Call of the Crystal

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Call of the Crystal
Call of the Crystal release banner.png
Start Date 2015-03-05
End Date 2015-03-08
Event Type Clash Event
Event Cards Dream Packs Season 64
Three Step Packs 8
Five Star Plus Packs 2
Preceded By Ruins of Enchantment
Followed By The Night Shift
Call of the Crystal announcement.jpg
Call of the Crystal release.jpg

Event Info

Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal

Clash of Legends is a new type of event where you gain BT Pts by defeating foes in battles of different difficulty levels.

There are 4 difficulty levels. Battles at each level will be fought between your team and a CPU team of up to 8 units each. Four units from each team will begin the fight, and the others will be switched in as the first 4 fall. A battle is won when all the units on the opposing team have fallen. During battles, Arena Skills will be used instead of normal skills.

Starting a battle consumes CP (Clash Points). One CP is restored every 15 minutes. Time Elixirs and Digital Souls may also be used to restore CP.

After selecting a difficulty level, you can prepare your team for battle. You may create up to 4 teams, each consisting of up to 8 Battle Units and 4 Support Units.

Battle Units will fight against the 8 units of the enemy team. Support Units will not fight during battles, but instead contribute by lending their skills to the Battle Units. Battle units have a total cost cap of 200. Support Units have no cost cap. Units with no skills cannot be selected as a Support Unit. Only ONE SUPPORT UNIT may be chosen PER SKILL.

Treasure Chests may drop when you defeat enemies during battle. There are 3 kinds of chests - bronze, silver, and gold. Gold chests will give the best rewards when opened.

Special items called Life Bytes can be found by opening treasure chests and answering assist requests. These Life Bytes can be traded in for rewards items - including a new 8★ unit!

  • Items obtained from treasure chests and exchanging Life Bytes will be sent to your Inbox.

Event Schedule

Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal will take place during the times listed below.

START: March 5, 2015, post-maintenance END: March 8, 2015 at 12:00 am PST/PDT

  • Event schedule may be subject to change without prior notice.
  • Go to the Rankings page after the event has finished to confirm your final rankings and press Receive to have your ranking rewards sent to your Inbox.
  • You must have earned at least 1 BT Pt to be eligible for any rank reward.

Special Units

Special units are units that offer unique bonuses during the Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal event.

Set a special unit as one of your Battle Units to receive the following bonuses: ・ More BT Pts ・ Increase in ATK power and HP during battles The higher the rarity of the special unit, the better the bonuses.

  • No bonuses will be applied if a special unit is set as a Support Unit.
  • The BT Pt bonus after a victory will be determined by the single highest rarity special unit in your battle team.

The event units for Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal are listed below.

Dream Packs Season 64 units Metatron_9, Spread Your Wings(★9) Ouka, A Loving Mother(★8) Yakumo, A Loving Father(★7) Utaha, Royal Flutist(★6) Tamaki, Royal Lookout(★5)

Difficulty Levels

You may choose from 4 different battle difficulty levels.

The four difficulty levels are listed below: ・Rook ・Adept ・Veteran ・Master As the level becomes more difficult, more powerful enemies will appear. Enemies will also grow stronger as you gain more victories. Enemies from higher difficulty battles will drop rarer treasure chests.

  • Victories will be counted separately for each difficulty level.
  • CP is necessary for starting battles, and the CP needed varies according to difficulty level.

As your victories for each difficulty level increases, the Legend difficulty level will appear randomly. The Legend difficulty level has a time limit of 15 minutes. You will not be able to begin a Legend battle once the time limit has passed.

Also, while the Legend difficulty level is up, enemies in all difficulty levels will have a higher chance of dropping treasure chests when defeated.

Regaining CP

CP is consumed each battle.

The required CP is different for each difficulty level. One CP is restored every 15 minutes. CP can be restored instantly with Time Elixirs and Lucid Tonics.

Each Time Elixir will restore 2 CP. Each Lucid Tonic will restore all CP.

