Difference between revisions of "Titles"

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(Achievement Titles Sea Paradise)
(16 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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== Achievement Titles ==
== Achievement Titles ==
{| style="border:none;"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! colspan="2" | Titles
! Title !! Source
! Title !! Source
Line 293: Line 300:
| Audacious Ally ||
| Audacious Ally ||
| Fierce Friend ||
| Emboldened Ally ||
| Stalwart Supporter ||
| Friend to the End ||
| Mystic Dominator ||
| Hope Giver ||
| Hope Giver ||
Line 299: Line 316:
| The Courageous ||
| The Courageous ||
| Terrible Toy ||
| Alpha Wolf ||
| Warmonger ||
| Rumormonger ||
| Lucky For Life ||
| Boundary Breaker ||
| God Fist || Rank 1 Daily: [[Arena Season 2]]
| God Fist || Rank 1 Daily: [[Arena Season 2]]
Line 308: Line 337:
| Contender || Rank 31-100 Daily: [[Arena Season 2]]
| Contender || Rank 31-100 Daily: [[Arena Season 2]]
| Not-too-shabby || Rank Top 3,000 Daily: [[Arena Season 2]]
| Not-too-shabby || Rank 101-3,000 Daily: [[Arena Season 2]]
| Key Master || 45,000 BT Pts: [[The Gates of Darkness]]
| Key Master || 45,000 BT Pts: [[The Gates of Darkness]]
Line 332: Line 361:
| Fire Starter || Rank 11-100 Hall of Heroes: [[Shadowflame Citadel]]
| Fire Starter || Rank 11-100 Hall of Heroes: [[Shadowflame Citadel]]
| Conquistador || Complete The Tower of Light one time in [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Master of the Storms || 4,000 BT Pts: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Insomniac || Complete The Tower of Light two times in [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Crimson Moon Born  || 12,000 BT Pts: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| The King of Terror || Complete The Tower of ? ? times in
| Doomsday Harbringer || 70,000 BT Pt: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Last one awake || Complete The Tower of ? ? times in [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Savior of FANTASICA || Rank 1: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Master of Demons || Rank 2-30: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Demonic Sovereign || Rank 31-150: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Demonic Nobility || Rank 151-500: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| War God Reborn || Rookie Rank 1: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Shaper of Continents || Rookie Rank 2-5: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Blessed by Victory || Rookie Rank 6-10: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Legendary Blood || Rookie Rank 11-30: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Defier of Fate ||Rookie Rank 31-50: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Born for Greatness || Rookie Rank 51-100: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Young Conqueror || Rookie Rank 101-300: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Unfettered Soul || Rookie Rank 301-500: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Adventure Seeker ||Rookie Rank 501-1,000: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Survivalist || Rookie Rank 1,001-2,000: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Fervent Disciple || Rookie Rank 2,001-5,000: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Last one Awake || Rookie Rank 5,001-: [[The Doomsday Tower]]
| Fantasy Dreamer || BT Pts Rank 1: [[The Arcane Atheneum]]
| Arcane Illusionist || BT Pts Rank 2-25: [[The Arcane Atheneum]]
| Fairy Taled || BT Pts Rank 26-300: [[The Arcane Atheneum]]
| Mater Curator || Victory Rank 1: [[The Arcane Atheneum]]
| Arcane Scribe || Victory Rank 2-25: [[The Arcane Atheneum]]
| Teller of Tales || Victory Rank 26-300: [[The Arcane Atheneum]]
| Conquistador ||  Clear Tower of Light: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Insomniac || Clear Tower of Light 2x: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Conqueror ||  Clear Tower of Chains: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Chain Reactor || Clear Tower of Chains 2x: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Vanquisher ||  Clear Tower of Agony: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Opening Act || Clear Tower of Agony 2x: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Resurrected ||  Clear the Crimson Tower: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| ? ||  Clear the Demon Tower: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Defier of Heaven || Rank 1: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Moon Slayer || Rank 2-20: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Scourge of Demons || Rank 21-50: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| Light Bringer || Rank 51-200: [[The Doomsday Tower Revelations]]
| ZOMBIE || Complete The Tower of ? ? times
| ZOMBIE || Complete The Tower of ? ? times
| Fast Feet ||
| Player || 55,000 BT pts: [[The Symphony of Rapture]]
| Master of the Storms ||
| Symphoneer || 150,000 BT pts: [[The Symphony of Rapture]]
| Vanquisher ||
| The Rapture || Rank 1: [[The Symphony of Rapture]]
| Opening Act ||
| First Chair || Rank 2-10: [[The Symphony of Rapture]]
| Boundary Breaker ||
| Melodic Musician || Rank 11-100: [[The Symphony of Rapture]]
| Light Bringer || Rank 101-200: [[The Symphony of Rapture]]
| Life of the Party || BT Pts Rank 1: [[The Masquerade of Deceit]]
| Vain Deceiver || BT Pts Rank 2-10: [[The Masquerade of Deceit]]
| Conspirator || BT pts Rank 11-500: [[The Masquerade of Deceit]]
| The Masqued Menace || Victory Rank 1: [[The Masquerade of Deceit]]
| Unmasqued Villan || Victory Rank 2-10: [[The Masquerade of Deceit]]
| Symphoneer ||
| Masquerade Noble || Victory Rank 11-500: [[The Masquerade of Deceit]]
| Player ||
| Battle Tested || 10 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles]]
| Masquerade Noble || Rank 11-500: [[The Masquerade of Deceit]]
| Iron Mettle || 18 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles]]
| Battle Tested || 10 Victory Count [[The Fantasica Chronicles]]
| Heroic Legion || 22 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles]]
| Sea! || 4,000 Shiny Shells: [[Sea Paradise]]
| Sea! || 4,000 Shiny Shells: [[Sea Paradise]]
Line 1,625: Line 1,732:
| Blossom Bearer || 75 Victories: [[Spring Winds]]
| Blossom Bearer || 75 Victories: [[Spring Winds]]
| Terrible Toy ||
| Dark Resistant || 15 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 21]]
| Dark Resistant || 15 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 21]]
Line 1,633: Line 1,738:
| The Final Witness || 140,000 BT Pts: [[Oath of the Brave]]
| The Final Witness || 140,000 BT Pts: [[Oath of the Brave]]
| Alpha Wolf ||
| Warmonger ||
| Lucky For Life ||
| The Answer || Rank 1: [[Mysteries Within]]
| The Answer || Rank 1: [[Mysteries Within]]
Line 1,663: Line 1,762:
| Satori || 140,000 BT Pts: [[False Prophecies]]
| Satori || 140,000 BT Pts: [[False Prophecies]]
| Rumormonger ||
| Beyond the Blue || 15 Victories: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 23]]
| Beyond the Blue || 15 Victories: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 23]]
Line 1,733: Line 1,830:
| Noob Diver || Rank 41-100: [[Deep Dungeon Divers]]
| Noob Diver || Rank 41-100: [[Deep Dungeon Divers]]
{| style="border:none;"
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" | Treasure Rewards
| Monster Bait || Rank 101-500: [[Deep Dungeon Divers]]
| Monster Bait || Rank 101-500: [[Deep Dungeon Divers]]
Line 1,769: Line 1,876:
| Forgiven One || Rank 101-500: [[Seven Deadly Sins]]
| Forgiven One || Rank 101-500: [[Seven Deadly Sins]]
| Fierce Friend ||
| Emboldened Ally ||
| Stalwart Supporter ||
| Friend to the End ||
| Mystic Dominator ||
| No Boundaries || 25 Victory Count: [[Shoot for the Sky]]
| No Boundaries || 25 Victory Count: [[Shoot for the Sky]]
Line 2,032: Line 2,129:
| Trainee Assassin || Rank 6-20: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 31]]
| Trainee Assassin || Rank 6-20: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 31]]
| Duke of Hazards || 25 Victories: [[My Little Princess]]
| Dukin' It Out || 75 Victories: [[My Little Princess]]
| You'd Best Not Miss || Rank 1: [[My Little Princess]]
| Excuse Me Princess || Rank 2-20: [[My Little Princess]]
| Lordin' it Over You || Rank 21-200: [[My Little Princess]]
| In Another Castle || Rank 201-500: [[My Little Princess]]
| Crowning Around || Rank 501-2,000: [[My Little Princess]]
| Barely Regal || Rank 2,001-4,000: [[My Little Princess]]
| Moonstruck || 15,000 BT pts: [[Over the Moon]]
| Mooning Master || 140,000 BT pts: [[Over the Moon]]
| One Giant Leap || Rank 1: [[Over the Moon]]
| Totally Eclipses You || Rank 2-100: [[Over the Moon]]
| Crazy Lunartic || Rank 101-250: [[Over the Moon]]
| Lunariffic || Rank 251-2,000: [[Over the Moon]]
| Voice of the Wood || Rank 1: [[The Whispering Wood]]
| Wood Whisperer || Rank 2-20: [[The Whispering Wood]]
| Among the Trees || Rank 21-70: [[The Whispering Wood]]
| Green Sapling || Rank 71-500: [[The Whispering Wood]]
| Samba-dy To Love || Rank 1: [[Dance Til You Drop]]
| Shake That Thang || Rank 2-50: [[Dance Til You Drop]]
| Street Beat || Rank 51-100: [[Dance Til You Drop]]
| Fanta Backup Dancer || Rank 101-500: [[Dance Til You Drop]]
| Have 10★ Will Travel || Rank 1: [[The Path Not Taken]]
| Wayfaring Danger || Rank 2-50: [[The Path Not Taken]]
| On a Power Trip || Rank 51-150: [[The Path Not Taken]]
| Tripping Along || Rank 151-500: [[The Path Not Taken]]
| Amazon, Primed || Rank 1: [[Jewels of the Jungle]]
| In the Amazone || Rank 2-30: [[Jewels of the Jungle]]
| Beast Mode || Rank 31-250: [[Jewels of the Jungle]]
| Jungle Japer || Rank 251-2000: [[Jewels of the Jungle]]
| Pumpkin Smasher || 19 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 32]]
| Trickiest One of All || Rank 1: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 32]]
| Trickstar! || Rank 2-5: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 32]]
| Tricksy Treater || Rank 6-20: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 32]]
