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Tips on Quests

Quest exp is split evenly between your units
You don't get any extra exp for deploying additional units. Deploy the minimum number of your own units to level them up faster. Max level units still leech exp so if you deploy 1 max unit and 1 non-max unit, the non-max unit will receive only half the quest's exp.
Always deploy max allies
Allies don't leech exp and actually increase the exp gained from a quest. The tables below all list the exp gained for deploying max allies. If you don't deploy the max, you will receive less exp than is listed below.
Every ally you deploy increases the exp gained from a quest by 10%. For example: Quest 1-1 grants 100 EXP Pts if you clear the quest without deploying any allies. If you deploy 1 ally and clear the quest, you gain 110 EXP Pts (100 + 10%). If you deploy 2 allies and clear the quest, you gain 120 EXP Pts (100 + 20%). The values listed on this page all assume that you deploy the maximum amount of allies allowed for each quest.
BT Points
During Panel Events, BT Points are awarded by quests with 5min cooldown or more.
The amount of BT Points rewarded is related to the number and the type of the monsters. You will get 10-20 points per monster on average, depending on the type of monster.
Deploying allies does not affect the BT Points rewarded.

Level Details

Episode 1: A New Future

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
1-1 An Onslaught of Beasts 3 2 7 1m 120 500 0 Goblin (7)
1-2 Hunter of Winds 4 2 7 1m 132 550 0 Rabid Wolf (7)
1-3 The End of the Line 4 2 10 1m 144 550 0 Goblin (10)
1-4 Swarm! 5 3 13 1m 169 600 0 Rabid Wolf (13)
1-5 Blood Moon Slave 5 3 8 1m 234 750 0 Goblin (7), Troll (1)

Episode 2: Sky, Light, and Wings

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
2-1 The Threat from Above 5 3 12 1m 156 500 0 Killer Bee (12)
2-2 Between Land and Air 5 3 16 1m 169 550 0 Goblin (3), Killer Bee (13)
2-3 Where the Wind Goes 5 3 13 1m 182 550 0 Rabid Wolf (5), Killer Bee (8)
2-4 Bee's Nest 5 3 19 1m 195 600 0 Killer Bee (19)
2-5 A Pack of Wolves 5 3 19 1m 208 600 0 Killer Bee (2), Rabid Wolf (17)
2-6 Goblin Brigade 5 3 19 1m 221 650 0 Goblin (8), Killer Bee (11)
2-7 Moonstruck Reptile 5 4 12 1m 308 900 0 Killer Bee (11), Lizard Man (1)
2-8 Solo Quest 1 0 15 1m 20 550 0 Goblin (15)
2-9 Ally Quest 0 5 28 1m --- 600 0 Killer Bee (9), Goblin (12), Rabid Wolf (7)
2-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 30 1m 200 900 0 Goblin (15), Killer Bee (6), Lizard Man (3), Rabid Wolf (6)

Episode 3: Invaders from the Depths

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
3-1 Stronger than Steel 5 3 7 1m 169 500 0 Scorpion (7)
3-2 The Slow March 5 3 12 1m 182 550 0 Goblin (6), Scorpion (6)
3-3 A Venemous Reception 5 3 16 1m 195 550 0 Scorpion (4), Killer Bee (12)
3-4 A Hard Place 5 3 13 1m 208 600 0 Scorpion (8), Killer Bee (5)
3-5 Of Fields and Forests 5 3 20 1m 221 600 0 Killer Bee (6), Scorpion (3), Goblin (11)
3-6 Wolves First 5 3 18 1m 234 650 0 Rabid Wolf (6), Scorpion (6), Killer Bee (6)
3-7 Born of the Earth 5 3 14 1m 299 900 0 Scorpion (13), Treant (1)
3-8 Solo Quest 1 0 18 1m 25 550 0 Killer Bee (18)
3-9 Ally Quest 0 5 22 1m --- 600 0 Scorpion (7), Goblin (7), Killer Bee (3), Rabid Wolf (2), Treant (3)
3-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 23 1m 180 900 0 Killer Bee (5), Rabid Wolf (7), Goblin (6), Scorpion (2), Treant (1), Lizard Man (1), Troll (1)

Episode 4: A Branch in the Path

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
4-1 Forest Spirits 3 3 16 1m 182 550 0 Toad (8), Imp (8)
4-2 Follow the Strong 3 3 10 1m 195 600 0 Scorpion (4), Toad (3), Imp (3)
4-3 A Stream of Spirits 4 3 13 1m 208 650 0 Scorpion (3), Imp (10)
4-4 Poisonous Fangs 4 3 17 1m 221 700 0 Scorpion (6), Killer Bee (4), Imp (7)
4-5 The Verdant Ambassador 4 3 16 1m 234 750 0 Toad (6), Imp (5), Treant (5)
4-6 A Fleeting Vision 4 3 14 1m 247 800 0 Rabid Wolf (3), Scorpion (4), Killer Bee (4), Toad (3)
4-7 The Blood Moon Waltz 4 3 44 1m 312 1050 0 Killer Bee (8), Toad (7), Imp (6), Goblin (10), Scorpion (5), Rabid Wolf (1), Treant (7)
4-8 Solo Quest 1 0 11 1m 30 650 0 Toad (9), Scorpion (2)
4-9 Ally Quest 0 5 17 1m --- 750 0 Imp (5), Toad (7), Scorpion (3), Treant (2)
4-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 21 1m 240 1150 0 Rabid Wolf (3), Toad (6), Imp (5), Scorpion (4), Treant (2), Troll (1)

