The Hare Up There

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The Hare Up There
The Hare Up There banner.png
Start Date 2018-09-18
End Date 2018-09-24
Event Type Team Event
Event Cards Heroic Packs 30
One Shot Packs 159
Ultimate Plus Packs 87
Preceded By The Fantasica Chronicles 67
Followed By The Red Season

Event Info

Complete quests and training to gather Silver Medal--items that you can donate to your Moony to give them support!

Get Gold Medal from card packs and event rewards for more PR Pts!

Star Search: The Hare Up There is an event where you must collect special Medals via Quests and Training. You can then donate the Medals to your chosen Moony to gain PR Pts.

The Hare Up There is a solo event. You begin the event by choosing to form your own team. There will be no option to join another player's team. You will then need to choose a Moony to represent.

There are five to choose from:

  • Oboro
  • Mito
  • Habane
  • Honoka
  • Sax

The winning Moony will become a 12★ and be released at a later date.

The Daughter
Oboro Mito_v2 Habane Honoka Sax
Oboro icon.png Mito v2 icon.png Habane icon.png Honoka icon.png Sax icon.png

Event Schedule

The Hare Up There starts on September 18, 2018 and ends on September 24, 2018 at 10:00 pm PST/PDT

  • Event schedule may be subject to change.
  • The deadline to collect any Team PR Reward is September 24, 2018 at 10:00 pm PST/PDT.

Individual PR Rewards will be sent to your Inbox.

The Star Search: The Hare Up There is a solo event.

When you join the event, you will have the opportunity to "Form a Team!".

You will then be given the option to choose a Moony to represent.

During the event, you can only donate Medals to your Moony.

Once you form a team for a chosen Moony, it cannot be disbanded.

Medals can be donated to your Moony to gain PR Pts.

There are two types of Medals.

・Silver Medal

Silver Medal have a chance to appear whenever you complete quests or training. The probability of Silver Medal appearing varies by quest and training stage. There is also the possibility that they will not appear.

Use the new units from Heroic Packs 30 and TBD to get more Silver Medals from quests!

・Gold Medals Gold Medals come with some card pack purchases. They also give more PR Pts than Silver Medals when donated.

  • Medals cannot be traded.
  • None of the quests from the first 4 episodes will grant PR Pts / Medals.
PR Points
Donate Medals to your Daughter - get PR PTS!

When you donate Medals, you gain PR Pts for you and your Moony.

You can only donate Medals to the Moony you have chosen.

Donating multiple Medals at once can earn you a PR Pts bonus, depending on the amount offered.

The maximum number of Medals you can donate at once is 100.

The more Medals you donate at a time, the more PR Pts you will earn per Medal.

(More PR Pts after donating 100 Medals than 50; more after donating 50 than 1.)

Donating Gold Medals will earn you more PR Pts than donating Silver Medals.

Additionally, throughout the day there will be periods of "Fever Time" where donating Medals will award you with 1.5 times the PR Pts!

On the main event page, your Moony will give updates about their standing, as well as other tidbits of useful information.

There are a number of rewards you can earn by amassing PR Pts.

You must first contribute 100 PR Pts before you can receive event rewards.

Rankings will be determined by your total number of PR Pts.

You can view your rank and the rank of the top ten players via the Rankings page.

Rankings will be consistent throughout the event.

As it may take some time for rankings to update, there may be some discrepancy between what is shown on the Rankings page and the actual, final player rankings.

Bonus rankings will begin at 12:00am PST/PDT on September 22, 2018 and rankings will be determined by the number of Silver Medals players have earned via Quests.

  • Changes to player rankings may take up to 30 minutes to update.

Reward Tickets

Star, Star SP, and Star DX Tickets can be used to draw from Star packs.

Star Packs and Star SP Packs may include the winning Moony -- made into an 12★!

Star DX Packs yield the 12★ GUARANTEED!

  • Star Packs, Star SP Packs, and Star DX Packs will become available in early-October 2018!
  • The specific date will be announced at a later time.

Fever Time!

Fever Time is a special state that increases the amount of PR Pts you earn from Medal donations.

Fever Time occurs several times a day.

Donating Medal during Fever Time grants you 1.5 times the normal amount of PR Pts.

During Fever Time, your Moony's message will change and a special banner will appear on your main page.

Don't miss it!

Fever Time occurs at different times depending on the team.

The schedule and timing of Fever Times will not be made public.

Silver Medals

The approximate amount of PR Pts you gain for donating Silver Medal during Fever Time is outlined below.

  • 1 Medal: 8 - 15 PR Pts
  • 50 Medals: 600 - 825 Pts (12-16.5 Pts / Medal)
  • 100 Medals: 1650 - 1800 Pts (16.5-18 Pts / Medal)
Bonus Unit Quest Silver Medal
Unit Rarity Silver Medal Range
11 0 - 30
10 0 - ?
9 0 - 21
8 0 - ?
7 0 - 10
6 0 - 10

This event was different from all previous Star events because teams where all individual. As a consequence or addition to this change, Leana was awarding 5x Silver Tokens as a bag prize. It was rumored that on day one, 1 million LP yielded as much as 3-4k Silver Medals. After day one however, the average Silver Medals awarded per 1 million LP dropped to between 1.2k - 1.4k.

