Homecoming of the Heart

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Homecoming of the Heart
Homecoming of the Heart release banner.png
Start Date 2015-1-30
End Date 2015-2-02
Event Type Team Event
Event Cards Step Up Packs 60
Studio Eight Packs
Preceded By The Desert Rose
Followed By A Time for Flowers
Homecoming of the Heart release.jpg

Event Info

Complete quests and training to gather Heart Medal(S) - items that you can donate to your Love to give her support! Get Heart Medal(L)s from card packs and event rewards for more PR!

Homecoming of the Heart is a new PR event where you must collect special medals via Quests and Training. You can then donate the Medals to your chosen Love to gain PR Pts.

Homecoming of the Heart is a team event. You begin the event by choosing to form your own team, or by joining one already made. Each team chooses a your Love to represent.

There are five Loves to choose from:

The Last Kiss, Lisha
The Unnameable, Alecto
Light of the Sea, Mardoll
Innocent Terror, Pandra
Spirit's Rest, Fravashi

Work together with teammates to guide your Love to fame and happiness! A special fate awaits the winner of the Homecoming of the Heart Contest. Details will be released at a later time!

The Loves
Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Lisha.gif Lisha icon.png
8 Melee 30 A 130 146,766 142,481 118,153 Slow,

Drain Attack
September Flash Packs
Standard Card Packs
Alecto.gif Alecto icon.png
8 Missile 20 C 200 113,219 154,731 130,329 Area Attack Dream Packs Season 27
Explorer Packs
Control Packs
Standard Card Packs
Mardoll.gif Mardoll icon.png
8 Magic 30 C 150 132,635 143,788 177,096 Area Attack Sea Packs
Noble Packs
NeoArtCore Challenger Packs
Standard Card Packs
Pandra.gif Pandra icon.png
8 Magic 20 C 150 136,831 156,567 119,736 Knockback Three Step Packs
Mini Brave Packs
Five Star Plus Packs 5
Three Step Packs 32
Standard Card Packs
Fravashi.gif Fravashi icon.png
8 Magic 25 C 150 179,604 132,725 119,900 Slow Step Up Packs 21
Prestige Packs Volume 3
Standard Card Packs

Event Schedule

Homecoming of the Heart starts on January 30, 2015 at 12:00 am PST/PDT. and ends on February 2, 2015 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

  • Event schedule may be subject to change.

Individual PR Rewards and Team PR Rewards will be sent after the event ends.

The deadline to collect any Team PR Reward is February 5, 2015 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

Individual PR Rewards will be sent to your Inbox.


Work together with your team and lead your Love to victory!

When you join the event, you will have the choice to "Form a Team!" or "Join a Team!"

You will then be given the option to choose a Love to represent.

During the event, you can only donate Medals to your team's Love.

Each team can have up to 10 members.

Depending on the average number of teams and members, there may be times when you will be unable to form a team.

If you are unable to form a team, please choose "Join a Team" and your desired Love, to participate in the event.

Alternatively, you can try to Form a Team for another Love. Ability to form a team depends on team distribution and may be subject to change.

Once you form or join a team, it can not be disbanded.

You may not change teams.

All teams will be disbanded following the conclusion of the event.


Medals can be donated to your Love to gain PR Pts.

There are two types of Medals.

・Heart Medal(S) Heart Medal S icon.png Heart Medal(S) have a chance to appear whenever you complete quests or training. The probability of Heart Medal(S) appearing varies by quest and training stage. There is also the possibility that they will not appear.

Use a new unit from the Step Up Packs 60 to get more Heart Medal(S) from quests!

Step Up Packs 60 Units
Sultania, The Eighth Wonder (9★)
Karen_7, Divalicious (7★)
Sifa, Eye for an Eye (5★)

・Heart Medal(L) Heart Medal L icon.png Heart Medal(L) come with some card pack purchases. Heart Medal(L) will give more PR Pts than Heart Medal(S) when donated.

  • Medals cannot be traded.
  • None of the quests from the first 4 episodes will grant PR Pts / Medals.

PR Points

Donate Medals to your Love - Get PR PTS!

When you donate Medals, you gain PR Pts both for your team and for yourself.

You can only donate Medals to the Love your team represents.

Donating multiple Medals at once can earn you a PR Pts bonus, depending on the amount offered.

The maximum number of Medals you can donate at once is 100.

The more Medals you donate at a time, the more PR Pts you will earn per Medal. (More PR Pts after donating 100 Medals than 50; more after donating 50 than 1).

Donating Heart Medal(L) will earn you more PR than donating Heart Medal(S).

Additionally, throughout the day there will be periods of "Fever Time" where donating Medals will award you with 1.5 times the PR Pts!