Episode 5: The Dark

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
5-1 When Bats Attack 3 2 23 5m 180 600 230 Giant Bat (23)
5-2 Landfall 3 3 14 5m 208 650 154 Sahagin (14)
5-3 Dance in the Dark 3 3 31 5m 221 700 319 Giant Bat (25), Sahagin (9)
5-4 Venemous Reunion 3 4 25 5m 252 750 264 Killer Bee (10), Giant Bat (11), Sahagin (4)
5-5 Dogged Footsteps 3 4 24 5m 266 800 254 Toad (6), Killer Bee (6), Giant Bat (10), Sahagin (2)
5-6 Pinch Attack 3 4 22 5m 280 850 230 Toad (4), Killer Bee (4), Giant Bat (12), Sahagin (2)
5-7 The Horned Menace 4 4 43 60m 350 1100 440 Giant Bat (42), Catoblepas (1)
5-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m 35 700 143 Sahagin (13)
5-9 Ally Quest 0 5 28 15m --- 800 300 Killer Bee, Sahagin, Toad
5-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 24 15m 248 1200 256 Giant Bat, Sahagin, Toad, Catoblepas

Episode 6: The Maze of Dread

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
6-1 Howls 3 2 12 5m 192 650 142 Orc (12)
6-2 The Mad Warrior 3 3 14 5m 221 700 154 Orc (6), Sahagin (8)
6-3 March of Monsters 3 3 16 5m 234 750 171 Giant Bat (5), Orc (11)
6-4 Detected! 3 3 19 5m 247 800 202 Giant Bat (7), Orc (5), Sahagin (7)
6-5 Spirits of the Lost 3 4 15 5m 280 850 160 Imp (4), Orc (3), Sahagin (3), Giant Bat (5)
6-6 The Humming Darkness 3 4 17 5m 294 900 181 Orc (5), Giant Bat (6), Sahagin (2), Imp (4)
6-7 Song of the Wolf 4 4 15 60m 364 1150 201
6-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m 40 750  ?
6-9 Ally Quest 0 5 26 15m --- 850  ?
6-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 18 15m 256 1250  ?

Episode 7: A Path of Quicksand

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
7-1 A Desert of Scorpions 2 3 16 5m 221 700 176
7-2 Warriors on the Sand 3 3 11 5m 234 750 127
7-3 Stalking Wolves 3 3 12 5m 247 800 132
7-4 Servants of the Claw 3 3 17 5m 260 850 193
7-5 The Desert Ravine 3 4 19 5m 294 900  ?
7-6 Halls of Sand 3 4 14 5m 308 950  ?
7-7 The Bent King 4 4 19 60m 378 1200  ?
7-8 Solo Quest 1 0 15 15m 45 800  ?
7-9 Ally Quest 0 5 27 15m --- 900  ?
7-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 22 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 8: Sand and Storms

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
8-1 Dreaming of Flight 3 2 16 5m 216 750  ?
8-2 When the Dust Settles 3 3 11 5m 247 800  ?
8-3 Caustic Carapaces 3 3 11 5m 260 850  ?
8-4 Inspiration 3 4 14 5m 294 900  ?
8-5 Desert of Chaos 3 4 18 5m 308 950  ?
8-6 The Still Sands 3 4 13 5m 322 1000  ?
8-7 Sands of Flame 4 4 33 60m 392 1250  ?
8-8 Solo Quest 1 0 10 15m  ?  ?  ?
8-9 Ally Quest 0 5 26 15m ---  ?  ?
8-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 47 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 9: Battle on the Shore

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
9-1 The Thief 3 1 18 5m 208 800  ? Harpy
9-2 Steeds of the Sea 3 3 13 5m 258 850  ? Kelpie, Sahagin
9-3 Home Ground 3 3 17 5m 273 900  ? Kelpie, Sahagin
9-4 Omnivores 3 3 15 5m 285 950  ?
9-5 When Beasts Play 3 4 15 5m 321 1000  ?
9-6 Solidarity 4 3 22 5m 312 1050  ?
9-7 Beneath the Waves 4 4 21 60m 405 1300  ?
9-8 Solo Quest 1 0 20 15m  ?  ?  ?
9-9 Ally Quest 0 5 34 15m ---  ?  ?
9-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 25 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 10: Where Evil Sleeps

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
10-1 The Lurking Shadow 3 2 18 5m 240 850 216
10-2 A Brief Meeting 3 3 20 5m 273 900 200
10-3 Endless Roads 3 3 14 5m 285 950 144
10-4 Hope 3 3 14 5m 297 1000 150
10-5 The Seeds of Chaos 3 3 45 5m 312 1050 465
10-6 Holding the Line 3 3 32 5m 324 1100 341
10-7 Test of Fortitude 4 3 43 60m 388 1350 484
10-8 Solo Quest 1 0 11 15m  ?  ?  ?
10-9 Ally Quest 0 5 30 15m ---  ?  ?
10-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 23 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 11: A City Ruled by Dreams

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
11-1 Things Fall Apart 3 2 15 5m 252 900 168
11-2 Uncertainty 3 3 21 5m 285 950 242
11-3 Hope of a City Square 3 3 17 5m 297 1000 201
11-4 Sadness in Ruin 3 4 27 5m 336 1050 343
11-5 A Cold Wind Blows 3 4 17 5m 348 1100 208
11-6 Joy and Sorrow 4 3 34 5m 336 1150 372
11-7 The Sleeping Dream 4 4 7 60m 432 1400 96
11-8 Solo Quest 1 0 16 15m  ?  ?  ?
11-9 Ally Quest 0 5 21 15m ---  ?  ?
11-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 22 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 12: In the Footsteps of Giants

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
12-1 Fatal Flowers 3 2 10 5m 264 950 110
12-2 Plains of Delusion 3 3 33 5m 297 1000 343
12-3 Mutation! 3 3 9 5m 314 1050 98
12-4 The Threat of Poison 3 4 15 5m 324 1100 154
12-5 Fight Fire with Fire 3 4 13 5m 363 1150 136
12-6 Free For All 4 3 25 5m 348 1200 274
12-7 The Earth Ripper 4 4 24 60m 448 1450 284
12-8 Solo Quest 1 0 16 15m  ?  ?  ?
12-9 Ally Quest 0 5 27 15m ---  ?  ?
12-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 28 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 13: Visions of Sand and Fire