Although there was speculation regarding players using bots/macros to farm Silver Medals from Leana. Another speculation was that the purpose of LP was going to change after this event and this was a way for Fanta to empty the LP coffers of as many players as possible.

New Units

The following units in Heroic Packs 30 and Ultimate Plus Packs 87 gave extra Medals during Quests in the The Hare Up There event:

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Heroic Packs 30
Rupsh.gif Rupsh icon.png
12 Melee 25 S 110 437,295 340,565 377,388 Knockback,
Heroic Packs 30
Memorial Packs 2018
Bahamut 11.gif Bahamut 11 icon.png
11 Magic 20 B 175 454,262 368,499 454,262 Poison,
Angelic Aura
Heroic Packs 30
Ichishibana.gif Ichishibana icon.png
9 Magic 25 B 150 0 0 0 Poison,
Acid Rain
Heroic Packs 30
Conjura.gif Conjura icon.png
8 Missile 20 B 150 0 0 0 Knockback,
Atk Boost (Female),
Heroic Packs 30
Conjuro.gif Conjuro icon.png
7 Missile 25 S 150 0 0 0 Knockback,
Penta Attack
Heroic Packs 30
Ultimate Plus Packs 87
Re Adley.gif Re Adley icon.png
12 Magic 35 B 150 455,113 480,724 519,653 Slow,
Piercing Flash
Ultimate Plus Packs 87


As you earn PR Pts, your one-person team will unlock special rewards at certain PR Pt totals!

Team PR Rewards

PR Pts Reward
5,000 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 3
7,000 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 3
10,000 Soul stone l icon.png Soul Stone (L) x 1
15,000 Medal Gold icon.png Gold Medal x 10
30,000 Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 10
PR Pts Reward
40,000 Soma icon.png Soma x 3
60,000 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
80,000 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 5
100,000 Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Ticket x 1
125,000 Potion icon.png Potion x 3
PR Pts Reward
150,000 Time elixir icon.png Time Elixir x 3
175,000 Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Ticket x 2
200,000 Epic Ticket icon.png Epic Ticket
225,000 Empyreal Orb icon.png Empyreal Orb x 1
250,000 Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Ticket x 3
  • To receive your Team PR Rewards, hit the Receive Rewards button on the Receive Rewards page to send all eligible, uncollected rewards to your inbox.
  • Every additional 100,000 PR Pts past the 250,000 PR Pts mark will earn you 1 Star Ticket (first reward at 350,000 Pts).
  • You must have at least 100 PR Pts to collect Team PR rewards.
      • The deadline to collect any Team PR reward is September 24, 2018 at 10:00 pm PST/PDT.

Individual PR Rewards

As you earn PR Pts, you will become eligible for rewards at certain PR Pt totals!

PR Pts Reward
1,000 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 2
2,000 Medal Gold icon.png Gold Medal x 3
3,000 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 2
4,000 Breeze Stone icon.png Breeze Stone x 25
5,000 Premium ticket icon.png Premium Ticket
7,000 Earth Stone icon.png Earth Stone x 25
9,000 Medal Gold icon.png Gold Medal x 5
12,000 Life Stone icon.png Life Stone x 25
PR Pts Reward
15,000 Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Ticket
18,000 Wave Stone icon.png Wave Stone x 25
21,000 Medal Gold icon.png Gold Medal x 10
30,000 Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star SP Ticket
40,000 Time elixir icon.png Time Elixir x 5
50,000 Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Ticket x 3
75,000 Ichor icon.png Ichor x 5
100,000 Aurora Essence icon.png Aurora Essence x 3
PR Pts Reward
125,000 Empyreal Orb icon.png Empyreal Orb x 5
150,000 Epic Ticket icon.png Epic Ticket x 1
175,000 Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star SP Ticket x 5
200,000 Empyreal Orb icon.png Empyreal Orb x 5
225,000 Mikoto icon.png Mikoto x 1
250,000 Star Coin icon.png Star Coin x 2
275,000 Mikoto icon.png Mikoto x 1
300,000 Empyreal Orb icon.png Empyreal Orb x 10
350,000 Star DX Ticket 3 icon.png Star DX Ticket x 1
  • Every additional 100,000 PR Points past 350,000 PR Pt mark will earn you 1 Star SP Ticket (first reward at 450,000 Pts).
  • Individual PR rewards will be automatically sent to your inbox once you have collected the necessary PR Pts.

Bonus Ranking Rewards

Bonus ranking began on September 22, 2018 at 12:00 am and ended on September 24, 2018 at 10:00pm PST.