  • The MAX CP is 6.
  • Using an item to restore CP will not bring your CP over 6.

Preparing for Battle

Prepare for battle by setting up your team.

Battle prep begins once you have selected a difficulty level and consists of the following:

1. Confirming the Enemy Team At the top of the battle prep screen, the enemy team's 8 units are shown. Units 1 through 4 will be the first to appear during battle. Units 5 through 8 will appear one by one in order, replacing the first 4 as they fall in battle.

2. Creating Your Team Up to 4 teams can be created to use against a variety of enemies, each consisting of Battle Units and Support Units. Battle Units will be deployed in battles, and up to 8 can be selected with a total cost cap of 200. Support Units will contribute by lending their skills to Battle Units during battles. Up to 4 Support Units may be selected. Support Units have no cost cap. Units without a skill cannot be selected as a Support Unit. And only one unit can be selected for any one skill.

3. Setting the Attack Order You can set the attack order of your units by tapping the Set Order button at the bottom of the screen. Units 1 through 4 in red will be the first units to fight. Units 5 through 8 in blue will be switched on to the battlefield in order as Units 1 through 4 fall. Enemy units will attack your units in order from 1 to 8. There is no attack order for Support Units.

  • The attack order will be determined automatically if none is set.

Find out more about selecting units for your team and setting the attack order in the Attack Type Matchups section.

Clash of Legends Battles

In the Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal event, you will go to battle with your team.

Battles are fought between your team and a CPU team with up to 8 units each. Four units from each team will appear on the battlefield at a time. As the four units on the field fall, the remaining units will replace them in order. The battle is won when all units on the enemy team have been defeated.

During battle, there are good and bad attack type matches. In an good matchup, a unit will do 1.5X its normal damage. In a bad matchup, a unit will only do 0.5X its normal damage. Against a unit of the same attack type, a unit will do its normal damage. More details can be found in the Attack Type Matchups section of the rules.

A Clash Counter will count down towards 0 each time a turn is taken. The count starts at 20 and when it hits 0, both teams receive a 2X attack boost. The count is immediately reset to 20 and if it reaches 0 again during the same battle, a 3X attack boost will be applied, followed by a 4X boost, and so on. The MAX attack boost that can be applied from the Clash Counter is 10X. If the Clash Counter hits 0 when the attack boost is 10X, then the victory will go to the team with more units remaining. If both teams have the same number remaining, then the victory goes to you.

Enemy units sometimes drop treasure chests when defeated. There are 3 kinds of treasure chests with rarer chests giving better rewards.

The treasure chests open only when you are victorious. BT Pts are earned even when defeated, but fewer than from a victory. After a defeat, you may choose to use a Potion or Digital Soul to continue the battle and aim for a victory. Active unit skills, the Clash Counter, and Support Unit skills will be reset when a battle is continued. If a battle is not continued, any treasure chests found during that battle will be forfeit and cannot be opened.

  • There is a limit to the number of Potions that can be used to continue a battle.

This limit is reset at the following times each day: 4:00 am PST/PDT, 4:00 pm PST/PDT.

Arena skills will be activated during battles.

You may receive assists from other players at the start of a battle. Assists will only be received when an ally or other player has answered your assist request before the start of a battle. A maximum of five assists can be received for a single battle.

  • During a battle, any unit in your team, including Support Units, cannot be traded, sold, used in enhancement, or exchanged for Leana Points.
Attack Type Matchups

During battles in the Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal event, there are good and bad attack type matches.

・Good Matchups In a good matchup, your unit will do 1.5X its normal damage against the enemy unit. Ex.) Magic units do 1.5 x damage to Melee units.

・Bad Matchups In a bad matchup, your unit will do 0.5X its normal damage against the enemy unit. Ex.) Melee units do 0.5 x damage to Magic units!

  • Against a unit of the same type, your unit will do normal damage.
  • Enemy unit damage is also affected by attack type matchups.
Skill Effects

Arena skills will be activated during battles in the Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal event.