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
13-1 Strange Sounds 3 2 11 5m 276 1000 126
13-2 When Bird Meets Snake 3 3 18 5m 312 1050 225
13-3 Desert Army 3 4 21 5m 348 1100 247
13-4 He Who Strikes First 3 4 15 5m 363 1150 181
13-5 Doubt 4 3 17 5m 348 1200 203
13-6 Firestorm 4 3 34 5m 364 1250 410
13-7 Lord of Fire 4 4 11 60m 460 1500 133
13-8 Solo Quest 1 0 18 15m  ?  ?  ?
13-9 Ally Quest 0 5 23 15m ---  ?  ?
13-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 31 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 14: Hiding Among the Dead

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
14-1 The Hideous Earth 3 2 14 5m 288 1050 140
14-2 Shadows in the Night 3 3 21 5m 324 1100 224
14-3 Floating Darkness 3 4 26 5m 363 1150 323
14-4 Wriggling in the Dark 3 4 14 5m 378 1200 170
14-5 The Night's Herald 4 3 25 5m 364 1250 266
14-6 Night Soil 4 4 25 5m 404 1300 269
14-7 Twilight Chimera 4 4 19 60m 472 1550 222
14-8 Solo Quest 1 0 19 15m  ?  ?  ? Ghost, Giant Bat, Mummy
14-9 Ally Quest 0 5 34 15m ---  ?  ?
14-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 19 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 15: Ward of the Dragon Lord

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
15-1 Light from the Forest 3 2 16 5m 300 1100 168
15-2 Darkened Skies 3 3 19 5m 336 1150 225
15-3 The Rolling Earth 3 4 29 5m 378 1200 301
15-4 A Narrow Path 3 4 36 5m 390 1250 397
15-5 A Shining Cross 4 3 31 5m 376 1300 332
15-6 When the Trees Sway 4 4 22 5m 420 1350 246
15-7 Forest of Light 4 4 6 60m 488 1600 90
15-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m 85 1200  ?
15-9 Ally Quest 0 5 31 15m --- 1300  ?
15-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 16 15m 300 1700  ?

Episode 16: Shadow Head

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
16-1 Tunnels 3 2 28 5m 312 1150 280
16-2 Twins 3 3 19 5m 351 1200 209
16-3 Monsters in the Tunnels 3 4 18 5m 390 1250 198
16-4 A Voice in the Silence 3 4 26 5m 405 1300 277
16-5 The Dearly Departed 4 3 19 5m 388 1350 205
16-6 Smoke Signals 4 3 17 5m 400 1400 187
16-7 Guardian of the Gates 4 4 16 60m 500 1650 200
16-8 Solo Quest 1 0 19 15m  ?  ?  ?
16-9 Ally Quest 0 5 28 15m ---  ?  ?
16-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 24 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 17: The Arctic Beast

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
17-1 Snow on the Field 3 2 14 5m 324 1200 146
17-2 Stone and Air 3 3 17 5m 363 1250 180
17-3 Speedster 3 4 17 5m 405 1300 199
17-4 Smoke on the Horizon 3 4 26 5m 420 1350 286
17-5 Earthquake! 4 4 35 5m 432 1400 379
17-6 The Buried Truth 4 4 10 5m 448 1450 145
17-7 Like a Mountain 5 3 7 60m 480 1700 110
17-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m  ?  ?  ?
17-9 Ally Quest 0 5 46 15m ---  ?  ?
17-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 29 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 18: Raining Magic

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
18-1 Snowfall 3 3 13 5m 363 1250 169
18-2 Sleepy Village 3 4 19 5m 405 1300 226
18-3 The Sleep Bringer 4 4 10 5m 420 1350 152
18-4 Killer Bears 4 4 14 5m 432 1400 158
18-5 Charge! 4 5 18 5m 480 1450 267
18-6 En Masse! 4 5 19 5m 492 1500 230
18-7 City of Sorrow 5 4 7 60m 530 1750 185
18-8 Solo Quest 1 0 14 15m 100 1350 188
18-9 Ally Quest 0 5 18 15m --- 1450 263
18-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 11 15m 328 1850 215

Episode 19: Frost on the Plains

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
19-1 The Sealed Path 2 3 3 5m 377 1300 60 Troll (3)
19-2 Sneaking Shadows 3 3 19 5m 390 1350 228
19-3 The Howling Plains 4 3 20 5m 400 1400 209
19-4 Speed King 3 4 27 5m 447 1450 298
19-5 Nightmares 4 4 18 5m 460 1500 214
19-6 Around the Bend 4 4 24 5m 472 1550 273 Rabid Wolf, Imp, Incubus, Orthros, Blood Lizard
19-7 Crisis 4 5 4 60m 584 1800 100 Cyclops (2), Troll (2)
19-8 Solo Quest 1 0 17 15m 105 1400 194 Blood Lizard (5), Rabid Wolf (5), Incubus (7)
19-9 Ally Quest 0 5 17 15m --- 1500 220
19-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 19 15m ~340 1900 285 Cyclops (3), Troll (1), Incubus (7), Orthros (3), Blood Lizard (5)

Episode 20: The Hand of Darkness

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
20-1 Carrion Cave 3 3 26 5m 390 1350 286 Mummy (26)
20-2 Path of the Dead 3 4 22 5m 434 1400 229
20-3 Shades of Darkness 3 4 22 5m 448 1450 236
20-4 Fang of Light 4 3 24 5m 429 1500 264
20-5 An Underground Wind 4 4 25 5m 475 1550 275
20-6 Labyrinth of Madness 4 5 33 5m 525 1600 355
20-7 Nine 5 4 9 60m 560 1850 120
20-8 Solo Quest 1 0 16 15m 110 1450 176
20-9 Ally Quest 0 5 22 15m --- 1550 239
20-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 13 15m ~348 1950 188

Episode 21: Between Earth and Sky

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
21-1 The Blanketing Night 3 3 18 5m 403 1400 191
21-2 A Tight Spot 3 4 19 5m 448 1450 209
21-3 Another Form of Evil 3 4 26 5m 461 1500 312
21-4 Call to the Nether 3 5 24 5m 510 1550 281
21-5 Dance of the Dead 4 4 59 5m 489 1600 676
21-6 To Deny the Light 4 4 37 5m 503 1650 428
21-7 A Demon's Grave 4 5 22 60m 615 1900 258
21-8 Solo Quest 1 0 23 15m 115 1500 230
21-9 Ally Quest 0 5 31 15m --- 1600 363
21-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 22 15m ~360 2000 288