Rank Empyreal Orb icon.png Aeroma icon.png
Aerora icon.png
Aery icon.png
Nerio icon.png Star Coin icon.png Aurora Essence icon.png
1st-30th Empyreal Orb x 25 Aeroma x 1 Nerio x 3 Star Coin x 3
31st-60th Empyreal Orb x 10 Aeroma x 1 Nerio x 3 Star Coin x 1
61st-100th Empyreal Orb x 5 Aerora x 2 Nerio x 2 Star Coin x 1
101st-150th Empyreal Orb x 3 Aerora x 1 Nerio x 2 Star Coin x 1
151st-250th Empyreal Orb x 1 Aery x 2 Nerio x 1 Star Coin x 1
251st-500th Aery x 1 Aurora Essence x 1
501st-1,000th Aurora Essence x 2
1,001st-2,000th Aurora Essence x 1

Final Rank Rewards

Based on rank as of September 24, 2018 at 10:00pm PST.

Players that ranked through 8,000th were also rewarded with 3 x Blank icon.png TBD.

Rank Lappin icon.png
Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star Ticket 3 icon.png Title icon.png Star Coin icon.png Aurora Essence icon.png Ichor icon.png Empyreal Orb icon.png
1st - 3rd Lappin x 5 Star SP Ticket x 5 Star Ticket x 5 MASTER MOONY
Hares to the Throne
Star Coin x 7 Aurora Essence x 40 Empyreal Orb x 50
4th – 7th Lappin x 4 Star SP Ticket x 5 Star Ticket x 5 Hares to the Throne Star Coin x 7 Aurora Essence x 35 Empyreal Orb x 45
8th - 12th Lappin x 4 Star SP Ticket x 4 Star Ticket x 5 Hares to the Throne Star Coin x 6 Aurora Essence x 30 Empyreal Orb x 40
13th - 20th Lappin x 3 Star SP Ticket x 4 Star Ticket x 5 Hares to the Throne Star Coin x 5 Aurora Essence x 25 Empyreal Orb x 35
21st - 30th Lappin x 3 Star SP Ticket x 3 Star Ticket x 5 Hares to the Throne Star Coin x 4 Aurora Essence x 20 Empyreal Orb x 30
31st - 50th Lappin x 2 Star SP Ticket x 3 Star Ticket x 5 Hares to the Throne Star Coin x 3 Aurora Essence x 20 Empyreal Orb x 30
51st - 70th Lappin x 1 Star SP Ticket x 2 Star Ticket x 4 Hares to the Throne Star Coin x 3 Aurora Essence x 15 Empyreal Orb x 25
71st - 100th Lappin x 1 Star SP Ticket x 2 Star Ticket x 3 Hares to the Throne Star Coin x 1 Aurora Essence x 10 Empyreal Orb x 20
101st - 150th Star SP Ticket x 2 Star Ticket x 3 Star Coin x 1 Aurora Essence x 10 Empyreal Orb x 10
151st - 200th Star SP Ticket x 1 Star Ticket x 3 Star Coin x 1 Aurora Essence x 10 Empyreal Orb x 10
201st - 300th Star SP Ticket x 1 Star Ticket x 2 Star Coin x 1 Aurora Essence x 10
301st - 500th Star Ticket x 3 Star Coin x 1 Aurora Essence x 5 Ichor x 20
501st - 800th Star Ticket x 2 Ichor x 20
801st - 1,600th Star Ticket x 2 Ichor x 10
1,601st - 3,000th Star Ticket x 1 Ichor x 5
3,001st - 5,000th Star Ticket x 1 Ichor x 2
5,001st - 8,000th Star Ticket x 1 Ichor x 1
No rewards past 8,000th

Voting Results

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Final Rankings
Honoka.gif Honoka icon.png
12 Missile 25 A 150 489,064 358,208 358,208 Knockback,
Drain Attack
The Hare Up There
1st Place
Pullable with
Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Tickets &
Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star SP Tickets &
Star DX Ticket 3 icon.png Star DX Tickets
Sax.gif Sax icon.png
11 Melee 25 B 130 363,384 324,291 363,384 Knockback,
Piercing Flash
The Hare Up There
2nd Place
Pullable with
Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Tickets &
Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star SP Tickets &
Star DX Ticket 3 icon.png Star DX Tickets
Oboro.gif Oboro icon.png
9 Melee 20 B 130 228,554 164,437 229,800 Knockback,
Soothing Wind
The Hare Up There
3rd Place
Pullable with
Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Tickets &
Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star SP Tickets &
Star DX Ticket 3 icon.png Star DX Tickets
Mito v2.gif Mito v2 icon.png
8 Missile 15 C 150 0 0 0 Slow,
The Hare Up There
4th Place
Pullable with
Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Tickets &
Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star SP Tickets &
Star DX Ticket 3 icon.png Star DX Tickets
Habane.gif Habane icon.png
7 Magic 40 S 150 102,892 103,719 149,431 Area Attack,
Melt Armor
The Hare Up There
5th Place
Pullable with
Star Ticket 3 icon.png Star Tickets &
Star SP Ticket 3 icon.png Star SP Tickets &
Star DX Ticket 3 icon.png Star DX Tickets
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