On the main event page, your Love will give updates about her standing, as well as other tidbits of useful information.

There are a number of rewards you can earn by amassing PR Pts.

You must first contribute 300 PR Pts before you can accept event rewards.

Fever Time!

Homecoming of the Heart Fever Time banner.png

Fever Time is a special state that increases the amount of PR Pts you earn from Medal donations.

Fever Time occurs several times a day. Donating Medals during Fever Time grants you 1.5x the normal amount of PR Pts.

During Fever Time, your Love's message will change and a special banner will appear on your main page.

Don't miss it!

Fever Time occurs at different times depending on the team.

The schedule and timing of Fever Times will not be made public.

The amount of PR Pts you gain for donating Medals during Fever Time is outlined below.

  • 1 Medal: 8 - 15 PR Pts
  • 50 Medals: 600 - 825 Pts (12-16.5 Pts / Medal)
  • 100 Medals: 1650 - 1800 Pts (16.5-18 Pts / Medal)

New Units

The following units in Step Up Packs 60 gave extra medals in quests in the Homecoming of the Heart event:

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Step Up Packs 60
Sultania.gif Sultania icon.png
9 Magic 30 D 150 240,757 194,488 217,619 Area Attack,

Defense Order
Step Up Packs 60
Cornucopia Packs
One Shot Packs 23
Mini Revival Packs 4
One Shot Packs 47
OP Unit Exchange
Mini Sunset Packs
OP Unit Exchange 4
Karen 7.gif Karen 7 icon.png
7 Missile 25 C 130 105,741 109,273 99,629 Slow,

Speed Order
Step Up Packs 60
Mini Blaze Packs
Sifa.gif Sifa icon.png
5 Missile 25 D 175 33,800 28,150 20,650 Slow,

Triple Attack
Standard Card Packs
Added during Homecoming of the Heart


Team PR Rewards

PR Pts Reward
2,500 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 3
5,000 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 3
7,500 Dream 58 S Ticket icon.png Dream 58 (S) Ticket x 1
10,000 Heart Medal L icon.png Heart Medal (L) x 10
20,000 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4★+ Ticket x 1
30,000 Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 3
40,000 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 5
PR Pts Reward
50,000 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 5
60,000 Heart Ticket icon.png Heart Ticket x 1
70,000 Potion icon.png Potion x 5
80,000 Time elixir icon.png Time Elixir x 5
90,000 Heart Ticket icon.png Heart Ticket x 2
100,000 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1
120,000 Soma icon.png Soma x 1
200,000 Heart Ticket icon.png Heart Ticket x 5
  • Every additional 100000 PR Pts past the 200000 PR Pts mark will earn you a Heart Ticket.
  • You must have at least 100 PR Pts to collect Team PR rewards.
  • The deadline to collect any Team PR reward is February 5, 2015 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

Individual PR Rewards

PR Pts Reward
500 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 2
1,000 Heart Medal L icon.png Heart Medal (L) x 3
1,500 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 2
2,000 Dream 58 S Ticket icon.png Dream 58 (S) Ticket x 1
3,000 Heart Ticket icon.png Heart Ticket x 1
4,000 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4★+ Ticket x 1
5,000 Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 3
6,000 Dream 58 S Ticket icon.png Dream 58 (S) Ticket x 3
8,000 Love Ticket icon.png Love Ticket x 1
PR Pts Reward
12,000 Heart Ticket icon.png Heart Ticket x 3
20,000 Potion icon.png Potion x 5
30,000 Love Ticket icon.png Love Ticket x 3
40,000 Time elixir icon.png Time Elixir x 5
50,000 Heart SP Ticket icon.png Heart SP Ticket x 2
60,000 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1
70,000 Soma icon.png Soma x 3
80,000 Love SP Ticket icon.png Love SP Ticket x 1
100,000 Ichor icon.png Ichor x 3
150,000 Love SP Ticket icon.png Love SP Ticket x 2

Every additional 30,000 PR Points (first at 330,000) awards Love Ticket x 1

Reward Tickets

Heart Ticket icon.pngHeart Tickets can be used to draw from Heart Packs.(8★ Loves are included)
Heart SP Ticket icon.pngHeart SP Tickets can be used to draw from Heart SP Packs.(Gives a better chance at the 8★ Loves)
Love Ticket icon.pngLove Tickets can be used to draw from Love Packs.(The winning 9★ Love will be included)
Love SP Ticket icon.pngLove SP Tickets can be used to draw from Love SP Packs.(Gives a better chance at the 9★ Love)

Heart Ticket Packs will be available until February 5, 2015 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

Love Packs and Love SP Packs will become available at a later date.


Voting Results

Homecoming of the Heart winner.jpg

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Card Lists
External Resources