Episode 22: Crying Foul

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
22-1 Pale Path 3 3 13 5m 416 1450 149
22-2 Crossroads 3 4 10 5m 461 1500 122
22-3 Silence and Clamor 3 4 14 5m 475 1550 168
22-4 Behind the Curtain 3 5 14 5m 525 1600 165
22-5 The Turbulent Forest 4 4 38 5m 503 1650 440
22-6 A Moment of Silence 4 5 21 5m 555 1700 253
22-7 The Mark of a Ruler 5 4 14 60m 588 1950 182
22-8 Solo Quest 1 0 14 15m 120 1550 162
22-9 Ally Quest 0 5 6 15m --- 1650 123
22-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 18 15m ~364 2050 229

Episode 23: When Stones Laugh

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
23-1 An Ephemeral Dream 3 3 18 5m 429 1500 234
23-2 City of the Trodden 3 4 16 5m 475 1550 192
23-3 What Hope Remains 3 4 23 5m 489 1600 296
23-4 Signs of Life 3 5 27 5m 540 1650 350
23-5 City of Despair 4 4 32 5m 518 1700 386
23-6 Illusion 4 5 30 5m 568 1750 378
23-7 The Curse of Stone 5 4 3 60m 602 2000 90
23-8 Solo Quest 1 0 16 15m 125 1600 197
23-9 Ally Quest 0 5 26 15m --- 1700 328
23-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 25 15m ~378 2100 353

Episode 24: Battle at the Gates

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
24-1 The Pale Dawn 3 3 16 5m 442 1550 192
24-2 Those Left Behind 3 4 21 5m 489 1600 261
24-3 City on Fire 3 4 42 5m 503 1650 462
24-4 The Lands of Illusion 3 5 27 5m 555 1700 321
24-5 Surrounded 4 4 27 5m 532 1750 336
24-6 Trial 4 5 38 5m 585 1800 452
24-7 Dullahan 5 4 24 60m 616 2050 307
24-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m 130 1650 165
24-9 Ally Quest 0 5 28 15m --- 1750 332
24-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 26 15m ~385 2150 354

Episode 25: The Cry of the Bitter

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
25-1 Departures 3 2 36 5m 420 1600 370
25-2 Battle of the Deep 3 3 31 5m 468 1650 346
25-3 Cleaning Up 4 2 86 5m 444 1700 907
25-4 Forging Ahead 4 3 35 5m 494 1750 375
25-5 A Hint of a Verse 4 3 29 5m 507 1800 340
25-6 Where Monsters Wait 4 4 28 5m 560 1850 452
25-7 When the Hounds Cry 4 4 37 60m 630 2100 521
25-8 Solo Quest 1 0 21 15m 135 1700 247
25-9 Ally Quest 0 5 28 15m --- 1800 354
25-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 35 15m ~399 2200 499

Episode 26: The Colossus of Flame

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
26-1 Desert Clash 3 2 39 5m 432 1650 442
26-2 Swaying Stingers 3 3 30 5m 480 1700 330
26-3 Sandstorm 4 2 35 5m 456 1750 417
26-4 Wings and Talons 4 3 54 5m 504 1800 674
26-5 My Way 4 4 35 5m 560 1850 481
26-6 Goblin Attack 4 4 74 5m 572 1900 750
26-7 Evil Eye 4 5 32 60m 690 2150 476
26-8 Solo Quest 1 0 18 15m 140 1750 264
26-9 Ally Quest 0 5 48 15m --- 1850 649
26-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 35 15m ~406 2250 504

Episode 27: The Shore of Rage

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
27-1 A Meeting of Merfolk 3 2 37 5m 444 1700 407
27-2 Ocean Predators 3 3 30 5m 494 1750 330
27-3 With the Ocean Breeze 4 2 48 5m 468 1800 552
27-4 Struggle on the Shoal 4 3 30 5m 520 1850 362
27-5 Sea of Sorcery 4 4 22 5m 574 1900 308
27-6 Conflicting Hostility 4 4 32 5m 588 1950 376
27-7 The Churning Waves 4 4 39 60m 658 2200 517
27-8 Solo Quest 1 0 18 15m 145 1800 198
27-9 Ally Quest 0 5 32 15m --- 1900 465
27-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 28 15m ~420 2300 364

Episode 28: Cave of the Salamander

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
28-1 Invite to the Unknown 3 2 45 5m 444 1750 532
28-2 Untamed Power 3 3 42 5m 494 1800 471
28-3 The Passage of Woe 4 2 46 5m 468 1850 498
28-4 Unpleasant Voices 4 3 46 5m 520 1900 484
28-5 Fire in the Night 4 4 30 5m 574 1950 393
28-6 Unending Nightmare 4 4 47 5m 588 2000 509
28-7 The Underbelly 4 4 28 60m 658 2250 341
28-8 Solo Quest 1 0 18 15m 145 1850 198
28-9 Ally Quest 0 5 36 15m --- 1950 411
28-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 48 15m ~420 2350 563

Episode 29: The Fall

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
29-1 The Workings of Rage 3 2 47 5m 444 1800 569
29-2 Fluttering Wings 3 3 33 5m 492 1850 413
29-3 Moving Mountains 4 2 30 5m 468 1900 414
29-4 The Avian Spring 4 3 30 5m 520 1950 474
29-5 An Evil Omen 4 4 36 5m 532 2000 497
29-6 Dead End 4 4 30 5m 588 2050 455
29-7 Fangs Bared 4 4 37 60m 658 2300 543
29-8 Solo Quest 1 0 36 15m 145 1900 403
29-9 Ally Quest 0 5 21 15m --- 2000 377
29-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 39 15m ~420 2400 516

Episode 30: The Wood of the Weird

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
30-1 New Lands 3 2 28 5m 444 1850 332
30-2 Clamor 3 3 36 5m 492 1900 449
30-3 Symphony of Woe 4 2 46 5m 468 1950 506
30-4 Spreading Disaster 4 3 43 5m 520 2000 515
30-5 Rush 4 4 41 5m 574 2050 571
30-6 The Crossroads 4 4 48 5m 588 2100 528
30-7 The Fugue 4 4 55 60m 658 2350 702
30-8 Solo Quest 1 0 21 15m 145 1950 273
30-9 Ally Quest 0 5 37 15m --- 2050 512
30-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 32 15m ~420 2450 434

Episode 31: Raid!

