aer icon.png Aer
4,000,000 3,000,000 Breeze Stone icon.png Breeze Stone x 75
5,000,000 3,750,000 Ticket 8 icon.png 8★+ Ticket
7,000,000 5,250,000 Aeru icon.png Aeru
10,000,000 7,500,000 Horkos icon.png 9★ Horkos
15,000,000 11,250,000 Horkos icon.png 9★ Horkos
20,000,000 15,000,000 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 5
30,000,000 22,500,000 Horkos icon.png 9★ Horkos
40,000,000 30,000,000 Horkos icon.png 9★ Horkos
50,000,000 37,500,000 Ichor icon.png Ichor x 3
60,000,000 45,000,000 Horkos icon.png 9★ Horkos
70,000,000 52,500,000 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 7
80,000,000 60,000,000 Aery icon.png Aery
90,000,000 67,500,000 Aurora Essence icon.png Aurora Essence x 3
100,000,000 75,000,000 Wave Stone icon.png Wave Stone x 200
110,000,000 82,500,000 Aerora icon.png Aerora
120,000,000 90,000,000 Dysnomia icon.png 11★ Dysnomia
130,000,000 97,500,000 Aeroma icon.png Aeroma
150,000,000 112,000,000 Dysnomia icon.png 11★ Dysnomia x 2

Participation Rewards

1 1 Ticket 6 icon.png 6★+ Ticket x 1
3 2 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 1
6 4 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 3
9 6 Ticket 7 icon.png 7★+ Ticket x 1
12 9 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
16 12 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 3
20 15 Ticket 10 Chi icon.png 10★ Chi Ticket x 1

Victory Pt Rewards

3 2 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 1
6 4 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4★+ Ticket x 1
9 6 Luna icon.png Luna x 400,000
12 9 Brave Pts icon.png Brave Pts x 10,000
15 11 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 3
18 13 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1
21 15 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 2
24 18 Anu icon.png Anu
27 20 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 3
30 22 Danu icon.png Danu
33 24 Tartu icon.png Tartu
36 27 Enurta icon.png Enurta
39 29 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 5
42 31 Ticket 6 icon.png 6★+ Ticket x 1
45 33 Epona icon.png Epona
48 36 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 3
51 38 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 5
54 40 Ticket 7 icon.png 7★+ Ticket x 1
57 42 Soma icon.png Soma x 5
60 45 Ticket 8 icon.png 8★+ Ticket x 1
66 49 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 7
72 54 Aeru icon.png Aeru
78 58 Ichor icon.png Ichor x 3
84 63 Aery icon.png Aery
90 67 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 7
96 72 Aurora Essence icon.png Aurora Essence x 1
102 76 Aerora icon.png Aerora
108 81 Kykeon icon.png Kykeon x 9
114 85 Aeroma icon.png Aeroma x 1
120 90 Title icon.png Blood Sacrifice
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