| The Perfect Solution || Rank 1: [[Simply Elementary]]
| Kickin' Noble Gas || Rank 2-25: [[Simply Elementary]]
| Barium Alive || Rank 26-250: [[Simply Elementary]]
| In Their Element || Rank 251-500: [[Simply Elementary]]
| Glory of the Light || Rank 1: [[Through the Pearly Gates]]
| Divine Gatekeeper || Rank 2-20: [[Through the Pearly Gates]]
| Born of Light || Rank 21-70: [[Through the Pearly Gates]]
| Of the Flock || Rank 71-500: [[Through the Pearly Gates]]
| Once Upon a Time || 15 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 33]]
| Biggest Little Hero || Rank 1: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 33]]
| The Lunar Cry || Rank 2-5: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 33]]
| Peach Boy Posse || Rank 6-20: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 33]]
| I Strike Twice || Rank 1: [[When Lightning Strikes]]
| Stole Your Thunder || Rank 2-50: [[When Lightning Strikes]]
| Shock and Awe || Rank 51-150: [[When Lightning Strikes]]
| Greased Lightning || Rank 151-500: [[When Lightning Strikes]]
| Succu-best || Rank 1: [[Kiss of Desire]]
| Your Worst Nightmare || Rank 2-50: [[Kiss of Desire]]
| Sucks to Be You || Rank 51-200: [[Kiss of Desire]]
| Haunting You Down || Rank 201-750: [[Kiss of Desire]]
| Dream Devourer || Rank 751-5000: [[Kiss of Desire]]
| One Knight Stands || Rank 1: [[Knights of the Round Desk]]
| Sir Enhance-alot || Rank 2-50: [[Knights of the Round Desk]]
| Knight School Grad || Rank 51-100: [[Knights of the Round Desk]]
| Knight Meh || Rank 101-500: [[Knights of the Round Desk]]
| The Myth, the Legend || Rank 1: [[Hymn of Heroes]]
| From Zero to Hero || Rank 2-30: [[Hymn of Heroes]]
| Who You Gonna Call? || Rank 31-250: [[Hymn of Heroes]]
| Villain Vanquished || Rank 251-2000: [[Hymn of Heroes]]
| Prize Fighter || 17 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 34]]
| I Am the Champion || Rank 1: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 34]]
| It's Time to Duel || Rank 2-5: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 34]]
| Put Up Your Dukes || Rank 5-30: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 34]]
| You Win...Psyche! || Rank 1: [[Psychic Showdown]]
| The Overmind || Rank 2-20: [[Psychic Showdown]]
| Inside Your Head || Rank 21-70: [[Psychic Showdown]]
| Telepathic Terror || Rank 71-500: [[Psychic Showdown]]
| Public Anenome #1 || Rank 1: [[Pearls of the Deep]]
| Squid Pro Quo || Rank 2-30: [[Pearls of the Deep]]
| Clownin' Around || Rank 31-200: [[Pearls of the Deep]]
| Simply Inkredible || Rank 201-300: [[Pearls of the Deep]]
| Ol' Chum || Rank 301-1000: [[Pearls of the Deep]]
| Fresh Catch || Rank 1001-2000: [[Pearls of the Deep]]
| Shaolin Grandmaster || Rank 1: [[Tiger Crane Clash]]
| Hidden Dragon || Rank 2-50: [[Tiger Crane Clash]]
| Crouching Tiger || Rank 51-150: [[Tiger Crane Clash]]
| Young Grasshopper || Rank 151-500: [[Tiger Crane Clash]]
| Chillaxin' || Rank 1-25: [[Go With The Floe]]
| Snowmercy || Rank 26-250: [[Go With The Floe]]
| Special Snowflake || Rank 251-750: [[Go With The Floe]]
| What Lies Beneath || Rank 1: [[Beneath the Masques]]
| Save the Last Dance || Rank 2-30: [[Beneath the Masques]]
| Masque'd Manipulator || Rank 31-250: [[Beneath the Masques]]
| Ballroom Wallflower || Rank 251-2000: [[Beneath the Masques]]
| Bird of Paradise || Rank 1: [[Trees of Paradise]]
| Trees a Crowd || Rank 2-30: [[Trees of Paradise]]
| Love Me or Leaf Me || Rank 31-250: [[Trees of Paradise]]
| Power of Beleaf || Rank 251-2000: [[Trees of Paradise]]
| SkraPt || Rank 1: [[Fullmetal Mayhem]]
| Kill Switch On || Rank 2-30: [[Fullmetal Mayhem]]
| Kill Switch On || Rank 2-30: [[Fullmetal Mayhem]]
| Random Access Meme || Rank 31-250: [[Fullmetal Mayhem]]
| Steamed & Punked || Rank 251-2000: [[Fullmetal Mayhem]]
| Bad Santa || 20 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 35]]
| Super Sleighin' || Rank 1: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 35]]
| Wrecking the Halls || Rank 2-5: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 35]]
| Chimney Reaper || Rank 6-20: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 35]]
| Light of Salvation || Rank 1: [[Descent Into Darkness]]
| Soul Reborn || Rank 2-30: [[Descent Into Darkness]]
| Penitent Soul || Rank 31-250: [[Descent Into Darkness]]
| The Fallen || Rank 251-250: [[Descent Into Darkness]]
| Apotheosis || Rank 1: [[The Newborn Life]]
| So-Called Life || Rank 2-30: [[The Newborn Life]]
| Stayin' Alive || Rank 31-250: [[The Newborn Life]]
| Untimely Ripped || Rank 251-2500: [[The Newborn Life]]
| Ruler of the Cosmos || Rank 1: [[Under the Starry Skies]]
| Universal Acclaim || Rank 2-30: [[Under the Starry Skies]]
| Astral Walker || Rank 31-150: [[Under the Starry Skies]]
| Newborn Star || Rank 151-750: [[Under the Starry Skies]]
| Sanctissiumus || Rank 1: [[The Crimson Crusade]]
| Faith Reborn || Rank 2-20: [[The Crimson Crusade]]
| Daring to Doubt || Rank 21-70: [[The Crimson Crusade]]
| The Zealot || Rank 71-500: [[The Crimson Crusade]]
| Stroke of Genius || Rank 1: [[The Enchanter's Gallery]]
| Enfant Terrible || Rank 2-50: [[The Enchanter's Gallery]]
| Brush with Fame || Rank 51-150: [[The Enchanter's Gallery]]
| Starving Artist || Rank 151-500: [[The Enchanter's Gallery]]
| Then There Was One || Rank 1: [[Empire of Eight]]
| New World Order || Rank 2-30: [[Empire of Eight]]
| World on Fire || Rank 31-250: [[Empire of Eight]]
| Eight Shadows || Rank 251-2000: [[Empire of Eight]]
| Killboard #1 Hit || Rank 1: [[Fantasica's Got Talent]]
| Viva La Diva || Rank 2-10: [[Fantasica's Got Talent]]
| Once You Pop || Rank 11-20: [[Fantasica's Got Talent]]
| Idol Hands || Rank 71-70: [[Fantasica's Got Talent]]
| Noteable Talent || Rank 21-300: [[Fantasica's Got Talent]]
| FNT48 Recruit || Rank 301-500: [[Fantasica's Got Talent]]
| The Danger Zhoune || Rank 1: [[To Catch a King]]
| I Hardly Nuwa || Rank 2-20: [[To Catch a King]]
| Daji Individual || Rank 21-50: [[To Catch a King]]
| Shangilicious || Rank 51-500: [[To Catch a King]]
| Alchemical Wonder || 20 Victory Count: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 36]]
| The Perfect Being || Rank 1: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 36]]
| Transmuted Soul || Rank 2-10: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 36]]
| In DisArray || Rank 11-30: [[The Fantasica Chronicles 36]]

Latest revision as of 23:37, 22 March 2018


[edit] Achievement Titles

Title Source
Jumpstart Complete tutorial
Novice Complete tutorial
Hot Topic Reach level 10
Kinda Popular Reach level 20
Shows Promise Reach level 30
Fame Seeker Reach level 40
Elite Reach level 50
Official Reach level 60
Regular Reach level 70
Old Timer Reach level 80
Die Hard Gamer Reach level 90
Game Master Reach level 100
Miser 50,000 Luna in vault
Middleman 100,000 Luna in vault
Millionaire 1,000,000 Luna in vault
Clueless Noob
True Rook
Old Hand
Role Model
Baby Stepper
Eager Noob
Not a Noob
Quest Killer
Quest Conquistador
Quest Conqueror
Quest Hero
Quest Legend
Quest Immortal
God Mode
Acquaintance 1 ally or ally invite
Friend 10 allies and/or ally invites
Ally 15 allies and/or ally invites
Colleague 20 allies and/or ally invites
First Timer
Sympathetic Ear
Rabble Rouser
Match Maker
Guardian Spirit
Accidental Poisoner
Rookie Assassin
Vile Brewer
Acid Tongue
Foul One
Bad Dancer
Rude One
Body Dropper
None Shall Pass!
Always Late
Slow Mover
Arrested Development
Show Stopper
Last in Line
Attention Grabber
Me Me Me!
Bull in a China Shop
Mood Maker
True Leader
War Master
Fisticuffer Defeat 10 Land-based Enemies
Ironhander Defeat 150 Land-based Enemies
Local Hero
Public Defender
Good Jumper Defeat 5 Flying Enemies
Human Fly
Far Flyer
Cerulean Lover
Holy Leader
Puddle Jumper Defeat 3 Sea-based Enemies
Wave Walker
River Rider
Salty Dog
Deep-sea Diver
Pirate King
Ruler of the Seas
Space Pirate
Dedicated Ally
Audacious Ally
Fierce Friend
Emboldened Ally
Stalwart Supporter
Friend to the End
Mystic Dominator
Hope Giver
The Courageous
Terrible Toy
Alpha Wolf
Lucky For Life
Boundary Breaker
God Fist Rank 1 Daily: Arena Season 2
Holy Fist Rank 2-10 Daily: Arena Season 2
Iron Fist Rank 11-30 Daily: Arena Season 2
Contender Rank 31-100 Daily: Arena Season 2
Not-too-shabby Rank 101-3,000 Daily: Arena Season 2
Key Master 45,000 BT Pts: The Gates of Darkness
Gatekeeper 130,000 BT Pts: The Gates of Darkness
Abyssal Gatekeeper Rank 1: The Gates of Darkness
The Infernal Rank 2-25: The Gates of Darkness
Dark Voyager Rank 26-500: The Gates of Darkness
Absolute Zero Rank 1 BT Pts: Shadowflame Citadel
Hellfire Rank 2-10: BT Pts: Shadowflame Citadel
Judgemental Flame Rank 11-100 BT Pts: Shadowflame Citadel
Flame Lord Rank 1 Hall of Heroes: Shadowflame Citadel
Fire Elemental Rank 2-10 Hall of Heroes: Shadowflame Citadel
Fire Starter Rank 11-100 Hall of Heroes: Shadowflame Citadel
Master of the Storms 4,000 BT Pts: The Doomsday Tower
Crimson Moon Born 12,000 BT Pts: The Doomsday Tower
Doomsday Harbringer 70,000 BT Pt: The Doomsday Tower
Savior of FANTASICA Rank 1: The Doomsday Tower
Master of Demons Rank 2-30: The Doomsday Tower
Demonic Sovereign Rank 31-150: The Doomsday Tower
Demonic Nobility Rank 151-500: The Doomsday Tower
War God Reborn Rookie Rank 1: The Doomsday Tower
Shaper of Continents Rookie Rank 2-5: The Doomsday Tower
Blessed by Victory Rookie Rank 6-10: The Doomsday Tower
Legendary Blood Rookie Rank 11-30: The Doomsday Tower
Defier of Fate Rookie Rank 31-50: The Doomsday Tower
Born for Greatness Rookie Rank 51-100: The Doomsday Tower
Young Conqueror Rookie Rank 101-300: The Doomsday Tower
Unfettered Soul Rookie Rank 301-500: The Doomsday Tower
Adventure Seeker Rookie Rank 501-1,000: The Doomsday Tower
Survivalist Rookie Rank 1,001-2,000: The Doomsday Tower
Fervent Disciple Rookie Rank 2,001-5,000: The Doomsday Tower
Last one Awake Rookie Rank 5,001-: The Doomsday Tower
Fantasy Dreamer BT Pts Rank 1: The Arcane Atheneum
Arcane Illusionist BT Pts Rank 2-25: The Arcane Atheneum
Fairy Taled BT Pts Rank 26-300: The Arcane Atheneum
Mater Curator Victory Rank 1: The Arcane Atheneum
Arcane Scribe Victory Rank 2-25: The Arcane Atheneum