The skill effects are as follows:

Offensive Skills ・Area Attack Deals damage to all enemy units on field.

・Poison Poisons the attacked enemy unit. Poisoned units will take damage each turn they make for a length of time.

・Slow All enemy units will be slowed.

・Knockback Knocks back the attacked enemy unit in the attack order bar.

・Attack Boost Raises the attack power of all friendly units on field after an attack.

  • Male, Female, and Palace Guard Attack Boosts will all be treated as an Attack Boost.

・Double Attack Attacks twice in one turn.

・Triple Attack Attacks three times in one turn.

・Quad Attack Attacks four times in one turn.

・Penta Attack Attacks five times in one turn.

・Critical Shot Ignores any defensive skills to do critical damage to an enemy.

・Drain Attack Unit regains as HP any damage done to an enemy during its attack.

・Speed Order Speeds up all friendly units (for one round).

・Defense Order All friendly units on field take less damage when attacked for a time.

・Incinerate Burns the attacked enemy unit. Burned units will take damage every time a friendly unit attacks for a length of time.

  • Double, Triple, Quad, and Penta Attacks will be counted as one attack.

・Backstab Does heavy damage to the enemy unit with the largest range.

・Nerve Strike Does heavy damage to an enemy while stunning and preventing it from using most skills for a length of time.

・Stone Breath Does no attack damage, but petrifies all enemy units, preventing them from attacking for a length of time.

  • Defensive skills will not activate while a unit is under the effects of Stone Breath.
  • Petrified units can be poisoned and burned.

・Snipe Inflicts heavy damage on unit with lowest maximum HP.

・Acid Rain Inflicts a poison-like state on multiple units. Affected units take damage whenever they attack for a set number of turns.

  • The poisoned state will be still be inflicted even if Iron Wall is activated.

・Chain Lightning Deals damage to all enemy units on field, while stunning them for a length of time.

  • The stunned state will be still be inflicted even if Iron Wall is activated.

・Fire Storm Attacks and burns all enemy units on the field. Burned units will take damage every time a friendly unit attacks for a length of time.

  • The burnned state will still be inflicted even if Iron Wall is activated.

・Blood Pact Deals greater damage to an enemy as the attacking unit's HP decreases.

  • Will not activate if HP is full.

・Angelic Aura Removes certain skill effects(burn, poison, stun) from all friendly units, and blocks any further activations of those states for a number of turns.

・Gravity Pulse Decreases an enemy unit's remaining HP. The higher the enemy's remaining HP, the larger the decrease.

Defensive Skills ・Iron Wall Offers a flat chance to completely nullify all damage when attacked this unit is attacked.

  • Iron Wall nullifies attack damage only.
  • Skill effects will still be inflicted on the unit.

・Blink Whenever this unit receives damage from a melee unit, it has a set chance to nullify that damage and then slow the attacking unit for the battle.

  • Blink nullifies attack damage only.
  • Skill effects will still be inflicted on the unit.
  • Double, Triple, Quad, and Penta Attacks have a chance of activating the Blink skill.

Blink will not be activated by any other unit skill attacks.

・Riposte This unit has a set chance to inflict damage to any melee attacker that attacks it.

  • Double, Triple, Quad, and Penta Attacks have a chance of activating the Riposte skill.

Riposte will not be activated by any other unit skill attacks.

  • Attack type matchups will have no effect on damage done by the Riposte skill.

・Pariah Reduces damage friendly units take when attacked by taking damage in their place.

  • The Pariah skill will not reduce damage for the unit using it.
  • Skill effects are subject to change without prior warning.
Support Units

Support Units will lend their skill to a Battle Unit when used.

Up to 4 Support Units can be chosen when prepping for battle. Only units with a skill can be chosen as a support unit. Only ONE UNIT can be chosen PER SKILL. Skill names will be abbreviated.

Support Unit skills can be applied to Battle Units by tapping the Support Unit during a battle. Once a Support Unit has been used, there will be a cooldown until it can be used again. The cooldown will differ depending on the skill. Skills lent by Support Units have a 100% chance of activating.* Lent skills will have to be reapplied once activated to use again. The level of the lent skill will be based on the level of the Battle Unit it was applied to.

