Amelie 6

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Amelie, Archmage to the Crown
Amelie 6 icon.png
Amelie 6.gif
Blank album 6.png
Missile icon.png Missile 150 Range D Speed
30 Cost Poison,

Quad Attack
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
120 73,005 93,330 62,975 229,310 91,816 0
140 84,421 108,040 72,857 265,318 123,944 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
Hearts of Magic
500,000 Amelie Love Pts Reward

Amelie 6 card.jpg Amelie 6 card back.jpg

An alternate, 7★ version of Amelie 6 also exists:

Amelie, Spring Comes
Amelie 7 icon.png
Amelie 7.gif
Blank album 7.png
Missile icon.png Missile 150 Range D Speed
30 Cost Poison,

Quad Attack
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
140 114,983 137,868 84,300 337,151 162,836 0
160 128,440 154,059 94,176 376,675 207,919 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
Hearts of Magic
800,000 Amelie Love Pts Reward

Amelie 7 card.jpg Amelie 7 card back.jpg

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