Teller of Tales Victory Rank 26-300: The Arcane Atheneum
Conquistador Clear Tower of Light: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Insomniac Clear Tower of Light 2x: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Conqueror Clear Tower of Chains: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Chain Reactor Clear Tower of Chains 2x: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Vanquisher Clear Tower of Agony: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Opening Act Clear Tower of Agony 2x: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Resurrected Clear the Crimson Tower: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
 ? Clear the Demon Tower: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Defier of Heaven Rank 1: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Moon Slayer Rank 2-20: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Scourge of Demons Rank 21-50: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
Light Bringer Rank 51-200: The Doomsday Tower Revelations
ZOMBIE Complete The Tower of ? ? times
Player 55,000 BT pts: The Symphony of Rapture
Symphoneer 150,000 BT pts: The Symphony of Rapture
The Rapture Rank 1: The Symphony of Rapture
First Chair Rank 2-10: The Symphony of Rapture
Melodic Musician Rank 11-100: The Symphony of Rapture
Light Bringer Rank 101-200: The Symphony of Rapture
Life of the Party BT Pts Rank 1: The Masquerade of Deceit
Vain Deceiver BT Pts Rank 2-10: The Masquerade of Deceit
Conspirator BT pts Rank 11-500: The Masquerade of Deceit
The Masqued Menace Victory Rank 1: The Masquerade of Deceit
Unmasqued Villan Victory Rank 2-10: The Masquerade of Deceit
Masquerade Noble Victory Rank 11-500: The Masquerade of Deceit
Battle Tested 10 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles
Iron Mettle 18 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles
Heroic Legion 22 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles
Sea! 4,000 Shiny Shells: Sea Paradise
Splash! 16,000 Shiny Shells: Sea Paradise
Paradise! 120,000 Shiny Shells: Sea Paradise
Bringer of the Flood Rank 1: Sea Paradise
Weaver of Tides Rank 2-10: Sea Paradise
Leviathan Spawn Rank 11-40: Sea Paradise
Arch Aquarian Rank 41-200: Sea Paradise
Ocean Born Rank 201-1,000: Sea Paradise
Master of Stars Rank 1: Starfall Bluff
Celestial Ruler Rank 2-30: Starfall Bluff
Stardust Soldier Rank 31-200: Starfall Bluff
Starry Messenger Rank 201-500: Starfall Bluff
Star Gazer Rank 501-1,000: Starfall Bluff
Untouchable Rank 1 Daily: Arena Season 3
Indomitable Rank 2-10 Daily: Arena Season 3
Tougher Rank 11-30 Daily: Arena Season 3
Tough Rank 31-100 Daily: Arena Season 3
Fast Feet Rank 101-8,000 Daily: Arena Season 3
Vengeance Reborn Rank 1: The Color of Vengeance
Hand of Vengeance Rank 2-5: The Color of Vengeance
Scorned Rank 6-50: The Color of Vengeance
Voice of the Sands Rank 1: Call of the Desert
Oasis Lifeguard Rank 2-20: Call of the Desert
Desert Storm Rank 21-100: Call of the Desert
One Peace Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 2
Navy Headquarters Rank 2-10: The Fantasica Chronicles 2
Admiral Rank 11-100: The Fantasica Chronicles 2
The Chosen One Rank 1: The Gathering
Touched by Heaven Rank 2-10: The Gathering
Trail by Steel Rank 11-30: The Gathering
Trial by Blood Rank 31-50: The Gathering
Trial by Steel Rank 51-200: The Gathering
Bared Blade Rank 201-500: The Gathering
Sun Initiate Floor/Lap 50: The Elder Tree
Soul of the Grove Rank 1: The Elder Tree
The Elder Tree Rank 2-20: The Elder Tree
Druid Hierophant Rank 31-75: The Elder Tree
Treehugger Rank 76-200: Into the Abyss
Tricker 50,000 BT Pts: Halloween Fiesta
Treater 135,000 BT Pts: Halloween Fiesta
Party Popper Rank 1: Halloween Fiesta
Apple Bobber Rank 2-20: Halloween Fiesta
Candy Cornballer Rank 21-200: Halloween Fiesta
Heart of the Abyss Rank 1: Into the Abyss
Call of the Abyss Rank 2-10: Into the Abyss
Sworn to the Abyss Rank 11-30: Into the Abyss
Blackheart Rank 31-200: Into the Abyss
Defiled Rank 201-500: Into the Abyss
Verdant Conqueror Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 3
Hartwood Veteran Rank 2-10: The Fantasica Chronicles 3
Sap-stained Grunt Rank 11-30: The Fantasica Chronicles 3
Problem Student 4,000 Arcane Shards: My Teacher is a Demon
Troublestarter 16,000 Arcane Shards: My Teacher is a Demon
Class Clown 120,000 Arcane Shards: My Teacher is a Demon
Demonic Headmaster Rank 1: My Teacher is a Demon
Demonic Teacher Rank 2-10: My Teacher is a Demon
Teacher's Pet Rank 11-40: My Teacher is a Demon
Apt Pupil Rank 41-200: My Teacher is a Demon
In Detention Rank 201-1,000: My Teacher is a Demon
Heart of Winter Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 4
White Walker Rank 2-10: The Fantasica Chronicles 4
Hard as Ice Rank 11-30: The Fantasica Chronicles 4
Merry Maker 45,000 BT Pts: Night of Wonder
Gift Giver 125,000 BT Pts: Night of Wonder
Star of Light Rank 1-30: Night of Wonder
Peace Bringer Rank 31-200: Night of Wonder
Replicant 4,000 Metal Hearts: Ghost in the Machine
Artisan 16,000 Metal Hearts: Ghost in the Machine
Ex Machina 110,000 Metal Hearts: Ghost in the Machine
The Creator Rank 1: Ghost in the Machine
Ex Nihilo Rank 2-10: Ghost in the Machine
Mad Tinkerer Rank 11-40: Ghost in the Machine
Broken Rank 41-300: Ghost in the Machine
Lucky Lucky Rank Number 100: Ghost in the Machine
Lucky Lucky Rank Number 150: Ghost in the Machine
Lucky Lucky Rank Number 200: Ghost in the Machine
Lucky Lucky Rank Number 1,000: Ghost in the Machine
Lucky Lucky Rank Number 1,500: Ghost in the Machine
Lucky Lucky Rank Number 2,140: Ghost in the Machine
The Black Sun Rank 1: Black Sun Rising
Herald of War Rank 2-10: Black Sun Rising
Black Sun Tribe Rank 11-30: Black Sun Rising
Dawn Walker Rank 31-200: Black Sun Rising
Black Sun Heretic Rank 201-500: Black Sun Rising
Unspeakable Force 35 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 5
One with the Sands Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 5
Desert Born Rank 2-10: The Fantasica Chronicles 5
Sun Dried Soldier Rank 11-30: The Fantasica Chronicles 5
Little Horror 45,000 BT pts: Little Shack of Horror
Big Horror 125,000 BT pts: Little Shack of Horror
Nurarihyon Rank 1: Little Shack of Horror
Youkai Ancient Rank 2-30: Little Shack of Horror
Youkai Prankster Rank 31-200: Little Shack of Horror
The One Rank 1: Royal Trouble
Stud Master Rank 2-20: Royal Trouble
Super Stud Rank 21-200: Royal Trouble
Oberon Reincarnate Rank 1: A Fairy in the Hand
The Errant Wing Rank 2-10: A Fairy in the Hand
The Cleansing Rain Rank 11-30: A Fairy in the Hand
The Raging Flame Rank 31-100: A Fairy in the Hand
The Touch of Life Rank 101-350: A Fairy in the Hand
Master of Chance Rank 1: Roll the Dice
High Roller Rank 2-20: Roll the Dice
Card Shark Rank 21-30: Roll the Dice
Trumpster Rank 31-200: Roll the Dice
Gambler Rank 201-500: Roll the Dice
Dragon Tamer 50 Victory Count: Here There Be Dragons
Dragon Breeder 130 Victory Count: Here There Be Dragons
Dragon Soul 300 Victory Count: Here There Be Dragons
Tooth and Claw Rank 1: Here There Be Dragons
Dances With Dragons Rank 2-30: Here There Be Dragons
Dragon Maester Rank 31-100: Here There Be Dragons
Dragon Protector Rank 101-300: Here There Be Dragons
Dragon Neophyte Rank 301-1,000: Here There Be Dragons
The Dreamer Rank 1-10: The City of Dreams
Lost in Slumber Rank 11-75: The City of Dreams
Spellbound Rank 76-1,500: The City of Dreams
Disgraced 3,500 Shield Shards: The Once and Future King
Cursed Knight 8,000 Shield Shards: The Once and Future King
Scourge of Avalon 50,000 Shield Shards: The Once and Future King
Future King Rank 1: The Once and Future King
Hero of Avalon Rank 2-10: The Once and Future King
The New Covenant Rank 11-40: The Once and Future King
The Old Covenant Rank 41-200: The Once and Future King
Fear Monger 45,000 BT pts: Sins of the Father
Curse Weaver 125,000 BT pts: Sins of the Father
Father of Fear Rank 1: Sins of the Father
The White Scion Rank 2-5: Sins of the Father
Demon of Fear Rank 6-30: Sins of the Father
Cursed Mortal Rank 31-70: Sins of the Father
Sinner Rank 71-1,000: Sins of the Father
Unstoppable 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 6
Kinslayer Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 6
Master of the Keep Rank 2-10: The Fantasica Chronicles 6
Gate Crasher Rank 11-30: The Fantasica Chronicles 6
Deja Vu 6,000 Memory Shards: Whispers from the Past
Lingering Memory 12,000 Memory Shards: Whispers from the Past
Reborn 65,000 Memory Shards: Whispers from the Past
In The Flesh Rank 1: Whispers from the Past
Brink of Madness Rank 2-10: Whispers from the Past
Dark Thoughts Rank 11-50: Whispers from the Past
Seed of Evil Rank 51-250: Whispers from the Past
Shangrin La Mater Rank 1: Valley of Shangri-La
Shangri La Native Rank 1-20: Valley of Shangri-La
Fortune Blessed Rank 2-20: Valley of Shangri-La
Dice Handler Rank 21-200: Valley of Shangri-La
Slave of the Dice Rank 201-500: Valley of Shangri-La
Busted! Rank 1: To Catch a Thief
On the Run Rank 2-50: To Catch a Thief
Wanted! Rank 51-250: To Catch a Thief
Breaker of Wings Rank 1: Blue Skies Black Wings
Betrayer Rank 2-10: Blue Skies Black Wings
Angelic Outcast Rank 11-20: Blue Skies Black Wings
Fallen Angel Rank 21-50: Blue Skies Black Wings
Wingless Rank 51-700: Blue Skies Black Wings
Grimm Storyteller Rank 1: A Fantasica Fairy Tale
Ill-fated Hero Rank 2-10: A Fantasica Fairy Tale
Damsel in Distress Rank 11-30: A Fantasica Fairy Tale
Storybook Villan Rank 31-50: A Fantasica Fairy Tale
Bookworm Rank 51-400: A Fantasica Fairy Tale
Path of Resistance 16 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 7
Long Live the Queen Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 7
Hero of Imperius Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 7
Anointed Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 7
The Fortress Feller Rank 1: The Flying Fortress of Fiends
Unholy Terror Rank 2-10: The Flying Fortress of Fiends
Demonition Crew Rank 11-50: The Flying Fortress of Fiends
Sky DeFeinder Rank 51-400: The Flying Fortress of Fiends
Sky Fiend Rank 401-1,000: The Flying Fortress of Fiends
Legion Commander Rank 1: Flowers of War