・Lending Offensive Skills Attack skills will be lent in order from the left-most unit in the attack order bar. An abbreviation of the skill name will appear above the icon of the unit it was applied to. Attack skills cannot be lent to a unit in the middle of an attack.

・Lending Defensive Skills Defensive skills will be lent in order of deployment. An abbreviation of the skill name will appear above the icon of the unit it was applied to. Defensive skills can be lent to units being attacked and units in the middle of an attack.

  • Lent skills will not activate when the unit is under the effects of Nerve Strike or Chain Lightning.

The skill will only activate once the effects of the stun have worn off.

  • Units that have been lent a skill will not be able to activate their own skill if any.

Once the lent skill has been used, any original skill will regain the chance to activate.

  • Lent skills will not activate if the unit is defeated.

Cooldown will not be reset even if a unit is defeated before the lent skill could be activated.

  • Units cannot be lent more than one skill.
Skill Name Abbreviations

Please check below for the skill names abbreviations within the Clash of Legends: Call of the Crystal event.

Offensive Skills

・Area Attack Mini:AA Short:Area Attack

・Poison Mini:POI Short:Poison

・Slow Mini:SLW Short:Slow

・Knockback Mini:KB Short:Knockback

・Attack Boost Mini:AT↑ Short:ATK Boost

・Double Attack Mini:2x Short:Double Atk

・Triple Attack Mini:3x Short:Triple Atk

・Quad Attack Mini:4x Short:Quad Atk

・Penta Attack Mini:5x Short:Penta Atk

・Critical Shot Mini:CRT Short:Crit Shot

・Drain Attack Mini:DrA Short:Drain Atk

・Speed Order Mini:SPD Short:Speed Order

・Defense Order Mini:DEF Short:DEF Order

・Incinerate Mini:INC Short:Incinerate

・Backstab Mini:BS Short:Backstab

・Nerve Strike Mini:NRV Short:Nerve Strike

・Stone Breath Mini:StB Short:Stone Breath

・Snipe Mini:SNI Short:Snipe

・Acid Rain Mini:ACI Short:Acid Rain

・Chain Lightning Mini:ChL Short:C. Lightning

・Fire Storm Mini:FS Short:Fire Storm

・Blood Pact Mini:BP Short:Blood Pact

Stone Shot Mini:SS Short:Stone Shot

・Angelic Aura Mini:AnA Short:Angel Aura

・Gravity Pulse Mini:GP Short:GRA Pulse

Defensive Skills

・Iron Wall Mini:IW Short:Iron Wall

・Blink Mini:BNK Short:Blink

・Riposte Mini:RIP Short:Riposte

・Pariah Mini:PAR Short:Pariah

Clash Counter

When the Clash Counter reaches 0, both teams will get a 2X attack boost.

During battle, the Clash Counter will count down each time a turn is taken. The Counter starts at 20, and when it reaches 0 both teams receive a 2X attack boost. The count is immediately reset to 20 and if it reaches 0 again during the same battle, a 3X attack boost will be applied, followed by a 4X boost, and so on. The boost will increase by 1 each time until it hits a 10X attack boost. If the battle winner has not been determined by the time the Clash Counter hits 0 after a 10X boost, the team with most units deployed will be the victor. If the same number of units are deployed by both teams, then the victory is yours.

Calling for Help

You may receive requests for assistance from allies and other players.

You can answer these requests by sending a Woodland Edge or your leader unit to help. Answering requests will get you BT Pts and Cursed Crystals, send Woodland Edges to get more. The first time you assist each ally, each day, you will receive more Cursed Crystals than usual. The ally assist count will reset each day at 2:00 am PST/PDT. Unanswered sent or received requests will not be reset.

  • Woodland Edges sent do not count towards the assists sent number.
  • You may only receive extra Cursed Crystals each day the first time you answer an ally request for up to 30 allies.

