Battle of the Clock Tower

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Battle of the Clock Tower
Battle of the Clock Tower release banner.png
Start Date 2014-09-03
End Date 2014-09-05
Event Type Colosseum Event
Event Cards Clock Packs
Preceded By Tribe Song
The Ruins of Dragon Castle
Followed By Cast a Deadly Spell
Battle of the Clock Tower announcement.jpg
Battle of the Clock Tower release.jpg

Event Info

Event Schedule

September 3rd, 2014, post-maintenance
September 5th, 2014 at 2:00 am PST/PDT

New Units / Monsters

New units available through Clock Packs:

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Astra.gif Astra icon.png
7 Magic 25 C 150 111,547 85,985 105,435 Poison,

Speed Order
Clock Packs
Three Step Packs 19
Standard Card Packs
Quinn.gif Quinn icon.png
6 Magic 15 C 150 59,725 53,515 69,975 Knockback Standard Card Packs
Added during Battle of the Clock Tower
Clea.gif Clea icon.png
4 Missile 20 C 150 14,672 24,591 19,502 Slow Standard Card Packs
Added during Battle of the Clock Tower

Reward Units

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Area Clear Rewards
Sarasvati.gif Sarasvati icon.png
8 Missile 30 C 150 129,686 182,142 119,840 Knockback,

Battle of the Clock Tower
Area 6 Clear Reward
Cherry.gif Cherry icon.png
5 Magic 20 D 150 34,750 29,900 26,500 Knockback,

Stone Breath
Battle of the Clock Tower
Area 4 Clear Reward


Area Rewards

Area Pts to Clear Type Reward
Area 1 1,000 Melee ↑
Magic ↓
Jolt Juice L icon.png Jolt Juice(L) x 2
Area 2 10,000 Missile ↑
Melee ↓
Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 3
Area 3 50,000 Magic ↑
Missile ↓
Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 5
Area 4 100,000 Missile ↑
Magic ↓
Cherry icon.png 5★ Cherry
Area 5 200,000 N/A Soma icon.png Soma x 3
Area 6 4,000,000 Magic ↑
Melee ↓
Sarasvati icon.png 8★ Sarasvati

Victory Count Rewards

Victories Reward
1 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 2
5 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 2
10 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 3
20 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 3
30 Anu icon.png Anu
40 Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 2

Victory Count Rewards

Victories Reward
50 Danu icon.png Danu
60 Tartu icon.png Tartu
70 Enurta icon.png Enurta
80 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4★+ Ticket x 2
90 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1
100 Soma icon.png Soma x 10
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