Empyreal Orb
Use Empyreal Orbs to permanently increase a 12★ unit's maximum level.
Empyreal Orbs can only be used on units that are 12★ rarity.
By default, the maximum level for a 12★ unit is 240. Empyreal Orbs can be used to increase the unit's maximum level up to 280. Each Empyreal Orb increases the unit's level cap by one level, and a maximum of 40 Empyreal Orbs can be used per unit.
Empyreal Orbs can can be obtained from Login Rewards, Events, and Bonus Rankings.
Other Level Break Items
For 11★ rarity units, please refer to Aurora Essences and
Celestial Orbs.
For 10★ rarity units, please refer to Aurora Essences and
Prismatic Orbs.
For 9★ rarity units, please refer to Ichor.
For 8★ rarity units, please refer to Soma.
For 7★ and under rarity units, please refer to Ambrosia.