Amber 7

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Amber, Guns Blazing
Amber 7 icon.png
Amber 7.gif
Blank album 7.png
Missile icon.png Missile 175 Range D Speed
20 Cost Slow,

Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
140 90,533 132,159 75,204 297,896 143,413 0
160 101,089 147,662 83,964 332,715 183,080 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
-1 +5

Amber 7 card.jpg Amber 7 card back.jpg

There is also an alternate, 4★ rarity version of Amber:

Amber the Tank Girl
Amber 4 icon.png
Amber 4.gif
Blank album 4.png
Missile icon.png Missile 175 Range D Speed
20 Cost Slow
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
80 22,760 28,488 17,791 69,039 31,158 0
100 28,415 35,550 22,250 86,215 48,613 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
Miss Tank Girl
Super Battle Tactics Reward
Reach Bronze 3 Rank

Amber 4 card.jpg Amber 4 card back.jpg

There is also an alternate, 8★ rarity version of Amber:

Amber, Guns Blazing
Amber 8 icon.png
Amber 8.gif
Blank album 8.png
Missile icon.png Missile 175 Range C Speed
25 Cost Slow,

Critical Shot
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
160 128,395 175,349 111,256 415,000 223,555 0
180 138,980 189,876 120,439 449,295 272,292 854,275
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Cost Range HP
15,000 20,500 13,000 -1 +5

Amber 8 card.jpg Amber 8 card back.jpg

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