Legion Strategist Rank 2-10: Flowers of War
Legionnaire Rank 11-30: Flowers of War
Flowers of War Rank 31-50: Flowers of War
Fresh Blood Rank 51-200: Flowers of War
With Love for All Rank 1: Monster Maidens
Candy Crush Rank 2-15: Monster Maidens
Monster Maiden? Rank 16-70: Monster Maidens
Sweetheart Rank 71-350: Monster Maidens
Fist Full of Lead Rank 1: The Wildest West
Lives by the Gun Rank 2-10: The Wildest West
Wildest Pioneer Rank 11-30: The Wildest West
Back in the Saddle Rank 31-50: The Wildest West
Outlaw Rank 51-700: The Wildest West
One With All Rank 1: The Towers of Fate
Transcendent Rank 2-10: The Towers of Fate
Enlightened Rank 11-30: The Towers of Fate
Arcana Adept Rank 31-250: The Towers of Fate
Reader of Cards Rank 251-1,500: The Towers of Fate
Walker 2,000 Rune Shards: Rise of the Champion
Victor 10,000 Rune Shards: Rise of the Champion
Archon 150,000 Rune Shards: Rise of the Champion
The Champion Rises Rank 1: Rise of the Champion
Taste of Greatness Rank 2-10: Rise of the Champion
On the Path Rank 11-30: Rise of the Champion
First Blood Rank 31-50: Rise of the Champion
Foot of the Path Rank 51-400: Rise of the Champion
A Star is Born Rank 1: A Star Is Born
Top Idol Rank 2-10: A Star Is Born
Main Act Rank 11-30: A Star Is Born
Diva-in-the-Making Rank 31-300: A Star Is Born
The New Kid Rank 301-1,500: A Star Is Born
Last One Standing 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 8
First Crush Rank 1: School Daze
Graduate of Love Rank 2-15: School Daze
Secret Admirer Rank 16-70: School Daze
Friend Zoned Rank 71-350: School Daze
Dumped Rank 351-2,000: School Daze
Unprepared 2,000 Nether Shards: The Girl From Nowhere
Ready for Action 10,000 Nether Shards: The Girl From Nowhere
Fanta Defence Team 120,000 Nether Shards: The Girl From Nowhere
The Lost Rank 1: The Girl From Nowhere
Left Behind Rank 2-10: The Girl From Nowhere
Out of Nowhere Rank 11-30: The Girl From Nowhere
Unwelcome Guest Rank 31-50: The Girl From Nowhere
From Another World Rank 51-200: The Girl From Nowhere
Parched 20,000 BT pts: Under the Pale Moonlight
Court of Blood 65,000 BT pts: Under the Pale Moonlight
Innocent Blood Rank 1: Under the Pale Moonlight
Marked by Evil Rank 2-10: Under the Pale Moonlight
Of the Cloth Rank 11-30: Under the Pale Moonlight
Order of the Crux Rank 31-200: Under the Pale Moonlight
Prey Rank 201-1,000: Under the Pale Moonlight
Crowd Favorite Rank 1: Theater of the Gods
A New Champion Rank 2-10: Theater of the Gods
Bloodletter Rank 11-70: Theater of the Gods
Puppet of the Gods Rank 71-400: Theater of the Gods
Sacrificial Lamb Rank 401-1,000: Theater of the Gods
Won the Race Rank 1: Turtle Island Trouble
Shell Raiser Rank 2-10: Turtle Island Trouble
Turtle Island Tourist Rank 11-70: Turtle Island Trouble
Turtle Recall Rank 71-400: Turtle Island Trouble
Savage Survivalist 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 9
Ruler of the Peaks Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 9
Beyond Savage Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 9
Legion of Lightning Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 9
Spirit Warrior 2,000 Phantom Dust: Piercing the Veil
Fallen Hero 10,000 Phantom Dust: Piercing the Veil
Requiescat in Pace 120,000 Phantom Dust: Piercing the Veil
Beyond the Veil Rank 1: Piercing the Veil
Hunter of Hunters Rank 2-10: Piercing the Veil
Phantom Breaker Rank 11-70: Piercing the Veil
Out for Vengeance Rank 71-400: Piercing the Veil
On Death's Door Rank 401-700: Piercing the Veil
Eternal Summer Rank 1: Fair Weather Friends
End of Autumn Rank 2-10: Fair Weather Friends
Endless Winter Rank 11-70: Fair Weather Friends
Northern Wind Rank 71-400: Fair Weather Friends
Fair Weather Friend Rank 401-1,200: Fair Weather Friends
In the Light's Name 65,000 BT pts: Climb into the Light
The First Light Rank 1: Climb into the Light
Earth Scapee Rank 2-5: Climb into the Light
Underworld Canmp Rank 6-20: Climb into the Light
Citizen Underground Rank 21-100: Climb into the Light
Lost in Darkness Rank 101-500: Climb into the Light
Satellite 2,000 Primordial Shards: Cradle of Heaven
Planetary Wonder 10,000 Primordial Shards: Cradle of Heaven
Intergalactic Star 250,000 Primordial Shards: Cradle of Heaven
Black Hole Rank 1: Cradle of Heaven
Super Nova Rank 2-10: Cradle of Heaven
Supergiant Rank 11-70: Cradle of Heaven
Black Dwarf Rank 71-400: Cradle of Heaven
Protostar Rank 401-1,200: Cradle of Heaven
Star Crossed Rank 1: Star Crossing
Love's Light Rank 2-15: Star Crossing
Star Gazer Rank 16-70: Star Crossing
Looking for Love Rank 71-350: Star Crossing
After Hours Rank 351-2,000: Star Crossing
Dead God Rank 1: The Price of Magic
Mana Spent Maester Rank 2-10: The Price of Magic
Planar Ascendant Rank 11-70: The Price of Magic
Magic Addict Rank 71-400: The Price of Magic
Mana Powered Rank 401-1,000: The Price of Magic
Puddle Jumper 20 Victory Count: The Gift of Water
Dripping Wet 70 Victory Count: The Gift of Water
Freshly Squeezed 250 Victory Count: The Gift of Water
So Fresh So Clean Rank 1: The Gift of Water
The Sweetest Rank 2-5: The Gift of Water
Breath of Cool Air Rank 6-70: The Gift of Water
Tea Time Rank 71-400: The Gift of Water
Clear Rank 401-700: The Gift of Water
Bubbly Rank 701-1,200: The Gift of Water
Savage Survivalist 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 10
Hypernova Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 10
Luminary Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 10
Stardust Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 10
Restless Spirit 15,000 BT pts: Pass into Legend
Back from the Dead 50,000 BT pts: Pass into Legend
The Legend Lives Rank 1: Pass into Legend
Stuff of Legend Rank 2-5: Pass into Legend
Praised in Song Rank 6-20: Pass into Legend
Bedtime Story Rank 21-100: Pass into Legend
Campfire Villan Rank 101-500: Pass into Legend
To the East! 2,000 Black Crystals: The Road of Silk and Honey
On Route to Riches 10,000 Black Crystals: The Road of Silk and Honey
No Way Back 250,000 Black Crystals: The Road of Silk and Honey
End of the Road Rank 1: The Road of Silk and Honey
Touch of Gold Rank 2-10: The Road of Silk and Honey
Easy Come, Easy Go Rank 11-70: The Road of Silk and Honey
Skillful Merchant Rank 71-400: The Road of Silk and Honey
Roadside Peddler Rank 401-700: The Road of Silk and Honey
Atelier of Angels Rank 1: The Atelier of Angels
Angelic Alchemist Rank 2-20: The Atelier of Angels
Alchemal Adept Rank 21-200: The Atelier of Angels
Test Subject Rank 201-400: The Atelier of Angels
Aiming High 75 Victory Count: Now Hiring
A New Life 225 Victory Count: Now Hiring
The Future is Now Rank 1: Now Hiring
Infinite Possibility Rank 2-10: Now Hiring
Downward Spiral Rank 11-70: Now Hiring
On the Right Path Rank 71-400: Now Hiring
Tomorrow's Soldier Rank 401-700: Now Hiring
Fresh Recruit Rank 701-1,200: Now Hiring
Trial Runner Floor/Lap 100: The Tower of Trials
Behemoth Tester 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 11
Ruler of the Skies Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 11
Wind Watcher Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 11
Sky Knight Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 11
Cabin Boy 2,000 Pirate Hooks: Across the Seven Seas
Scallywag 10,000 Pirate Hooks: Across the Seven Seas
Ship Worthy 120,000 Pirate Hooks: Across the Seven Seas
A Pirate's Life Rank 1: Across the Seven Seas
Fearless and Free Rank 2-10: Across the Seven Seas
All Hands on Deck! Rank 11-70: Across the Seven Seas
Swashbuckler Rank 71-400: Across the Seven Seas
Deck Swabber Rank 401-700: Across the Seven Seas
Voice of the Tribe Rank 1: Tribe Song
Chief of Song Rank 2-10: Tribe Song
Hidden Archer Rank 11-70: Tribe Song
Jungle Patrol Rank 71-400: Tribe Song
Tribe Warrior Rank 401-1,200: Tribe Song
Cast into Legend Rank 1: Cast a Deadly Spell
Royal Spellbinder Rank 2-20: Cast a Deadly Spell
Battle Mage Rank 21-200: Cast a Deadly Spell
Magic Maker Rank 201-400: Cast a Deadly Spell
Fae Realm Friend 15,000 BT pts: Over the Rainbow
Rainbow Chaser 50,000 BT pts: Over the Rainbow
Over the Rainbow Rank 1: Over the Rainbow
Wings of Mischief Rank 2-5: Over the Rainbow
A Fairy's Tail Rank 6-20: Over the Rainbow
Fae of Heart Rank 21-100: Over the Rainbow
Winged Herald Rank 101-500: Over the Rainbow
Summer's Last Kiss Rank 1: Summer's Last Kiss
Colliding Worlds Rank 2-15: Summer's Last Kiss
A Lovely Spirit Rank 16-50: Summer's Last Kiss
Oni Island Escapee Rank 51-350: Summer's Last Kiss
Infamous Rank 1: A Hero's Path
Glory Hunter Rank 2-10: A Hero's Path
Vicious Hunter Rank 11-50: A Hero's Path
Battle Leader Rank 51-100: A Hero's Path
Hero's Path Rank 101-500: A Hero's Path
Doomed Soul 2,000 Doomed Souls: All That Remains
Bag of Bones 10,000 Doomed Souls: All That Remains
All That Remains 120,000 Doomed Souls: All That Remains
The Judge Rank 1: All That Remains
Hand of Darkness Rank 2-20: All That Remains
Armored Soul Rank 21-100: All That Remains
Bone Breaker Rank 101-500: All That Remains
Bone Reaper Rank 501-1,000: All That Remains
Uncracked Shield 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 12
Dragon Tamer Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 12
Dragon Lord Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 12
Dragon Knight Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 12
Alive With Color Rank 1: The Carnival of Colors
Primary Partier Rank 2-10: The Carnival of Colors
Bright Believer Rank 11-70: The Carnival of Colors
Darker Dreamer Rank 71-400: The Carnival of Colors
Color Crazed Rank 401-1,200: The Carnival of Colors
Danger in the Dark Rank 1: Treasures of the Deep
Hidden Depths Rank 2-5: Treasures of the Deep
Discoverer Rank 6-20: Treasures of the Deep
Marine Salvager Rank 21-100: Treasures of the Deep
Thing-a-mabob Rank 101-500: Treasures of the Deep
Lil' Sprout 2,000 Mandrake Rewards: Mandragora Mania!
Best Bud 10,000 Mandrake Rewards: Mandragora Mania!
King 120,000 Mandrake Rewards: Mandragora Mania!
Root of All Evils Rank 1: Mandragora Mania!
Sower of Discord Rank 2-20: Mandragora Mania!
Mandrake Scream Rank 21-100: Mandragora Mania!
Herbal Revery Rank 101-500: Mandragora Mania!
Cultivar Rank 501-1,000: Mandragora Mania!
