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General Information

IGN: KOTails (think of it as K.O. Tails, but people call me kot or tails)

ID: 52169056

FantasiTrade Page: kotail's Profile

My Current Team

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Izumo.gif Izumo icon.png
6 Magic 20 D 175 61,385 86,110 81,095 Knockback,

Atk Boost (Male),

Defense Order
Standard Card Packs
Added during To Catch a Thief
Clotho.gif Clotho icon.png
6 Magic 20 C 130 54,420 67,305 89,360 Area Attack,

Valor2 Packs
Duelo 6.gif Duelo 6 icon.png
6 Missile 20 C 175 66,725 85,715 66,383 Knockback,

Critical Shot
Valor1 Packs
Milly.gif Milly icon.png
6 Melee 15 C 130 69,668 51,530 49,870 Knockback,

Saviors of Imperius Series
Trapped Packs
Fine.gif Fine icon.png
6 Magic 15 D 150 53,190 63,255 54,560 Area Attack The Gathering
Holy Mark icon.png 7,000 Holy Marks Reward
Aphrodite.gif Aphrodite icon.png
6 Magic 20 C 150 72,900 61,745 91,398 Slow The Fantasica Chronicles 6
Team GP Rank Reward
1st - 50th Teams
Max 450 units awarded
Leitrim.gif Leitrim icon.png
6 Magic 25 C 130 87,805 79,540 51,750 Knockback,

The Once and Future King
Shield Shard icon.png 200,000 Shield Shards Reward
Arachne 6.gif Arachne 6 icon.png
6 Melee 25 B 150 77,845 84,485 54,850 Slow Monster Maidens
1,000,000 Overall Love Pts Reward
Shaft.gif Shaft icon.png
6 Melee 30 C 150 66,760 105,750 47,490 Poison 2 Year Anniversary
10th Login Reward
Giselle.gif Giselle icon.png
6 Magic 15 D 150 79,795 59,365 67,305 Knockback 3.5M DL Celebration
20th Login Reward
Bristol.gif Bristol icon.png
6 Melee 25 B 130 76,755 69,755 53,515 Slow,

Iron Wall
Welcome Back Reward
Club Fanta

Fantasica Lingo

I find that many players, both new and old, do not know the language used by Fantasica players to fit in comprehensible sentences that fit the 40-character (I believe that's the number), and therefore may misunderstand what is being communicated. The easiest way is to simply ask them, but to save the potential embarrassment the following list may help.


Fantasica Lingo English Translation Brief Description
TE Time Elixir(s) Item used to skip cooldowns (can be said CD) in quests or events
Pot Potion(s) Item used to replenish your Training Points, or, in events, heal HP in boss battles or Action Points in Guild Wars
NFS Not For Sale The player is not selling or trading the card at this time
PC Price Check If someone asks for a PC, it means that they want the general amount they would have to pay in pure to buy/trade for your card
WTB or B> or B) Want to Buy/Buying When someone says that they want to buy something, it often means that they will give pure for the card they are looking for
WTS or S> or S) Want to Sell/Selling When someone says that they want to sell something, it often means that they want pure in exchange for their card
WTT or T> or T) Want to Trade/Trading When someone says that they want to trade a card, they often mean that they want a unit or units that equal the same price in exchange for the card they

are trading

LF or lf Looking For It means that the person is looking for someone with the card in order to buy or trade for it. Note: On some devices it may appear to say if
Pure Potions or Time Elixirs When someone is looking for pure, it means that they want to sell their card for the tradeable potions or time elixirs (not the personal ones)
Mix Pure and Card(s) People often want more if you offer is mixed. This means that you are offering or they specifying that they (do not) want both card(s) and pure for their card
FT FantasiTrade A trading website made by Sam Kirwen in which players post cards they are selling, buying, or trading. Can be found here (link)
eu Event Unit A new unit that gives bonuses in a certain event. They are often pulled from Dream Packs or Special Card Packs


Fantasica Lingo English Translation Brief Description
omw On My Wall Often used for advertising trades. Often means that the player is not an ally of yours. Refers to the area of messages on the home screen immediately after pressing Start Game when booting up Fantasica
aow Ally On Wall Often used for advertising allies' trades or to help them fill up their ally spots
nty No Thank You Commonly used to politely decline to an offer
tyvm or ty Thank You Very Much/Thank You Commonly used to politely thank a player
jw Just Wondering Self Explanitory
GW Guild Wars Event in which players form guilds of seven players and two rookies and fight other guilds in wars at specific times


I regularly update the Main Page's Announcements, and occasionally I add in the stats of 6 stars I happen to or that my awesome allies have MLBed.

Have any suggestions or comments? Simply contact me in game! ^~^

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