Autumnal Login Bonuses

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Autumnal Login Bonuses
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Start Date 2018-10-30
End Date 2018-12-31
Event Type Login Bonus


Fantasica offered login bonuses from October 30, 2018 through December 31, 2018, which included a new 11★ unit, Will o Wisp:

Login Login Reward
1st Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
2nd Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 5
3rd Ally icon.png Ally Points x 300
4th Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 3
5th Rock Tortoise m icon.png Rock Tortoise m
6th Anu icon.png
Danu icon.png
Tartu icon.png
Goddess Set x 3
7th Soma icon.png Soma x 3
8th Enurta icon.png Enurta x 3
9th Ally icon.png Ally Points x 500
10th Epona icon.png Epona
11th Premium ticket icon.png Premium Ticket x 1
Login Login Reward
12th Aer icon.png Aer
13th Soul stone l icon.png Soul Stone(L) x 5
14th Ichor icon.png Ichor x 3
15th Will o Wisp icon.png Will o Wisp
16th Wake Stone L icon.png Wake Stone(L) x 5
17th Aeru icon.png Aeru
18th Nerio icon.png Nerio
19th Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
20th Star Coin icon.png Star Coin x 2
Login Login Reward
21st Ally icon.png Ally Points x 750
22nd Aery icon.png Aery
23rd Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 5
24th Epona icon.png Epona x 3
25th Epic Ticket icon.png Epic Ticket x 1
26th Aerora icon.png Aerora
27th Aurora Essence icon.png Aurora Essence x 3
28th Will o Wisp icon.png 11★ Will o Wisp
29th Ally icon.png Ally Points x 1000
30th Aeroma icon.png Aeroma

After obtaining the rewards from Round 1, more rewards for Round 2 were available for the next 30 days of login:

Login Login Reward
1st Premium ticket icon.png Premium Ticket x 1
2nd Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
3rd Ally icon.png Ally Points x 1000
4th Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 5
5th Jackalope m icon.png Jackalope m
6th Premium ticket icon.png Premium Ticket x 1
7th Soma icon.png Soma x 5
8th Blank icon.png Soul Stone(L) x 5
9th Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 5
10th Will o Wisp icon.png Will o Wisp
11th Nerio icon.png Nerio x 2
Login Login Reward
12th Blank icon.png Wake Stone(L) x 5
13th Ichor icon.png Ichor x 5
14th Aer icon.png Aer
15th Celestial Orb icon.png Celestial Orb x 3
16th Epic Ticket icon.png Epic Ticket x 2
17th Aeru icon.png Aeru
18th Ally icon.png Ally Points x 1000
19th Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
20th Will o Wisp icon.png Will o Wisp
Login Login Reward
21st Aery icon.png Aery
22nd Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 5
23rd Star Coin icon.png Star Coin x 2
24th Bellona icon.png Bellona
25th Aerora icon.png Aerora
26th Aurora Essence icon.png Aurora Essence x 3
27th Celestial Orb icon.png Celestial Orb x 5
28th Aeroma icon.png Aeroma
29th Empyreal Orb icon.png Empyreal Orb x 1
30th Aeraea icon.png Aeraea

Players logging in every day were able to receive 4 copies of new 11★ Will o Wisp.

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Will o Wisp.gif Will o Wisp icon.png
11 Missile 30 C 150 0 0 0 Area Attack,
Bale Storm
Autumnal Login Bonuses

Will o Wisp card.jpg

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