Heart of the Magi Rank 1: Hearts of Magic
Kingdom's Pride Rank 2-15: Hearts of Magic
No Stranger Rank 16-50: Hearts of Magic
Magi in the Making Rank 51-350: Hearts of Magic
Shroom to Grow Rank 351-2,000: Hearts of Magic
Insatiable Inferno 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 13
The Fire Within Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 13
Forged in Flame Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 13
Burned to a Crisp Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 13
Gold Medalist Rank 1: School Pride
Silver Medalist Rank 2-20: School Pride
Bronze Medalist Rank 21-100: School Pride
A For Effort Rank 101-500: School Pride
Alternate Lethality Rank 1: Between Worlds
In Between Worlds Rank 2-20: Between Worlds
Dimension Jumper Rank 21-100: Between Worlds
Portal Hopper Rank 101-500: Between Worlds
Slider Rank 501-1,000: Between Worlds
Reigns Supreme Rank 1: Feast of the Gods
Worships No One Rank 2-20: Feast of the Gods
Olympian Rank 21-100: Feast of the Gods
Ambrosia Addict Rank 101-350: Feast of the Gods
Divine Diner Rank 351-1,000: Feast of the Gods
Grape Job 15,000 BT pts: A Taste of Autumn
Autumn Gold 50,000 BT pts: A Taste of Autumn
The Flavor of Fall Rank 1: A Taste of Autumn
Autumn Sommelier Rank 2-5: A Taste of Autumn
Festive Feaster Rank 6-30: A Taste of Autumn
Hungry Harvester Rank 31-70: A Taste of Autumn
Bumpkin Spice Rank 71-200: A Taste of Autumn
A World Apart 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 14
Hero of Beyond Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 14
Spark of Greatness Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 14
Warden of Sorrow Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 14
Sneaking Around 2,000 Clan Pins: Where the Wind Blows
Nothing Escapes Me 15,000 Clan Pins: Where the Wind Blows
Criminal for Life 100,000 Clan Pins: Where the Wind Blows
The World is Mine Rank 1: Where the Wind Blows
The Skeleton Key Rank 2-20: Where the Wind Blows
Sneaking Suspicion Rank 21-100: Where the Wind Blows
Rogue in the Dark Rank 101-500: Where the Wind Blows
Wind Walker Rank 501-1,000: Where the Wind Blows
Sun-Seared Soul Rank 1: Blood on the Sand
Dune Raider Rank 2-10: Blood on the Sand
Seeker in the Sand Rank 11-40: Blood on the Sand
Desert Nomad Rank 41-400: Blood on the Sand
Sand Witch Rank 401-1,000: Blood on the Sand
Highest Bidder Rank 1: House of Cards
Hidden Ace Rank 1: House of Cards
Big Dealer Rank 1: House of Cards
Bottom of the Deck Rank 1: House of Cards
Silver Medalist Rank 2-20: House of Cards
Bronze Medalist Rank 21-100: House of Cards
A for Effort Rank 101-200: House of Cards
Hero Rising Rank 1: The Conquered Kingdom
Faith of the Fallen Rank 2-5: The Conquered Kingdom
Tyrant's Ruin Rank 6-30: The Conquered Kingdom
Broken Chains Rank 31-200: The Conquered Kingdom
Jabberwock 10,000 BT pts: Stories in the Dark
Late Knight Story 30,000 BT pts: Stories in the Dark
The Music Buffs 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 15
The Philharmonic Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 15
City Symphony Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 15
Marching Band Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 15
Never led Astray Rank 1: A Path in the Woods
Still on the Path Rank 2-20: A Path in the Woods
Scattered Page Rank 21-200: A Path in the Woods
Forgotten Story Rank 201-500: A Path in the Woods
Lost in the Woods Rank 501-1,000: A Path in the Woods
 ??? 2,000 Frozen Shards: Floes of Rime
 ??? 10,000 Frozen Shards: Floes of Rime
Ancient Mariner 130,000 Frozen Shards: Floes of Rime
The Northern Wind Rank 1: Floes of Rime
Frozen in Rime Rank 2-20: Floes of Rime
Heir to Ice Rank 21-100: Floes of Rime
On Thin Ice Rank 101-500: Floes of Rime
Malific Rank 501-1,000: Floes of Rime
Winter Blossom 75 Victory Count: Winter of the Heart
Permafrost Life 225 Victory Count: Winter of the Heart
The First Footprint Rank 1: Winter of the Heart
From the Cold Rank 2-10: Winter of the Heart
Below Freezing Rank 11-70: Winter of the Heart
Snowbound Rank 71-400: Winter of the Heart
Hibernator Rank 401-700: Winter of the Heart
Snow Sprite Rank 701-1,200: Winter of the Heart
Wizard of Oz Rank 1: The Emerald City
Wicked Rank 2-20: The Emerald City
Kalidah Rank 21-100: The Emerald City
Pumpkinhead Rank 101-500: The Emerald City
Munchkin Rank 501-1,000: The Emerald City
Director of Death Rank 1: Blood Drive
Knife in the Dark Rank 2-20: Blood Drive
Hopeful Romantic Rank 21-50: Blood Drive
The Needle Lies Rank 51-100: Blood Drive
Blood Nurse Rank 101-500: Blood Drive
Patient Rank 501-2,000: Blood Drive
Maid for Sin Rank 1: Maid for Sin
Your Loyal Servant Rank 2-5: Maid for Sin
Hand for Hire Rank 6-30: Maid for Sin
Chambermaid Rank 31-70: Maid for Sin
Fledgling Maid Rank 71-200: Maid for Sin
King of the Hill Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 16
Army of One Rank 2-100: The Fantasica Chronicles 16
Lonely Hero Rank 101-1,000: The Fantasica Chronicles 16
Mole on the Hill Rank 1,001-5,000: The Fantasica Chronicles 16
Earthwalker 15,000 BT pts: The Walking Earth
Inferno Drake 50,000 BT pts: The Walking Earth
Fury of the Earth Rank 1: The Walking Earth
Dragon Slayer Rank 2-5: The Walking Earth
Elite Raider Rank 6-30: The Walking Earth
Dragon Hunter Rank 31-70: The Walking Earth
Raider Rank 71-200: The Walking Earth
Night to Remember 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 17
Glorious Knights Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 17
Skirmishers Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 17
Quaking Shepards Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 17
The One Who Knows Rank 1: Secrets of the Swamp
No One's Fool Rank 2-20: Secrets of the Swamp
Secret Keeper Rank 21-200: Secrets of the Swamp
Truth Seeker Rank 201-500: Secrets of the Swamp
Stuck in the Swamp Rank 501-1,000: Secrets of the Swamp
Voice of the Night Rank 1: Midnight Oasis
Midnight Marauder Rank 2-10: Midnight Oasis
Night Navigator Rank 11-70: Midnight Oasis
Oasis Officer Rank 71-350: Midnight Oasis
Oasis Prisoner Rank 351-1,000: Midnight Oasis
Hero in the East Rank 1: A Hero in the East
Peacemaker Rank 2-20: A Hero in the East
Legend Witness Rank 21-100: A Hero in the East
Savvy Tourist Rank 101-500: A Hero in the East
The Source Rank 1: Where it Starts
Child of Darkness Rank 2-20: Where it Starts
Blood Cure Rank 21-200: Where it Starts
Cleanup Crew Rank 201-500: Where it Starts
Scourge Rank 501-1,000: Where it Starts
Here Comes the Sun Rank 1: Here Comes the Rain
Hint of Sunshine Rank 2-5: Here Comes the Rain
Unbroken Umbrella Rank 6-30: Here Comes the Rain
Caught in the Rain Rank 31-70: Here Comes the Rain
Puddle of Mud Rank 71-200: Here Comes the Rain
Machina Ex Deus Rank 1: Machina Ex Deus
Man-Made SEED Rank 2-20: Machina Ex Deus
Transhuman Rank 21-100: Machina Ex Deus
protoSEED Rank 101-500: Machina Ex Deus
Fighter for Life Rank 1: Temple of Strife
Face of Death Rank 2-5: Temple of Strife
Priest of Strife Rank 6-30: Temple of Strife
Temple Warrior Rank 31-70: Temple of Strife
Blinded by Obscurity Rank 71-200: Temple of Strife
Mononoke's Rage Rank 1: Evergreen
Born to be Wild Rank 2-20: Evergreen
Forever Green Rank 21-200: Evergreen
Forest Ranger Rank 201-500: Evergreen
Hunted Rank 501-1,000: Evergreen
The New Regime 14 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 18
Usurper Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 18
Revolutionaries Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 18
Rabble Rousers Rank 6-15: The Fantasica Chronicles 18
The Desert Rose Rank 1: The Desert Rose
Genie in a Bottle Rank 2-20: The Desert Rose
Picked by a Rose Rank 21-200: The Desert Rose
Flower Power Rank 201-500: The Desert Rose
Desert Flower Rank 501-1,000: The Desert Rose
Late Bloomer 15,000 BT pts: A Time for Flowers
Right on Time 140,000 BT pts: A Time for Flowers
Seed of Tomorrow Rank 1: A Time for Flowers
Time Unraveller Rank 2-30: A Time for Flowers
In Full Bloom Rank 31-70: A Time for Flowers
Forget-Me-Not Rank 71-350: A Time for Flowers
Pandora Rank 1: Seas of Rust
Android Reborn Rank 2-25: Seas of Rust
Electric Sheep Rank 26-250: Seas of Rust
Rusty Warrior Rank 251-500: Seas of Rust
reMade Rank 501-1,000: Seas of Rust
Eye of the Sun Rank 1: Tears of the Sun
Sky Traveler Rank 2-20: Tears of the Sun
Grain of Salt Rank 21-100: Tears of the Sun
Sun Warrior Rank 101-500: Tears of the Sun
All Dried Up Rank 501-1,000: Tears of the Sun
One True STUD Rank 1: Spirit of Love
In a Lovely Spirit Rank 2-15: Spirit of Love
Hopeful Romantic Rank 16-50: Spirit of Love
Looking for Love Rank 51-350: Spirit of Love
With You Rank 351-2,000: Spirit of Love
One Tough Cookie Rank 1: Sweet Revenge
Cream of the Crop Rank 2-20: Sweet Revenge
Sweet Avenger Rank 21-100: Sweet Revenge
Pastry Chef Rank 101-500: Sweet Revenge
Unsinkable 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 19
Beneath the Waves Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 19
Salty Sailors Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 19
Bottom Dwellers Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 19
Nothing to Lose Rank 1: A Matter of Honor
Honor Over Glory Rank 2-5: A Matter of Honor
Made of Honor Rank 6-30: A Matter of Honor
Tarnished Sword Rank 31-70: A Matter of Honor
Cunning Knight Rank 71-200: A Matter of Honor
Ready to Fly 15,000 BT pts: Arena in the Sky
Above the Clouds 140,000 BT pts: Arena in the Sky
Sky Arena Champion Rank 1: Arena in the Sky
Duel Master Rank 2-30: Arena in the Sky
Daring Duelist Rank 31-70: Arena in the Sky
Fated Flighter Rank 71-100: Arena in the Sky
Wood Whisperer Rank 1: Ruins of Enchantment
Enchanted Rank 2-20: Ruins of Enchantment
Gem Collector Rank 21-250: Ruins of Enchantment
Pixie Rank 251-500: Ruins of Enchantment
Mainboard Rank 1: Broken Circuit
Machine Hazard Rank 2-20: Broken Circuit
Glitch-Proof Rank 21-100: Broken Circuit
Robot Crusher Rank 101-500: Broken Circuit
Magical Mind Rank 1: The Magic Club
By-the-Book Mage Rank 2-10: The Magic Club
Magic Club Member Rank 11-350: The Magic Club
Caution: HOT! Rank 1: Feeding the Flames
Highly Flammable Rank 2-30: Feeding the Flames
Combustible Nature Rank 31-100: Feeding the Flames
Fuel for the Fire Rank 101-500: Feeding the Flames
The Other Half Rank 1: Being Human
Almost Human Rank 2-20: Being Human