You can request help by pressing the Request Assist! button on the Assists page of the event. If your request is answered, help will arrive at the start of the next battle. Up to 5 assists can be received per battle. An assist will give damage to all units on the enemy team. A Woodland Edge assist will give even more damage.

Pressing the Request Assist! button incurs a cooldown. Time Elixirs can be used to reset the cooldown instantly.

The damage displayed during the assist attacks at the beginning of a battle may differ from actual damage done. Actual may be greater but will not be less.

BT Points

Win battles and aid others to gain BT Pts.

BT Pts can also be gained after a defeat, but you will gain more from a victory. You can also gain a large number of BT Pts when you send a Woodland Edge to another player.

Event Items

Use special items to get the edge.

・Lucid Tonic Lucid Tonics can be used to MAX your CP. After a defeat, it can also be used to restart the battle with full HP. The enemy team's HP will not be restored in this case.

  • MAX CP is six.
  • CP will not go over 6 even if a Lucid Tonic is used. Please be forewarned.

・Woodland Edge Woodland Edges can be sent to assist other players. Assisting others with a Woodland Edge will get you more BT Pts than a normal assist. Woodland Edges that have been sent from other players are automatically used in boss fights. Woodland Edges will do more damage to the enemy team than normal assists.

・Cursed Crystal Cursed Crystals can be exchanged for items and even special units available no where else. Crystals are found by opening treasure chests and by assisting other players. You will get more Crystals from assisting allies than other players. Assisting with Woodland Edges is a great way to get a lot of Crystals. Also, the first time you a send a normal assist to each ally each day, you will receive more Crystals than subsequent times. You can begin trading in your Cursed Crystals by pressing the Crystal Rewards button on the event page.

  • You will only receive more Crystals the first time you assist an ally, for up to 30 allies.
  • The deadline to trade in your Cursed Crystal rewards is March 12, 2015 at 2:00 AM PST/PDT.
  • Cursed Crystal Rewards will be sent to your Inbox.

Cursed Crystals

Cursed Crystals can be exchanged for items and even special units available no where else.

The requirements for trading in your Bytes are as follows:

・Crystal Requirement This is the number of Cursed Crystals needed to trade in for an item. You will not be able to make the exchange without meeting the necessary Bytes required.

・Exchange Limit Some items and units have a limit to the number of times they can be traded for. When the number of exchanges left hits 0, you will no longer be able to trade for that item.

・Availability There is a deadline to trade in your Cursed Crystals. Once the deadline has passed, you will no longer be able to trade in your Bytes.

  • The above requirements must be met to make any Cursed Crystal exchanges.
  • The deadline to trade in your Life Byte rewards is March 12, 2015 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

・Daily Items Some items will only be available to trade for one day. They are marked with a Today! icon. Daily items will be refreshed at 4:00 am PST/PDT each day. Daily items from the previous day will no longer be available past 4:00 am PST/PDT.

  • Cursed Crystal Rewards will be sent to your Inbox.
  • 8★ and 7★ Cursed Crystal Rewards CANNOT be traded.
Group Rankings

Reward Brackets will now be split into different groups. Each group will have its own rankings.

Ranking will be determined by your total number of BT Pts.

The group you will be placed in is determined at random.

You can view your rank and the rank of the top ten players via the Ranking page.

Rankings will be consistent throughout the event.

As it may take some time for Rankings to update, there may be some discrepancy between what is shown on the Ranking page and the actual, final player rankings.

  • Changes to player rankings may take up to 30 minutes to update.

