A Time for Flowers

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A Time for Flowers
A Time for Flowers release banner.png
Start Date 2015-2-2
End Date 2015-2-5
Event Type Panel Event
Event Cards Step Up Packs 61
Challenger Packs 17
Earth Breaker Packs
Preceded By The Desert Rose
Homecoming of the Heart
Followed By Seas of Rust
A Time for Flowers announcement.jpg
A Time for Flowers release.jpg

Event Info

Event Schedule

February 2nd, 2015, post-maintenance
February 5th, 2015, maintenance

Bonus BT points

Bonus BT points are awarded based on the single highest-rarity special event unit that you deploy. Bonuses do not stack, and your allies' units do not count.

The bonus appears to be:

  • 4-star unit: 1.1x multiplier
  • 5-star unit: 1.25x multiplier
  • 6-star unit: 1.5x multiplier
  • 7-star unit: 2x multiplier
  • 8-star unit: 2.5x multiplier
  • 9-star unit: 3x multiplier

BT Tracking Spreadsheet


New Units

The following new units in Step Up Packs 61 gave bonus BT points in A Time for Flowers event:

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Courir.gif Courir icon.png
9 Melee 30 C 130 254,647 222,239 175,970 Slow,

Speed Order
Step Up Packs 61
Cinderella Packs 2
Prestige Packs Volume 2
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 4
Iris 8.gif Iris 8 icon.png
8 Missile 30 C 175 171,079 159,150 128,321 Slow,

Fire Storm
Step Up Packs 61
Prophecy Packs
Ultimate Plus Packs 22
Challenger Packs 53
Mini Performer Packs
Effort.gif Effort icon.png
7 Magic 20 C 175 91,315 82,929 112,781 Slow,

Chain Lightning
Step Up Packs 61
Dream Packs Summer Special
Sphura.gif Sphura icon.png
6 Melee 20 D 130 0 0 0 Knockback,

Nerve Strike
Earth Breaker Packs
Standard Card Packs
Added during A Time for Flowers
Magia 5.gif Magia 5 icon.png
5 Magic 15 C 150 27,600 35,300 23,300 Slow,

Speed Order
Standard Card Packs
Added during A Time for Flowers
Hauoli.gif Hauoli icon.png
4 Magic 10 C 175 16,719 15,099 24,392 Knockback,

Defense Order
Standard Card Packs
Added during A Time for Flowers

Reward Units

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Rank Rewards
Elisabeth.gif Elisabeth icon.png
8 Missile 30 D 150 156,553 179,604 119,885 Area Attack,

Speed Order
A Time for Flowers
Group Rank Reward
1st - 15th
30 units awarded
Himiko.gif Himiko icon.png
7 Missile 20 D 150 94,420 92,025 118,821 Area Attack,

Defense Order
A Time for Flowers
Group Rank Reward
1st - 100th
200 units awarded
Shiva.gif Shiva icon.png
6 Magic 20 C 150 73,005 66,365 88,780 Knockback,

A Time for Flowers
Group Rank Reward
1st - 350th
700 units awarded
Lola.gif Lola icon.png
5 Melee 10 B 110 34,900 25,800 18,200 Knockback,

Triple Attack
A Time for Flowers
Group Rank Reward
1st - 2000th
4000 units awarded
BT Point Rewards
Cui.gif Cui icon.png
8 Magic 30 C 150 124,185 154,000 179,604 Poison,

Acid Rain
A Time for Flowers
6,000,000 BT Point Reward
Nefetari.gif Nefetari icon.png
7 Missile 25 C 175 105,056 127,183 84,393 Poison,

Nerve Strike
A Time for Flowers
4,500,000 BT Point Reward
Mary 6.gif Mary 6 icon.png
6 Melee 20 B 130 72,900 68,280 71,600 Poison,

Nerve Strike
A Time for Flowers
1,000,000 BT Point Reward
Srikandi.gif Srikandi icon.png
5 Missile 15 C 175 26,150 41,850 23,200 Poison,

Critical Shot
A Time for Flowers
200,000 BT Point Reward
Panel Rewards
Ishtaria.gif Ishtaria icon.png
7 Magic 30 D 150 90,081 80,437 111,217 Slow A Time for Flowers
Final Panel Reward
Antoinette.gif Antoinette icon.png
6 Magic 15 D 150 59,725 53,155 79,505 Slow,