Peace Pledger Rank 21-200: Being Human
Only Human Rank 201-500: Being Human
Light Years Away 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 20
Diamonds in the Sky Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 20
Space Invaders Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 20
Shooting Stars Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 20
Good Cop 15,000 BT pts: The Still of Night
Bad Cop 140,000 BT pts: The Still of Night
Weapon of Choice Rank 1: Weapons of Choice
Battle Chosen Rank 2-20: Weapons of Choice
Weapons Dealer Rank 21-200: Weapons of Choice
Medal Winner Rank 201-500: Weapons of Choice
Old School Wizard Rank 1: Extra Credit at the Magic Academy
Playing Spooky Rank 2-20: Extra Credit at the Magic Academy
Sorcerer's Pet Rank 21-100: Extra Credit at the Magic Academy
Spell-ing Champ Rank 101-500: Extra Credit at the Magic Academy
Heavens' Judgement Rank 1: Heavens Reach
Howling Gale Rank 2-50: Heavens Reach
Eyes in the Sky Rank 51-350: Heavens Reach
Azure Guardian Rank 351-1,000: Heavens Reach
The Blue Rank 1,001-6,000: Heavens Reach
Secret of the Earth Rank 1: Bones of the Earth
Long Forgotten Rank 2-20: Bones of the Earth
Walking Dread Rank 21-200: Bones of the Earth
Tomb Raider Rank 201-500: Bones of the Earth
Full Bloomer Rank 1: Spring Winds
Spring Breeze Rank 2-20: Spring Winds
Cherished One Rank 21-200: Spring Winds
Spritely Spirit Rank 201-500: Spring Winds
Natural Nurturer Rank 501-1,000: Spring Winds
New Leaf Rank 1,001-4,000: Spring Winds
Seed Sower 25 Victories: Spring Winds
Blossom Bearer 75 Victories: Spring Winds
Dark Resistant 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 21
Brave Fencer 15,000 BT Pts: Oath of the Brave
The Final Witness 140,000 BT Pts: Oath of the Brave
The Answer Rank 1: Mysteries Within
Mysterious One Rank 2-10: Mysteries Within
Of the Shroud Rank 11-70: Mysteries Within
Willow Whisperer Rank 71-350: Mysteries Within
Nature's Chosen Rank 351-1,000: Mysteries Within
A New Era Rank 1: The Lotus Uprising
The Uprising Rank 2-20: The Lotus Uprising
Lotus Mercenary Rank 21-200: The Lotus Uprising
Revolutionary Rank 201-500: The Lotus Uprising
Dark Resistant 15 Victories: The Fantasica Chronicles 22
Clarity of Mind 15,000 BT Pts: False Prophecies
Satori 140,000 BT Pts: False Prophecies
Beyond the Blue 15 Victories: The Fantasica Chronicles 23
Neverending Nightmare Rank 1: Nightmare Come True
The Mad Gifter Rank 2-20: Nightmare Come True
Fear Free Rank 21-100: Nightmare Come True
Elder Rank 101-500: Nightmare Come True
Heart Stealer 15,000 BT pts: Hand in Hand
Head Over Heels 140,000 BT pts: Hand in Hand
True Love Rank 1: Hand in Hand
Perfect Parner Rank 2-30: Hand in Hand
Lovestruck Rank 31-70: Hand in Hand
Hopeful Dreamer Rank 71-200: Hand in Hand
On Distant Shores Rank 1: On Distant Shores
The Voyager Rank 2-25: On Distant Shores
Seasoned Seafarer Rank 26-250: On Distant Shores
Hopeful Shipmate Rank 251-500: On Distant Shores
Best Yet To Come Rank 1: A Toast to Tomorrow
Life of the Party Rank 2-20: A Toast to Tomorrow
Festive Fighter Rank 21-75: A Toast to Tomorrow
Wine Collector Rank 76-200: A Toast to Tomorrow
Combat Conquerer Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 24
Emblem of Valor Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 24
Blazing Spirit Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 24
Crimson Eminence 15 Victories: The Fantasica Chronicles 24
Top of the World Rank 1: Working Wonders
Guide to Perfection Rank 2-20: Working Wonders
Wonderful Worker Rank 21-200: Working Wonders
Endless Dreamer Rank 201-500: Working Wonders
Worker in Progress Rank 501-2,000: Working Wonders
Little Wonder Rank 2,001-4,000: Working Wonders
Sweeter than Fruit 25 Victories : Working Wonders
Guidance Worker 75 Victories : Working Wonders
Deep Dungeon Diver Rank 1: Deep Dungeon Divers
Veteran Diver Rank 2-40: Deep Dungeon Divers
Noob Diver Rank 41-100: Deep Dungeon Divers
Treasure Rewards
Monster Bait Rank 101-500: Deep Dungeon Divers
Enlightened Drifter Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 25
Winged Messenger Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 25
Flying High Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 25
On Dragonfly Wings 15 Victories: The Fantasica Chronicles 25
Force Major Rank 1: In the Cards
Force Minor Rank 2-10: In the Cards
Fated Rank 11-100: In the Cards
Upright Soul Rank 101-2,000: In the Cards
Reversed Soul Rank 2,001-6,000: In the Cards
Of Legends Told Rank 1: Hall of the Great
The Valiant One Rank 2-25: Hall of the Great
God of Battle Rank 26-250: Hall of the Great
Worthy Warrior Rank 251-500: Hall of the Great
The Final Judgement Rank 1: Seven Deadly Sins
Pure Perfection Rank 2-50: Seven Deadly Sins
Free of Sin Rank 51-100: Seven Deadly Sins
Forgiven One Rank 101-500: Seven Deadly Sins
No Boundaries 25 Victory Count: Shoot for the Sky
Kiss the Sky 75 Victory Count: Shoot for the Sky
Shoot for the Sky Rank 1: Shoot for the Sky
Heartbeat of Growth Rank 2-20: Shoot for the Sky
Sunkissed Synthesizer Rank 21-200: Shoot for the Sky
Verdant Nature Rank 201-500: Shoot for the Sky
Thriving Sprout Rank 501-2,000: Shoot for the Sky
Tender Gardener Rank 2,001-4,000: Shoot for the Sky
Love in Pain Rank 1: Love is a Crime
Head Warden Rank 2-25: Love is a Crime
Uniformed Thing Rank 26-250: Love is a Crime
Criminal Rank 251-500: Love is a Crime
The Legacy Rank 1: Legacy of the East
Raging Dragon Rank 2-50: Legacy of the East
Master of Battle Rank 51-250: Legacy of the East
Warrior Recruit Rank 251-1,000: Legacy of the East
Overworlder 15,000 BT pts: Under Her Control
Underdweller 140,000 BT pts: Under Her Control
Immortal Imperator Rank 1: Under Her Control
Dominion Over All Rank 2-50: Under Her Control
Rampaging Ruinator Rank 251-1,000: Under Her Control
Demonslayer 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 26
Devil May Cry Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 26
The Diabolical Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 26
Hellraiser Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 26
Lord of the 7 Seas Rank 1: Gifts from the Sea
The Tidecaller Rank 2-50: Gifts from the Sea
Deep Sea Voyager Rank 51-100: Gifts from the Sea
Aquatic Adventurer Rank 101-500: Gifts from the Sea
Destroyer of Death Rank 1: At Deaths Doorstep
Demonsbane Rank 2-25: At Deaths Doorstep
Guardian of Souls Rank 26-250: At Deaths Doorstep
Purifier Rank 251-500: At Deaths Doorstep
Friend to Ghosts 15,000 BT pts: An Otherworldly Invitation
Shadow Whisperer 140,000 BT pts: An Otherworldly Invitation
Into the Shadows Rank 1: An Otherworldly Invitation
From the Dark Depths Rank 2-50: An Otherworldly Invitation
Beyond the Pale Rank 51-250: An Otherworldly Invitation
Pale Shade Rank 251-1,000: An Otherworldly Invitation
Aegean Guardian 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 27
Aegean Conqueror Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 27
Sacred Stonekeeper Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 27
Jewel of Hope Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 27
Skysword of the Dawn Rank 1: Skies of the Valkyries
Cloudburst Warrior Rank 2-50: Skies of the Valkyries
The Skyfighter Rank 51-100: Skies of the Valkyries
Treaty Bearer Rank 101-500: Skies of the Valkyries
Aquatic Academic 15,000 BT pts: Aquatic Academy
Has it Mer-made 140,000 BT pts: Aquatic Academy
Too Cool for School Rank 1: Aquatic Academy
Seahorsin' Around Rank 2-50: Aquatic Academy
Going Deep Rank 51-250: Aquatic Academy
Big Fish Rank 251-1,000: Aquatic Academy
Favored by the Gods Rank 1: Catastrophe Unleashed
Pantheonic Rumbler Rank 2-25: Catastrophe Unleashed
Rookie Legend Rank 26-250: Catastrophe Unleashed
Mere Mortal Rank 251-500: Catastrophe Unleashed
In Her Name Rank 1: Arouettes Last Crusade
Crusading Commander Rank 2-20: Arouettes Last Crusade
Shield Maiden Rank 21-70: Arouettes Last Crusade
Rank and File Rank 71-500: Arouettes Last Crusade
Invoker's Apprentice 15,000 BT pts: The Magical Gathering
Merlin's Mercenary 140,000 BT pts: The Magical Gathering
The Enchanted One Rank 1: The Magical Gathering
Charmed Rank 2-100: The Magical Gathering
Master Blaster Rank 101-250: The Magical Gathering
Spellweaver Rank 251-2,000: The Magical Gathering
Jewel of the Oasis 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 28
Sultan of Sandstorms Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 28
Dune Tycoon Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 28
Camel Whisperer Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 28
The Godfather Rank 1: Bonded by Blood
You Talkin to Me? Rank 2-50: Bonded by Blood
The Maker Rank 51-100: Bonded by Blood
Rookie Racketeer Rank 101-500: Bonded by Blood
Too Hot to Handle Rank 1: Bathed in Flames
Raging Inferno Rank 2-25: Bathed in Flames
Smokin' Rank 26-250: Bathed in Flames
Little Spark Rank 251-500: Bathed in Flames
Go Fish 25 Victory Count: Treasures Untold
Gone Fishin' 75 Victory Count: Treasures Untold
H2Overwhelming Rank 1: Treasures Untold
Walking on Water Rank 2-20: Treasures Untold
Wet'n Wild Rank 21-200: Treasures Untold
Making a Splash Rank 201-500: Treasures Untold
Water Toddler Rank 501-2,000: Treasures Untold
Gurglin' Guppy Rank 2,001-4,000: Treasures Untold
Life's a Gamble 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 29
Blades in Spades Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 29
Duelist of the Dice Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 29
Soldier of Fortune Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 29
Big Game Hunter Rank 1: Thats the Spirit
Fearless Huntsman Rank 2-25: Thats the Spirit
Free Spirit Rank 26-250: Thats the Spirit
Hide and Seeker Rank 251-500: Thats the Spirit
Ray of Hope 15,000 BT pts: Lighting the Dark
Beacon of Bravery 140,000 BT pts: Lighting the Dark
Let There Be Light Rank 1: Lighting the Dark
Will Light You Up Rank 2-100: Lighting the Dark
The Radiant One Rank 101-250: Lighting the Dark
Guiding Light Rank 251-2,000: Lighting the Dark
The Last Bastion Rank 1: Fall From Grace
Heaven Sent Rank 2-10: Fall From Grace
Divine Retribution Rank 11-100: Fall From Grace
Vanguard of the Light Rank 101-2,000: Fall From Grace
Winged Brigadier Rank 2,001-6,000: Fall From Grace
Samurai Warrior 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 30