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
31-1 Horned Trouble 3 2 38 5m 444 1900 448
31-2 The Swaying Bridge 3 3 31 5m 494 1950 403
31-3 A Bad Meeting 4 2 37 5m 468 2000 407
31-4 Circle of Death 4 3 66 5m 520 2050 714
31-5 Revolt 4 4 33 5m 574 2100 470
31-6 The Dark Angel 4 4 63 5m 588 2150 696
31-7 Old Anger 4 4 50 60m 658 2400 742
31-8 Solo Quest 1 0 17 15m 145 2000 187
31-9 Ally Quest 0 5 49 15m --- 2100 751
31-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 45 15m ~420 2500 600

Episode 32: Scuttling Magic

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
32-1 An Unnatural Link 3 2 30 5m 444 1950 358
32-2 Chaos Crisis 3 3 42 5m 494 2000 492
32-3 Random Flight 4 2 34 5m 468 2050 406
32-4 Wandering Evil 4 3 29 5m 520 2100 376
32-5 Roar! 4 4 25 5m 574 2150 324
32-6 A Corrosive Glow 4 4 31 5m 588 2200 363
32-7 Enduring Allure 4 4 44 60m 658 2450 565
32-8 Solo Quest 1 0 7 15m  ?  ? 96
32-9 Ally Quest 0 5 34 15m --- 2150 425
32-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 38 15m ~420 2550 525

Episode 33: The Glory of Darkness

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
33-1 Might Be Giants 2 2 38 5m 444 2000 490
33-2 The Dead Army 3 2 42 5m 456 2050 520
33-3 A Black Wind 4 2 37 5m 468 2100 464
33-4 March of Evil 2 5 58 5m 600 2150 674 Imp, Incubus
33-5 Stampede! 4 3 43 5m 533 2200 523
33-6 Claws of War 3 4 52 5m 588 2250 658
33-7 Death's Prophet 4 4 71 60m 658 2500 884
33-8 Solo Quest 1 0 9 15m 145 2100 118
33-9 Ally Quest 0 5 27 15m --- 2200 379
33-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 33 15m ~420 2600 516

Episode 34: The Route of Mists

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
34-1 Foul Waters 3 1 28 5m 418 2050 312
34-2 Swordfish 2 3 32 5m 507 2100 428
34-3 Sea Demons 3 3 32 5m 520 2150 399
34-4 Churning Waters 6 1 56 5m 451 2200 626
34-5 The Ocean Speaks 4 3 41 5m 546 2250 573
34-6 Under the Sea 5 2 44 5m 516 2300 534
34-7 The Undead King 4 4 42 60m 672 2550 567
34-8 Solo Quest 1 0 15 15m 155 2150 221
34-9 Ally Quest 0 5 40 15m --- 2250 534
34-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 27 15m ~427 2650 423

Episode 35: Ocean of Serpents

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
35-1 Splish Splash 2 2 35 5m 456 2100 473
35-2 Coral Killer 4 1 39 5m 429 2150 567
35-3 Tridents 3 3 27 5m 520 2200 389
35-4 Sword and Board 2 5 40 5m 615 2250 575
35-5 The Blue Pearl 3 4 43 5m 588 2300 645
35-6 Crimson Tide 5 2 60 5m 516 2350 930 Crimson Crab, Kraken
35-7 The Sea Dragon 4 4 59 60m 672 2600 945
35-8 Solo Quest 1 0 20 15m 155 2200 282
35-9 Ally Quest 0 5 44 15m ---  ? 658
35-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 43 15m  ?  ? 673

Episode 36: The Desert's End

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
36-1 The Swirling Sands 3 2 31 5m 468 2150 354
36-2 Hot, Hot, Hot 3 3 31 5m 520 2200 341
36-3 River of Dust 3 3 42 5m 533 2250 519
36-4 Mirages 2 5 38 5m 630 2300 437
36-5 Blowback 3 4 36 5m 602 2350 420
36-6 Tremors 5 2 38 5m 528 2400 459
36-7 Fists of Sand 4 4 39 60m 686 2650 497
36-8 Solo Quest 1 0 14 15m 165  ? 187
36-9 Ally Quest 0 5 35 15m ---  ? 426
36-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 38 15m  ?  ? 524

Episode 37: What Ruins Remain

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
37-1 Ruins of Silence 2 2 30 5m 468 2200 372
37-2 The Sinking Dead 4 1 32 5m 440 2250 413
37-3 The Crossing 3 3 30 5m 533 2300 374
37-4 False Idols 2 5 37 5m 630 2350 444
37-5 Second Coming 3 4 47 5m 602 2400 648
37-6 The Aftermath 5 2 65 5m 528 2450 937
37-7 Stars of Bone 4 4 53 60m 686 2700 790
37-8 Solo Quest 1 0 14 15m 165 2300 204
37-9 Ally Quest 0 5 35 15m --- 2400 564
37-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 38 15m ~434 2800 904

Episode 38: Lord of Nothing

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
38-1 The Bone Line 3 2 28 5m 468 2250 322
38-2 Familiar Feelings 2 4 26 5m 560 2300 286
38-3 The Soulless 3 3 30 5m 533 2350 378
38-4 A Guiding Stench 4 3 36 5m 546 2400 419
38-5 Haters of Life 3 4 36 5m 602 2450 440
38-6 Snakes 2 5 52 5m 660 2500 676
38-7 The Last March 4 4 53 60m 686 2750 572
38-8 Solo Quest 1 0 14 15m 165 2350 191
38-9 Ally Quest 0 5 35 15m --- 2450 512
38-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 38 15m ~434 2850 618