Defense Order
A Time for Flowers
Fifth Panel Reward


Boss Type Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png EVENT ITEM BT Pts Exp Luna BT per ITEM
Napoleon m.gif Napoleon m icon.png
8 Sea icon.png B A A 6 40,000 14,400 120,000 6,667
Malicious m.gif Malicious m icon.png
9 Air icon.png S A A 8  ?  ?  ?  ?
KillUrn is a special boss that can only be damaged by event units.
KillUrn m.gif KillUrn m icon.png
6 Ground icon.png C C C 3


Panel Rewards

A Time for Flowers panels.png

BT Rewards

BT Pts Reward
5,000 History Map icon.png History Map x 5
10,000 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir (P) x 3
15,000 Title icon.png Title - Late Bloomer
20,000 Epona icon.png Epona x 1
30,000 Potion p icon.png Potion (P) x 3
40,000 History Map icon.png History Map x 7
50,000 Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 2
60,000 Premium ticket icon.png Premium Ticket x 3
70,000 Anu icon.png Anu x 1
80,000 Danu icon.png Danu x 1
BT Pts Reward
90,000 History Map icon.png History Map x 8
100,000 Tartu icon.png Tartu x 1
120,000 History Map icon.png History Map x 10
140,000 Title icon.png Title - Right on Time
170,000 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4★+ Ticket x 1
200,000 Srikandi icon.png 5★ Srikandi
300,000 History Map icon.png History Map x 10
400,000 Enurta icon.png Enurta x 1
500,000 Potion p icon.png Potion (P) x 7
600,000 History Map icon.png History Map x 12
BT Pts Reward
700,000 Anu icon.png
Danu icon.png
Tartu icon.png
Goddess Set x 1
800,000 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir (P) x 7
1,000,000 Mary 6 icon.png 6★ Mary
1,200,000 Potion icon.png Potion x 5
1,500,000 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4★+ Ticket x 2
1,700,000 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1
2,000,000 History Map icon.png History Map x 15
2,300,000 Time elixir icon.png Time Elixir x 5
BT Pts Reward
2,700,000 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 2
3,000,000 Soma icon.png Soma x 2
4,500,000 Nefetari icon.png 7★ Nefetari
6,000,000 Cui icon.png 8★ Cui

Group Rank Rewards

Based on rank as of February 5th, 2015 at 2:00am PST

Rank Elisabeth icon.png
Himiko icon.png
Shiva icon.png
Lola icon.png
Title icon.png
Ichor icon.png
Soma icon.png
Premium ticket2 icon.png
Ticket 5 icon.png
Time elixir icon.png
Time elixir p icon.png
1st 8★ Elisabeth 7★ Himiko 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola Seed of Tomorrow
Time Unraveller
In Full Bloom
Ichor x 20 Soma x 30 4★+ Ticket x 1
2nd - 5th 8★ Elisabeth 7★ Himiko 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola Time Unraveller
In Full Bloom
Ichor x 10 Soma x 15 4★+ Ticket x 1
6th - 15th 8★ Elisabeth 7★ Himiko 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola Time Unraveller
In Full Bloom
Ichor x 5 Soma x 10 4★+ Ticket x 1
16th - 30th 7★ Himiko 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola Time Unraveller
In Full Bloom
Ichor x 3 Soma x 5 4★+ Ticket x 1 5★+ Ticket x 5
31st - 50th 7★ Himiko 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola In Full Bloom
Ichor x 1 Soma x 2 4★+ Ticket x 1 5★+ Ticket x 1
51st - 70th 7★ Himiko 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola In Full Bloom
Soma x 5 4★+ Ticket x 1
71st - 100th 7★ Himiko 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola Forget-Me-Not Soma x 1
101st - 200th 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola Forget-Me-Not 4★+ Ticket x 1 Time Elixir x 3
201st - 350th 6★ Shiva 5★ Lola Forget-Me-Not 4★+ Ticket x 1
351st - 500th 5★ Lola 4★+ Ticket x 1 Time Elixir (P) x 5
501st - 750th 5★ Lola 4★+ Ticket x 1 Time Elixir (P) x 3
751st - 1000th 5★ Lola 4★+ Ticket x 1 Time Elixir (P) x 1
1001st - 2000th 5★ Lola Time Elixir (P) x 1
2001st - 4000th 4★+ Ticket x 1 Time Elixir (P) x 1
4001st - 6000th 4★+ Ticket x 1
6001st - 10000th Time Elixir (P) x 1
No rewards past 10,001st


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