Shogun-in-Chief Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 30
Shogun General Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 30
Feudal Diamyo Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 30
I Am Legend Rank 1: Coliseum Champions
Coli-seeya! Rank 2-50: Coliseum Champions
Diehard Duelist Rank 51-150: Coliseum Champions
Gutsy Gladiator Rank 151-500: Coliseum Champions
In Shining Armor Rank 1: The Knight's Watch
Paragon of Justice Rank 2-50: The Knight's Watch
Brother-in-arms Rank 51-100: The Knight's Watch
Hedge Knight Rank 101-500: The Knight's Watch
Arcana Master Rank 1: Spellarium of Secrets
Bookish Spellbinder Rank 2-25: Spellarium of Secrets
Tome Keeper Rank 26-250: Spellarium of Secrets
Casual Reader Rank 251-500: Spellarium of Secrets
Silent But Deadly 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 31
Knife in the Dark Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 31
Deathly Shadow Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 31
Trainee Assassin Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 31
Duke of Hazards 25 Victories: My Little Princess
Dukin' It Out 75 Victories: My Little Princess
You'd Best Not Miss Rank 1: My Little Princess
Excuse Me Princess Rank 2-20: My Little Princess
Lordin' it Over You Rank 21-200: My Little Princess
In Another Castle Rank 201-500: My Little Princess
Crowning Around Rank 501-2,000: My Little Princess
Barely Regal Rank 2,001-4,000: My Little Princess
Moonstruck 15,000 BT pts: Over the Moon
Mooning Master 140,000 BT pts: Over the Moon
One Giant Leap Rank 1: Over the Moon
Totally Eclipses You Rank 2-100: Over the Moon
Crazy Lunartic Rank 101-250: Over the Moon
Lunariffic Rank 251-2,000: Over the Moon
Voice of the Wood Rank 1: The Whispering Wood
Wood Whisperer Rank 2-20: The Whispering Wood
Among the Trees Rank 21-70: The Whispering Wood
Green Sapling Rank 71-500: The Whispering Wood
Samba-dy To Love Rank 1: Dance Til You Drop
Shake That Thang Rank 2-50: Dance Til You Drop
Street Beat Rank 51-100: Dance Til You Drop
Fanta Backup Dancer Rank 101-500: Dance Til You Drop
Have 10★ Will Travel Rank 1: The Path Not Taken
Wayfaring Danger Rank 2-50: The Path Not Taken
On a Power Trip Rank 51-150: The Path Not Taken
Tripping Along Rank 151-500: The Path Not Taken
Amazon, Primed Rank 1: Jewels of the Jungle
In the Amazone Rank 2-30: Jewels of the Jungle
Beast Mode Rank 31-250: Jewels of the Jungle
Jungle Japer Rank 251-2000: Jewels of the Jungle
Pumpkin Smasher 19 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 32
Trickiest One of All Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 32
Trickstar! Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 32
Tricksy Treater Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 32
The Perfect Solution Rank 1: Simply Elementary
Kickin' Noble Gas Rank 2-25: Simply Elementary
Barium Alive Rank 26-250: Simply Elementary
In Their Element Rank 251-500: Simply Elementary
Glory of the Light Rank 1: Through the Pearly Gates
Divine Gatekeeper Rank 2-20: Through the Pearly Gates
Born of Light Rank 21-70: Through the Pearly Gates
Of the Flock Rank 71-500: Through the Pearly Gates
Once Upon a Time 15 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 33
Biggest Little Hero Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 33
The Lunar Cry Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 33
Peach Boy Posse Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 33
I Strike Twice Rank 1: When Lightning Strikes
Stole Your Thunder Rank 2-50: When Lightning Strikes
Shock and Awe Rank 51-150: When Lightning Strikes
Greased Lightning Rank 151-500: When Lightning Strikes
Succu-best Rank 1: Kiss of Desire
Your Worst Nightmare Rank 2-50: Kiss of Desire
Sucks to Be You Rank 51-200: Kiss of Desire
Haunting You Down Rank 201-750: Kiss of Desire
Dream Devourer Rank 751-5000: Kiss of Desire
One Knight Stands Rank 1: Knights of the Round Desk
Sir Enhance-alot Rank 2-50: Knights of the Round Desk
Knight School Grad Rank 51-100: Knights of the Round Desk
Knight Meh Rank 101-500: Knights of the Round Desk
The Myth, the Legend Rank 1: Hymn of Heroes
From Zero to Hero Rank 2-30: Hymn of Heroes
Who You Gonna Call? Rank 31-250: Hymn of Heroes
Villain Vanquished Rank 251-2000: Hymn of Heroes
Prize Fighter 17 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 34
I Am the Champion Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 34
It's Time to Duel Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 34
Put Up Your Dukes Rank 5-30: The Fantasica Chronicles 34
You Win...Psyche! Rank 1: Psychic Showdown
The Overmind Rank 2-20: Psychic Showdown
Inside Your Head Rank 21-70: Psychic Showdown
Telepathic Terror Rank 71-500: Psychic Showdown
Public Anenome #1 Rank 1: Pearls of the Deep
Squid Pro Quo Rank 2-30: Pearls of the Deep
Clownin' Around Rank 31-200: Pearls of the Deep
Simply Inkredible Rank 201-300: Pearls of the Deep
Ol' Chum Rank 301-1000: Pearls of the Deep
Fresh Catch Rank 1001-2000: Pearls of the Deep
Shaolin Grandmaster Rank 1: Tiger Crane Clash
Hidden Dragon Rank 2-50: Tiger Crane Clash
Crouching Tiger Rank 51-150: Tiger Crane Clash
Young Grasshopper Rank 151-500: Tiger Crane Clash
Chillaxin' Rank 1-25: Go With The Floe
Snowmercy Rank 26-250: Go With The Floe
Special Snowflake Rank 251-750: Go With The Floe
What Lies Beneath Rank 1: Beneath the Masques
Save the Last Dance Rank 2-30: Beneath the Masques
Masque'd Manipulator Rank 31-250: Beneath the Masques
Ballroom Wallflower Rank 251-2000: Beneath the Masques
Bird of Paradise Rank 1: Trees of Paradise
Trees a Crowd Rank 2-30: Trees of Paradise
Love Me or Leaf Me Rank 31-250: Trees of Paradise
Power of Beleaf Rank 251-2000: Trees of Paradise
SkraPt Rank 1: Fullmetal Mayhem
Kill Switch On Rank 2-30: Fullmetal Mayhem
Kill Switch On Rank 2-30: Fullmetal Mayhem
Random Access Meme Rank 31-250: Fullmetal Mayhem
Steamed & Punked Rank 251-2000: Fullmetal Mayhem
Bad Santa 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 35
Super Sleighin' Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 35
Wrecking the Halls Rank 2-5: The Fantasica Chronicles 35
Chimney Reaper Rank 6-20: The Fantasica Chronicles 35
Light of Salvation Rank 1: Descent Into Darkness
Soul Reborn Rank 2-30: Descent Into Darkness
Penitent Soul Rank 31-250: Descent Into Darkness
The Fallen Rank 251-250: Descent Into Darkness
Apotheosis Rank 1: The Newborn Life
So-Called Life Rank 2-30: The Newborn Life
Stayin' Alive Rank 31-250: The Newborn Life
Untimely Ripped Rank 251-2500: The Newborn Life
Ruler of the Cosmos Rank 1: Under the Starry Skies
Universal Acclaim Rank 2-30: Under the Starry Skies
Astral Walker Rank 31-150: Under the Starry Skies
Newborn Star Rank 151-750: Under the Starry Skies
Sanctissiumus Rank 1: The Crimson Crusade
Faith Reborn Rank 2-20: The Crimson Crusade
Daring to Doubt Rank 21-70: The Crimson Crusade
The Zealot Rank 71-500: The Crimson Crusade
Stroke of Genius Rank 1: The Enchanter's Gallery
Enfant Terrible Rank 2-50: The Enchanter's Gallery
Brush with Fame Rank 51-150: The Enchanter's Gallery
Starving Artist Rank 151-500: The Enchanter's Gallery
Then There Was One Rank 1: Empire of Eight
New World Order Rank 2-30: Empire of Eight
World on Fire Rank 31-250: Empire of Eight
Eight Shadows Rank 251-2000: Empire of Eight
Killboard #1 Hit Rank 1: Fantasica's Got Talent
Viva La Diva Rank 2-10: Fantasica's Got Talent
Once You Pop Rank 11-20: Fantasica's Got Talent
Idol Hands Rank 71-70: Fantasica's Got Talent
Noteable Talent Rank 21-300: Fantasica's Got Talent
FNT48 Recruit Rank 301-500: Fantasica's Got Talent
The Danger Zhoune Rank 1: To Catch a King
I Hardly Nuwa Rank 2-20: To Catch a King
Daji Individual Rank 21-50: To Catch a King
Shangilicious Rank 51-500: To Catch a King
Alchemical Wonder 20 Victory Count: The Fantasica Chronicles 36
The Perfect Being Rank 1: The Fantasica Chronicles 36
Transmuted Soul Rank 2-10: The Fantasica Chronicles 36
In DisArray Rank 11-30: The Fantasica Chronicles 36

[edit] Title Pack Titles

Global Rank Page In-Page Rank Title
1 1 1 Imperial
2 1 2 Swordsman
3 1 3 Forest Dweller
4 1 4 Bishop
5 1 5 Worldly Woman
6 1 6 Pirate
7 1 7 Fairy
8 1 8 Holy One
9 1 9 Sworn Knight
10 1 10 Battleborn
11 2 1 Fair Maiden
12 2 2 Class Act
13 2 3 Born in Darkness
14 2 4 Blade Forger
15 2 5 Born in Light
16 2 6 Night Dweller
17 2 7 Cutthroat
18 2 8 Combatant
19 2 9 Noob
20 2 10 Grave Digger
21 3 1 Archer
22 3 2 Tank
23 3 3 Gunner
24 3 4 Lancer
25 3 5 Necromancer
26 3 6 Time Mage
27 3 7 Mage
28 3 8 Witch
29 3 9 Hunter
30 3 10 Minstrel
31 4 1 Dancer
32 4 2 Wizard
33 4 3 Divine Knight
34 4 4 Thief
35 4 5 Half-Fairy
36 4 6 Savage
37 4 7 Northern
38 4 8 Dragonblood
39 4 9 Adventurer
40 4 10 Diviner
41 5 1 Monk
42 5 2 Fighter
43 5 3 Father
44 5 4 Spirit Channeler
45 5 5 Juggernaut
46 5 6 Crackshot
47 5 7 Inventor
48 5 8 Border Guard
49 5 9 Hero
50 5 10 Youth
51 6 1 Samurai
52 6 2 Ninja
53 6 3 Saboteur
54 6 4 Medium
55 6 5 Wind Channeler
56 6 6 Spirit
57 6 7 Palace Guard
58 6 8 Squad Leader
59 6 9 Lady of the Lake
60 6 10 Count
61 7 1 Alchemist
62 7 2 Magician
63 7 3 Dark Soul
64 7 4 Undead
65 7 5 Shaman
66 7 6 Ash Walker
67 7 7 Pharaoh
68 7 8 Skinner
69 7 9 Demi Human
70 7 10 Dominatrix
71 8 1 Moonlit Shadow
72 8 2 Blue One
73 8 3 Illusionist
74 8 4 Calvary
75 8 5 Shock Troop
76 8 6 Calvary Leader
77 8 7 Miner
78 8 8 Master
79 8 9 Squad
80 8 10 Dead
81 9 1 Assassin
82 9 2 Shogun
83 9 3 Bone Dancer
84 9 4 Duke
85 9 5 Poleman
86 9 6 General
87 9 7 Rookie
88 9 8 Soldier
89 9 9 Pistoleer
90 9 10 Lunatic
91 10 1 Sniper
92 10 2 Fresh Body
93 10 3 Guard
94 10 4 Combat Medic
95 10 5 Bowman
96 10 6 Chemist
97 10 7 Puppeteer
98 10 8 Sorcerer
99 10 9 Juggler
100 10 10 Sage
101 11 1 Tracker
102 11 2 Evocator
103 11 3 Star Reader
104 11 4 Handler
105 11 5 Trainer
106 11 6 Butler
107 11 7 Paladin
108 11 8 Trailblazer
109 11 9 Elementalist
110 11 10 Cook
111 12 1 Miracle Worker
112 12 2 Merc
113 12 3 Peddler
114 12 4 Mailman
115 12 5 Bandit
116 12 6 Gambler
117 12 7 Singer
118 12 8 Burglar
119 12 9 Slayer
120 12 10 Strategist
121 13 1 Student of Magic
122 13 2 Arrowmancer
123 13 3 Housekeeper
124 13 4 White as Snow
125 13 5 Fallen
126 13 6 Scavenger
127 13 7 Conjuror
128 13 8 Fire Wielder
129 13 9 Ice Wielder
130 13 10 Earth Wielder
131 14 1 Princess
132 14 2 Body Double
133 14 3 Demonblood
134 14 4 Recruited
135 14 5 Eastern