Episode 39: The Foothills of Fae

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
39-1 Snow Fall 3 2 27 5m 468 2300 351
39-2 Bear meets Wolf 2 3 35 5m 520 2350 380
39-3 Atop a Dark Steed 2 4 31 5m 574 2400 390
39-4 Frost-tinged Blood 4 3 33 5m 546 2450 469
39-5 Tundra Trouble 3 4 50 5m 602 2500 620
39-6 Firestarter 6 1 50 5m 484 2550 686
39-7 Heart of Ice 4 4 77 60m 686 2800 956
39-8 Solo Quest 1 0 14 15m 165 2400 221
39-9 Ally Quest 0 5 35 15m --- 2500 492
39-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 38 15m ~434 2900 753

Episode 40: A Winter Wonderland

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
40-1 The Invited 3 1 25 5m 429 2350 286
40-2 Death Calling 2 3 26 5m 520 2400 324
40-3 A Cup of Red 3 3 37 5m 533 2450 400
40-4 On Shaky Legs 4 2 38 5m 504 2500 443
40-5 Spiders and Ghosts 3 4 37 5m 602 2550 421
40-6 The End of Desire 5 2 30 5m 528 2600 378
40-7 Blood and Temptation 4 4 44 60m  ?  ?  ?
40-8 Solo Quest 1 0 17 15m  ?  ?  ?
40-9 Ally Quest 0 5 31 15m ---  ?  ?
40-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 32 15m  ?  ?  ?

Episode 41: The Festival

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
41-1 Demon of Faith 2 3 24 5m 507 2400 257
41-2 Dancing Flora 3 2 30 5m 480 2450 330
41-3 The Offering 4 2 33 5m 492 2500 379
41-4 Rigor Mortis 3 4 37 5m 588 2550 443
41-5 Compensation 2 5 44 5m 645 2600 484
41-6 Lord of Insanity 5 2 69 5m 528 2650 960
41-7 The Fallen King 4 4 61 60m  ?  ? 875
41-8 Solo Quest 1 0 17 15m  ?  ?  ?
41-9 Ally Quest 0 5 29 15m ---  ?  ?
41-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 57 15m  ? 3000 885

Episode 42: White Snow, Dark Acts

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
42-1 Claw and Fang 3 2 25 5m 480 2450  ?
42-2 Stained 5 1 39 5m 450 2500  ?
42-3 Pure as Snow 3 4 45 5m 588 2550  ?
42-4 Night / Snow 4 3 42 5m 558 2600 524
42-5 Rebirth 3 4 38 5m 616 2650 475
42-6 The White Eye 5 2 50 5m 540 2700 636
42-7 The Black Sabbath 4 4 82 60m 700 2950 986
42-8 Solo Quest 1 0 17 15m  ?  ? 238
42-9 Ally Quest 0 5 52 15m ---  ? 700
42-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 30 15m  ?  ? 432

Episode 43: The Promised Land

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
43-1 The Outcast Oni 2 2 36 5m 480 2500 360
43-2 Tooth and Nail 1 3 53 5m 533 2550 594
43-3 Scorpion's Crossing 3 2 39 5m 504 2600 429
43-4 Magic Militia 3 3 55 5m 559 2650 641
43-5 Starved Soldiers 4 2 68 5m 528 2700 680
43-6 Raging Bull 2 5 80 5m 675 2750 1025 Rabid Wolf, Scorpion, Blood Lizard, Minotaur
43-7 Bloodshot 4 4 115 60m 700 3000 1170
43-8 Solo Quest 1 0 41 15m  ?  ?  ?
43-9 Ally Quest 0 5 71 15m ---  ?  ?
43-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 88 15m 448* 3100 1193

Episode 44: Future Unknown

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
44-1 Destinations 2 2 24 5m 480 2550 250
44-2 Dark Horse 2 3 36 5m 532 2600 416
44-3 Anura-ism 3 2 32 5m 504 2650 352
44-4 Big Shoes to Fill 3 3 52 5m 559 2700 727
44-5 Yay or Neigh 5 2 48 5m 528 2750 702 Goblin, Hobgoblin, Rabid Wolf
44-6 Good Knight 4 3 76 5m 585 2800 1080 Hobgoblin, Lycanthrope
44-7 The Plainswalker 4 4 80 60m 700 3050 1200
44-8 Solo Quest 1 0 19 15m 175  ?  ?
44-9 Ally Quest 0 5 40 15m ---  ?  ?
44-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 85 15m  ?  ? 1210

Episode 45: Mountains of Knowledge

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
45-1 Flock of Seagulls? 1 3 33 5m 520 2600 433
45-2 The Scent of Blood 3 1 35 5m 450 2650 399
45-3 Trent to Own 3 2 41 5m 504 2700 451
45-4 The Voice 2 4 47 5m 558 2750 557
45-5 Path of Stone 4 3 55 5m 572 2800 658
45-6 Kiss of Talons 2 5 68 5m 675 2850 942
45-7 Winging It 4 4 87 60m 700 3100 1220
45-8 Solo Quest 1 0 20 15m  ?  ?  ?
45-9 Ally Quest 0 5 65 15m ---  ?  ?
45-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 87 15m  ? 3500 1141

Episode 46: The Abandoned Lab

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
46-1 The Stalking Dead 2 2 35 5m 480 2650 432
46-2 The Sound of Wrath 3 1 55 5m 450 2700 715
46-3 The Cackling Cacophony 2 2 45 5m 504 2750 606
46-4 Restless Nights 3 2 60 5m 516 2800 759
46-5 Empty Hearts 4 3 55 5m 528 2850 795
46-6 The Omega 4 3 67 5m 582 2900 900
46-7 The Oblivion Walks 4 4 47 60m 700 3150 680
46-8 Solo Quest 1 0 39 15m  ?  ? 483
46-9 Ally Quest 0 5 25 15m ---  ? 389
46-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 54 15m  ?  ? 796

Episode 47: The Tainted Necropolis

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
47-1 The Wandering Fold 2 2 28 5m 480 2700 390
47-2 The Hopeless 1 3 31 5m 533 2750 411
47-3 Giants in the Sky 3 2 31 5m 504 2800 485
47-4 Life Lost 3 3 60 5m 558 2850 692
47-5 Host of Evil 4 3 58 5m 572 2900 794
47-6 Choices 2 5 63 5m 675 2950 755 Mummy (32), Ghost (31),
47-7 Ghostly Call 4 4 67 60m 700 3200 1166 Incubus, Succubus_m, Imp, Medusa
47-8 Solo Quest 1 0 22 15m 175 2800 355
47-9 Ally Quest 0 5 72 15m --- 2900 864
47-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 64 15m ~448 3300 1138

Episode 48: Sea of Sand

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
48-1 Parched Earth 2 2 36 5m 480 2750  ? Blood Lizard (17), Scorpion (19)
48-2 Scorpions 2 3 34 5m 533 2800  ? Scorpion (21), Hobgoblin (13)
48-3 Bone Dry 3 2 53 5m 504 2850  ? Mummy (53)
48-4 Divided 3 3 63 5m 559 2900 930 Blood Lizard (25), Hobgoblin (28), Cerberus (10)
48-5 From the Ashes 2 4 51 5m 616 2950  ? Crimson Crab (15), Scorpion (18), Blood Lizard (11), Manticore (7)
48-6 Blood on the Sand 4 3 87 5m 585 3000 1105 Mummy (50), Crimson Crab (37)
48-7 Fire From Above 4 4 87 60m 700 3250 1049
48-8 Solo Quest 1 0 15 15m 175 2850 225
48-9 Ally Quest 0 5 42 15m --- 2900 438
48-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 76 15m 448 3300 1143

Episode 49: Gate of the Sea God

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
49-1 The Waters Churn 2 2 33 5m 480 2800  ? Swordfish (19), Triton (14)
49-2 Bags of Sand 3 2 28 5m 492 2850  ? Sahagin (12), Sea Serpent (16)
49-3 White Water 2 3 39 5m 546 2900  ? Sea Serpent (14), Kelpie (12), Triton (13)
49-4 Overflow 3 3 43 5m 559 2950 703 Crimson Crab (25), Leviathan (4), Kappa (14)
49-5 Blood in the Water 4 2 43 5m 528 2300 631 Swordfish (149), Crimson Crab (16), Sea Serpent (13)
49-6 Sea at Rest 2 5 58 5m 675 2350 670 Kappa (32), Sahagin (26)
49-7 Tsunami 4 4 57 60m 700 3300 1066 Crimson Crab (21), Swordfish (13), Kelpie (13), Leviathan (10)
49-8 Solo Quest 1 0 17 15m 175 2900 255 Crimson Crab (17)
49-9 Ally Quest 0 5 34 15m --- 2950 406 Sahagin (18), Kelpie (16)
49-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 67 15m 448 3300 1281 Crimson Crab (32) Triton (14) Kappa (12) Leviathan (9)

Episode 50: City of War

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
50-1 The Horde 1 3 41 5m 533 2850 410
50-2 Stone Bird's Cry 3 1 36 5m 462 2900 432
50-3 Poultergeist 2 3 42 5m 559 2950 524
50-4 Break Through! 3 2 45 5m 528 3000 470
50-5 Enmity Dwells Here 3 3 49 5m 585  ? 683
50-6 Two Headed Beast 4 3 71 5m 598 3100 1109
50-7 Tiger's Paw 4 4 78 60m 714  ? 1020
50-8 Solo Quest 1 0 23 15m 185 2950 276
50-9 Ally Quest 0 5 42 15m --- 3000 626
50-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 39 15m 460 3400 441

Episode 51: Queen of the Jungle

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
51-1 Wild Encounter 3 1 26 5m 451 2850 286
51-2 River Runs Red 2 2 39 5m 504 2900 445
51-3 LIfe or Death 3 1 37 5m 473 2950 407
51-4 4 Hurdles in the Forest 4 1 59 5m 484 3000 644
51-5 Death Parade 4 2 41 5m 540 3050 514
51-6 Monster's Charge 3 4 49 5m 644 3100 649
51-7 Queen of the Snakes 4 4 59 60m 714 3350 1099
51-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m 185 2950 153
51-9 Ally Quest 0 5 28 15m --- 3000 374
51-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 69 15m 460 3400 835

Episode 52: The Forest Quakes

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
52-1 The Rolling Woods 1 3 36 5m 533 2850 414
52-2 Fowl Dance 2 2 36 5m 504 2900 447
52-3 Cut Short 4 1 44 5m 473 2950 594
52-4 Prey 1 4 44 5m 616 3000 572
52-5 A Slight Disruption 2 4 52 5m 630 3050 749
52-6 The Source 4 3 80 5m 598 3100 1240
52-7 Earth Shaker 4 4 58 60m 714 3350 975
52-8 Solo Quest 1 0 22 15m 185 2950 242
52-9 Ally Quest 0 5 73 15m --- 3000 1095
52-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 80 15m 460 3400 1306

Episode 53: Oblivian Fields

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
53-1 Unmarked Entrance 1 3 38 5m 546 2900 456
53-2 Soundless Passage 1 4 31 5m 602 2950 346
53-3 Lifeless Field 4 2 54 5m 528 3000 812
53-4 Souless 5 1 46 5m 495 3050 563
53-5 A Still Place 4 2 61 5m 552 3100 719
53-6 Nothing Left 2 5 60 5m 705 3150 660
53-7 The Dragon 4 4 60 60m 728 3400 908
53-8 Solo Quest 1 0 25 15m 195 3000 279
53-9 Ally Quest 0 5 35 15m --- 3050 477
53-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 51 15m 468 3450 753

Episode 54: Uninhabited Lands

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
54-1 Dark Stampede 1 3 30 5m 533 2850 420
54-2 Ice-Cold Bodies 3 2 53 5m 504 2900 744
54-3 Bared Fangs 4 1 55 5m 473 2950 662
54-4 Clattering Hooves 3 3 58 5m 572 3000 692
54-5 Snow White Feathers 2 4 60 5m 630 3050 1230
54-6 Giant Remains 2 5 87 5m 690 3100 1230
54-7 Blood Soaked 4 4 86 60m 714 3350 1326
54-8 Solo Quest 1 0 24 15m  ???  ????  ???
54-9 Ally Quest 0 5 59 15m --- 3000  ???
54-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 62 15m 460 3400 1310