136 14 6 Gladiator
137 14 7 Western
138 14 8 Southern
139 14 9 Empress
140 14 10 Dragonspawn
141 15 1 Dragonus
142 15 2 Originator
143 15 3 The Curio
144 15 4 Faster than Fast
145 15 5 Shadow Weaver
146 15 6 Pyromaniac
147 15 7 Hydromaniac
148 15 8 Thunder Bug
149 15 9 Miko
150 15 10 Void Master
151 16 1 Cursed Spirit
152 16 2 Sun Lover
153 16 3 Moon Lover
154 16 4 Chancellor
155 16 5 Countess
156 16 6 Prince
157 16 7 Lord
158 16 8 From the Moon
159 16 9 From Mars
160 16 10 From Mercury
161 17 1 From Jupiter
162 17 2 From Venus
163 17 3 From Saturn
164 17 4 Dark Age Survivor
165 17 5 Warlord
166 17 6 The Red One
167 17 7 Bushi
168 17 8 Geisha
169 17 9 Snow Princess
170 17 10 Tengu
171 18 1 Shade
172 18 2 Soul Hunter
173 18 3 Sharpshooter
174 18 4 Full Metal
175 18 5 Crossbowman
176 18 6 Evoker
177 18 7 Bodyguard
178 18 8 Horseman
179 18 9 Artillery
180 18 10 Steam Knight
181 19 1 Ripper
182 19 2 Priest
183 19 3 Poisoner
184 19 4 Killer
185 19 5 Agent
186 19 6 Holy Man
187 19 7 Cavalier
188 19 8 Sister
189 19 9 Brute
190 19 10 Apprentice
191 20 1 Professor
192 20 2 Three Kingdoms
193 20 3 Rising Dragon
194 20 4 Peerless Warrior
195 20 5 One Eye
196 20 6 The Watcher
197 20 7 Two Sisters
198 20 8 The Fair
199 20 9 Commander
200 20 10 Bow Maiden
201 21 1 Kirinji
202 21 2 Black-winged Angel
203 21 3 Marksman
204 21 4 Gunslinger
205 21 5 Phantasm
206 21 6 Elf
207 21 7 Arboreal
208 21 8 Flower Child
209 21 9 Scholar
210 21 10 Officer
211 22 1 Operative
212 22 2 Owner
213 22 3 Dream Breaker
214 22 4 Halloweener
215 22 5 Exorcist
216 22 6 Heartless
217 22 7 All-seer
218 22 8 Toxotes
219 22 9 Mechanic
220 22 10 Mechanique
221 23 1 The Executioner
222 23 2 Flower Maiden
223 23 3 Red Lady
224 23 4 Pale Iris
225 23 5 Iceblood
226 23 6 Guide
227 23 7 Hellblade
228 23 8 Primordial
229 23 9 Current Rider
230 23 10 Medicine Peddler
231 24 1 Miasma in a Bottle
232 24 2 Caryatid
233 24 3 Goddess
234 24 4 Chosen by the Sword
235 24 5 Chosen by the Bow
236 24 6 Chosen by Magic
237 24 7 Brawler
238 24 8 Pugilist
239 24 9 Emperor
240 24 10 Messiah
241 25 1 Battle Dancer
242 25 2 Smooth Talker
243 25 3 Gallant
244 25 4 Heart Defender
245 25 5 One Straw short
246 25 6 Blade
247 25 7 Geomancer
248 25 8 Santa
249 25 9 Bringer of Joy
250 25 10 Reindeer
251 26 1 Angel
252 26 2 Snowgirl
253 26 3 Snowman
254 26 4 Guardian
255 26 5 Tree-lover
256 26 6 Slaver
257 26 7 Deserter
258 26 8 Wanderer
259 26 9 Aspiring Singer
260 26 10 Hack
261 27 1 Cheersquad
262 27 2 Blood-fed Rose
263 27 3 Destroyer
264 27 4 Bo Master
265 27 5 Tonfa Master
266 27 6 Sifu
267 27 7 Ambidexterous
268 27 8 Servant of Light
269 27 9 Light of Death
270 27 10 Loner
271 28 1 Steel Wheel
272 28 2 Researcher
273 28 3 Holy Guardian
274 28 4 Demon Master
275 28 5 Haughty Hottle
276 28 6 Boasting Beauty
277 28 7 Demon Hunter
278 28 8 Frost Archer
279 28 9 Frost Fairy
280 28 10 Frost Witch
281 29 1 Frost Artillery
282 29 2 Frost Soldier
283 29 3 Frost Lancer
284 29 4 Frost Sorceress
285 29 5 Frost Knight
286 29 6 Shadowflame
287 29 7 Demon Flame
288 29 8 Vengeance
289 29 9 A Crushing Flame
290 29 10 A Beautiful Flame
291 30 1 Cold Beauty
292 30 2 Pirate Girl
293 30 3 Sword Dancer
294 30 4 The Rock
295 30 5 The Fortress
296 30 6 Red and Silver
297 30 7 Freelance Knight
298 30 8 Sure-fire
299 30 9 Crack Shot
300 30 10 Valentine Nymph
301 31 1 Fencer of Love
302 31 2 Sweet Fairy
303 31 3 Candy Warrior
304 31 4 Awakened
305 31 5 Heifer
306 31 6 Cow Girl
307 31 7 Mysterious Flower
308 31 8 Blossom
309 31 9 Ice Age
310 31 10 Cryomancer
311 32 1 The Ripper
312 32 2 Tip Top Shape
313 32 3 Wild Fighter
314 32 4 Path of Light
315 32 5 Archangel
316 32 6 Cherubim
317 32 7 Virtue
318 32 8 Fantastic
319 32 9 Storyteller
320 32 10 Spirit Summoner
321 33 1 Youko
322 33 2 Irresistable
323 33 3 Aphodisiac
324 33 4 Fan Dancer
325 33 5 Weaver of Love
326 33 6 Animal Lover
327 33 7 Divine
328 33 8 Beauty Incarnate
329 33 9 Spark Lancer
330 33 10 Beauty at Arms
331 34 1 Uncommon Beauty
332 34 2 Queen of Demons
333 34 3 Voodoo
334 34 4 Excellent Etiquette
335 34 5 Live-in Maid
336 34 6 Painter of Life
337 34 7 Blood-Stained
338 34 8 Murder Princess
339 34 9 Pulling the Strings
340 34 10 Librarian
341 35 1 Narrator
342 35 2 Keeper of Books
343 35 3 HERO of Fantasica
344 35 4 Emissary of Change
345 35 5 Queen of Roses
346 35 6 Slaughterer
347 35 7 Tormented Soul
348 35 8 Transient Hero
349 35 9 Bewitched
350 35 10 Dragon Mage
351 36 1 The Letter M
352 36 2 Merchant of Death
353 36 3 Peddler of Souls
354 36 4 Flame Spirit
355 36 5 Faithful Knight
356 36 6 Vocalist
357 36 7 Knight of the Axe
358 36 8 Smiter of Evil
359 36 9 Demon of Flame
360 36 10 Angel of War
361 37 1 Neon Lights
362 37 2 Indolent
363 37 3 The Law
364 37 4 Dealer of Fate
365 37 5 In The Cards
366 37 6 Voice of Purity
367 37 7 Clear Voiced
368 37 8 Cat Princess
369 37 9 War Hammer
370 37 10 Virtuous
371 38 1 At The Center
372 38 2 Dark Scourge
373 38 3 Dark Mistress
374 38 4 Thirsty Demon
375 38 5 Resurrected Lover
376 38 6 Forest Avenger
377 38 7 Nightblade
378 38 8 Beguiler
379 38 9 Elite Guard
380 38 10 Battle Survivor
381 39 1 Not Just For Show
382 39 2 Poolside Reflexion
383 39 3 One Man Army
384 39 4 Demon Blade
385 39 5 Silver Ripper
386 39 6 Wishgiver
387 39 7 Strawberry
388 39 8 Melon
389 39 9 Lemon
390 39 10 Mango
391 40 1 Peach
392 40 2 Tangerine
393 40 3 Apple
394 40 4 Banana
395 40 5 Berry
396 40 6 Goblin
397 40 7 Minotaur
398 40 8 Wolf
399 40 9 Lycanthrope
400 40 10 Toad
401 41 1 Imp
402 41 2 Killer Bee
403 41 3 Scorpion
404 41 4 Trent
405 41 5 Giant Bat
406 41 6 Mummy
407 41 7 Ghost
408 41 8 ZOMBIE
409 41 9 Mermaid
410 41 10 Pegasus
411 42 1 Unicorn
412 42 2 Cockatrice
413 42 3 Lizard
414 42 4 Stray Cat
415 42 5 Bicorn
416 42 6 Orthos
417 42 7 Harpy
418 42 8 Demon
419 42 9 Kelpie
420 42 10 Chimera
421 43 1 Catoblepas
422 43 2 Devil
423 43 3 Cyclops
424 43 4 Kraken
425 43 5 Hydra
426 43 6 Wyrm
427 43 7 Stone Gazer
428 43 8 Nine Tailed Fox
429 43 9 Manticore
430 43 10 Gryphon
431 44 1 Nue
432 44 2 Poison Flower
433 44 3 Fish Folk
434 44 4 Ravenous Bear
435 44 5 Lizard Man
436 44 6 Scarecrow
437 44 7 Skeleton
438 44 8 Vampire
439 44 9 Crimson Crab
440 44 10 Swordfish
441 45 1 Kappa
442 45 2 Sea Serpent
443 45 3 Leviathan
444 45 4 Phoenix
445 45 5 Banshee
446 45 6 Vampiress
447 45 7 Arakhne
448 45 8 World Serpent
449 45 9 Corpse Swallower
450 45 10 Slippy
451 46 1 Trickster God
452 46 2 Nightmare
453 46 3 Frankenstein
454 46 4 Herbalist
455 46 5 Dedicated
456 46 6 Soft
457 46 7 In Memory
458 46 8 Pure
459 46 9 Fortune Blessed
460 46 10 The King of Terror
461 47 1 Spring Lover
462 47 2 Summer Lover
463 47 3 Fall Lover
464 47 4 Winter Lover
465 47 5 Full Frontal
466 47 6 Back Packer
467 47 7 Sinister One
468 47 8 Right Hand Man
469 47 9 Sweet
470 47 10 Spicy Tamale
471 48 1 Bitter Pill
472 48 2 Morning Person
473 48 3 Late Waker
474 48 4 Night Person
475 48 5 Sunrise Lover
476 48 6 Warm Person
477 48 7 On Fire
478 48 8 Cool Cucumber
479 48 9 Red Means Stop
480 48 10 Blue Moon Lover
481 49 1 Likes Sapphires
482 49 2 Bets on Black
483 49 3 White as a ghost
484 49 4 Green Machine
485 49 5 Seeing Red
486 49 6 Yellow Back
487 49 7 Blue Steel
488 49 8 Viridian Vulture
489 49 9 Purple Monster
490 49 10 Brown Town
491 50 1 Orange Juicer
492 50 2 Shades of Grey
493 50 3 Opalescent
494 50 4 Gold Digger
495 50 5 Pink Panther
496 50 6 Bolt of Terror
497 50 7 Scared of Lightning
498 50 8 Such a Shocker
499 50 9 Sky Shaker
500 50 10 The Flash
501 51 1 Sounds Like Thunder
502 51 2 The Bully
503 51 3 Speed of Light
504 51 4 Spark Caster
505 51 5 Blitzer
506 51 6 Lightning Strike
507 51 7 Raijin
508 51 8 Typhoon Tycoon
509 51 9 Storm
510 51 10 Tornado Twisted
511 52 1 Tempest
512 52 2 Fuujin
513 52 3 Blinding Sands
514 52 4 Wave Rider
515 52 5 Lost in the Snow
516 52 6 Heart of Gold
517 52 7 Silver Bullet
518 52 8 Copper-Bottomed
519 52 9 True as Steel
520 52 10 Pack Rat
521 53 1 Eye of The Tiger
522 53 2 Cute Bunny
523 53 3 Sleeping Dragon
524 53 4 Sheepish
525 53 5 Monkeying Around
526 53 6 Crowing Rooster
527 53 7 Wild Boar
528 53 8 Cat
529 53 9 Kitten
530 53 10 Puppy
531 54 1 Elephant
532 54 2 Fox
533 54 3 Tanuki
534 54 4 Manticore
535 54 5 Dragonfly
536 54 6 Cicada
537 54 7 Praying Mantis
538 54 8 Soldier Ant
539 54 9 Commander-in-chief
540 54 10 Admiral
541 55 1 Lieutenant General
542 55 2 Major General
543 55 3 Brigadier General
544 55 4 Colonel
545 55 5 Lieutenant Colonel
546 55 6 Major
547 55 7 Captain
548 55 8 First Lieutenant
549 55 9 Lieutenant
550 55 10 First Sergeant
551 56 1 Sergeant
552 56 2 Corporal
553 56 3 Lance Corporal
554 56 4 Private First Class
555 56 5 Recruit
556 56 6 Hopeful
557 56 7 Crow
558 56 8 Duck
559 56 9 Woodpecker
560 56 10 Peacock
561 57 1 Turkey
562 57 2 Sparrow
563 57 3 Swallow
564 57 4 Crane
565 57 5 Ibis
566 57 6 Black Kite
567 57 7 Swan
568 57 8 Peregrine Falcon
569 57 9 Skylark
570 57 10 Owl
571 58 1 Ptarmigan
572 58 2 Sword
573 58 3 Axe
574 58 4 Spear
575 58 5 Shield
576 58 6 Whip
577 58 7 Knife
578 58 8 Katana
579 58 9 Hammer
580 58 10 Bow
581 59 1 Firearm
582 59 2 Cannon
583 59 3 Father
584 59 4 Husband
585 59 5 Mother
586 59 6 Mom
587 59 7 Wife
588 59 8 Child
589 59 9 Big Brother
590 59 10 Bro
591 60 1 Little Brother
592 60 2 Big Sister
593 60 3 Sis
594 60 4 Little Sister
595 60 5 Chairman
596 60 6 Representative
597 60 7 CEO
598 60 8 Senior Executive
599 60 9 Executive Director
600 60 10 General Manager
601 61 1 Assistant Manager
602 61 2 Section Head
603 61 3 Supervisor
604 61 4 Floor Manager
605 61 5 Clerk
606 61 6 Part Timer
607 61 7 President
608 61 8 Legislator
609 61 9 Disciplinary Crew
610 61 10 Student Council
611 62 1 Blazing
612 62 2 Gunpowder
613 62 3 Fire Crystal
614 62 4 Explosion
615 62 5 Flame
616 62 6 Cute as a Button
617 62 7 The Flash
618 62 8 Ph.D.
619 62 9 Breath of Life
620 62 10 Ask No Questions
621 63 1 Singing a Song
622 63 2 Just a Memory
623 63 3 Sound All Around
624 63 4 Move to the Music
625 63 5 Fancy-Pants
626 63 6 Made of Money
627 63 7 Liar Liar
628 63 8 Counterfeit
629 63 9 Ready to Go
630 63 10 Set in Stone
631 64 1 Pretty Woman
632 64 2 On the Ball
633 64 3 Drama Queen
634 64 4 Cool Cat
635 64 5 Foxy Lady
636 64 6 Frozen
637 64 7 Aristocrat
638 64 8 True Gentleman
639 64 9 Classy
640 64 10

Last edited : 2014/04/29

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