Episode 55: Below Zero

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
55-1 Feathered Bypath 2 2 33 5m 504  ??? 414
55-2 Frosty Souls 4 1 39 5m 472  ??? 490
55-3 Dangerous Detour 3 2 34 5m 528  ??? 404
55-4 Encrusted in Ice 2 4 37 5m 630  ??? 516
55-5 Snowstorm 3 3 49 5m 598  ??? 554
55-6 Nightmare Crossroads 5 2 54 5m 564  ??? 685
55-7 Peak Cadaverous 4 4 69 60m 726  ??? 1069
55-8 Solo Quest 1 0 9 15m 195 3000  ???
55-9 Ally Quest 0 5 35 15m ---  ???  ???
55-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 63 15m 468* 3450  ???

Episode 56: Shrine of Sand

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown
56-1 Beasts' Bid 2 2 38 5m 504  ??? 418
56-2 Venomous Welcome 2 3 43 5m 558  ??? 473
56-3 Ghastly Guests 1 4 48 5m 616  ??? 551
56-4 Stranger from Afar 2 4 53 5m 630  ??? 716
56-5 Chateau Serpentine 3 3 54 5m 600  ??? 843
56-6 VIP 5 2 68 5m 564  ??? 1260
56-7 The Revel 4 4 61 60m 728  ??? 994
56-8 Solo Quest 1 0 9 15m 195 3050  ???
56-9 Ally Quest 0 5 44 15m ---  ???  ???
56-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 77 15m 468  ???? 1150

Episode 57: To the Mountaintop

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown Reward
57-1 Marshy March 3 1 34 5m 462 3000 391
57-2 Assembled 3 1 40 5m 472* 3050 490
57-3 Awoken Dead 2 2 50 5m 528 3100 660
57-4 Inkling of Fear 2 2 54 5m 540 3150 559
57-5 Aisle of Dread 3 3 44 5m 598 3200 641
57-6 Rattled 4 3 44 5m 611 3250 702
57-7 Twisted Parade 4 4 100 60m 728 3500 1351
57-8 Solo Quest 1 0 17 15m 195 3100  ??? Jiang Shi_m(17)
57-9 Ally Quest 0 5 43 15m --- 3150  ???
57-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 57 15m 470* 3550  ???
57-11 Legend Quest 6 0 26 60m  ???  ????  ??? Aurora Essence x 1

Episode 58: Death Approaches

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown Reward
58-1 Unholy Unrest 2 2 28 5m 504 3000 340
58-2 Deadly Visitors 2 3 30 5m 559 3050 390
58-3 Ghastly Groans 3 2 38 5m 528 3100 514
58-4 Spectral Summoning 4 2 45 5m 540 3150 606
58-5 The Walking Dead 3 3 44 5m 598 3200 529
58-6 Creeping Miasma 2 5 56 5m 705 3250 795
58-7 Cursed Crucible 4 4 69 60m 728 3500 1150
58-8 Solo Quest 1 0 6 15m 195 3100 66
58-9 Ally Quest 0 5 37 15m --- 3150 640
58-10 Challenge Quest 7 0 42 15m 468* 3550 681
58-11 Legend Quest 6 0 31 60m  ???  ????  ??? Lycanthrope, Stray Cat_m, Bicorn, Aello_m, Phoenix_m Aurora Essence x 1

Episode 59: Cursed Ruins

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown Reward
59-1 Shadowy Ruins 3 1 42 5m  ??? 3050 Kappa
59-2 Undead Alley 1 3 46 5m 572 3100 Skeleton, Blood Lizard
59-3 Spellbound Steeds 2 3 36 5m 585 3150 Minotaur, Jiang Shi_m, Bicorn
59-4 Ogre Avenue 3 3 55 5m 598 3200 Rufia_m, Skeleton
59-5 Bloody Bogeymen 2 4 53 5m 658 3250 Blood Lizard, Bicorn, Rufia_m
59-6 Malevolent Murmurs 3 4 82 5m 672 3300 Kappa, Jiang Shi_m, Rufia_m, Minotaur, Nue
59-7 Into the Abyss 4 4 80 60m 742 3550 Jiang Shi_m, Kappa, Skeleton, Bicorn, Nue, Nine Tailed Fox_m
59-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m  ???  ???
59-9 Ally Quest 0 30 15m ---  ???
59-10 Challenge Quest 0 47 15m  ???  ???
59-11 Legend Quest 59 60m  ???  ????  ??? Aurora Essence x 1

Episode 60: Jungle Jam

Deploy Limit Ally Limit Monster Count Cooldown EXP Luna BT Monster Breakdown Reward
59-1 Shadowy Ruins 3 1 42 5m  ??? 3050 Kappa
59-2 Undead Alley 1 3 46 5m 572 3100 Skeleton, Blood Lizard
59-3 Spellbound Steeds 2 3 36 5m 585 3150 Minotaur, Jiang Shi_m, Bicorn
59-4 Ogre Avenue 3 3 55 5m 598 3200 Rufia_m, Skeleton
59-5 Bloody Bogeymen 2 4 53 5m 658 3250 Blood Lizard, Bicorn, Rufia_m
59-6 Malevolent Murmurs 3 4 82 5m 672 3300 Kappa, Jiang Shi_m, Rufia_m, Minotaur, Nue
59-7 Into the Abyss 4 4 80 60m 742 3550 Jiang Shi_m, Kappa, Skeleton, Bicorn, Nue, Nine Tailed Fox_m
59-8 Solo Quest 1 0 13 15m  ???  ???
59-9 Ally Quest 0 30 15m ---  ???
59-10 Challenge Quest 0 47 15m  ???  ???
59-11 Legend Quest 59 60m  ???  ????  ??? Aurora Essence x 1
* Tested with multiple units, rounding error may exist.

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