New Units

The following units in Dream Packs Season 64 gave bonus BT points for victories in the Call of the Crystal event, as well as an increase in ATK power and HP during battles, when deployed as Battle Units:

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Event Units
Metatron 9.gif Metatron 9 icon.png
9 Magic 30 C 130 225,018 238,424 199,112 Slow,

Dream Packs Season 64
Birthday Party Packs
Challenger Packs 44
Mini Merchant Packs
One Shot Packs 69
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 4
Ouka.gif Ouka icon.png
8 Missile 30 C 150 136,054 189,831 148,923 Knockback,

Stone Breath
Dream Packs Season 64
Wonderful Packs
Dream Packs Season 86
Yakumo.gif Yakumo icon.png
7 Magic 30 C 150 92,170 103,661 128,699 Slow,

Stone Breath
Dream Packs Season 64
Utaha.gif Utaha icon.png
6 Magic 20 D 150 69,580 82,860 72,935 Area Attack,

Defense Order
Standard Card Packs
Added during Call of the Crystal
Tamaki.gif Tamaki icon.png
5 Missile 15 C 150 22,200 42,350 28,600 Slow,

Speed Order
Standard Card Packs
Added during Call of the Crystal

Reward Units

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Rank Rewards
Della.gif Della icon.png
8 Missile 30 C 175 138,637 126,260 196,684 Slow,

Gravity Pulse
Call of the Crystal
Group Rank Reward
1st - 10th
20 units awarded
Blossom.gif Blossom icon.png
7 Magic 10 D 150 0 0 0 Slow,

Defense Order
Call of the Crystal
Group Rank Reward
1st - 70th
140 units awarded
Douglas.gif Douglas icon.png
6 Melee 30 B 130 82,105 53,155 90,608 Poison,

Drain Attack
Call of the Crystal
Group Rank Reward
1st - 350th
700 units awarded
Hazel.gif Hazel icon.png
5 Melee 15 C 130 0 0 0 Knockback,

Atk Boost (Male),

Nerve Strike
Call of the Crystal
Group Rank Reward
1st - 1000th
2000 units awarded
Jackie.gif Jackie icon.png
4 Missile 20 D 150 33,957 11,726 7,336 Area Attack Call of the Crystal
Group Rank Reward
1st - 2000th
4000 units awarded
Objects Rewards
Gerda.gif Gerda icon.png
8 Missile 30 C 200 190,667 140,339 121,983 Poison,

Critical Shot
Call of the Crystal
Cursed Crystal icon.png30,000 Cursed Crystal Reward
Demetrius.gif Demetrius icon.png
7 Melee 20 C 130 121,022 85,888 93,871 Slow,

Call of the Crystal
Cursed Crystal icon.png15,000 Cursed Crystal Reward
Nessie.gif Nessie icon.png
6 Magic 15 C 150 59,865 50,520 82,210 Area Attack Call of the Crystal
Cursed Crystal icon.png4,000 Cursed Crystal Reward
Bridget.gif Bridget icon.png
5 Magic 25 C 150 29,550 21,900 42,625 Slow,

Defense Order
Call of the Crystal
Cursed Crystal icon.png1,000 Cursed Crystal Reward


Cursed Crystal Rewards

Cursed Crystals can be spent to purchase a variety of rewards. Cursed Crystals can be exchanged until March 12th, 2015.

Cursed Crystal icon.png Cursed Crystal Rewards

Cursed Crystals Reward Max Exchanges
50 Lucid Tonic icon.png Lucid Tonic x 1 10
3,000 Woodland Edge icon.png Woodland Edge x 1 10
500 Lucid Tonic icon.png Lucid Tonic x 1 100
3,000 Woodland Edge icon.png Woodland Edge x 1 5
200 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 1 50
200 Time elixir p icon.png Time Elixir(P) x 1 50
300 Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 1 50
100 Luna icon.png Luna x 10,000 Unlimited
500 Premium ticket icon.png Premium Ticket 20
2000 Premium ticket2 icon.png 4* Plus Ticket 10

Cursed Crystal icon.png Cursed Crystal

Cursed Crystals Reward Max Exchanges
100 Ally icon.png Ally Points x 100 Unlimited
100 Brave Pts icon.png Brave Points x 1000 Unlimited
500 Potion icon.png Potion x 1 10
500 Time elixir icon.png Time Elixir x 1 10
300 Epona icon.png Epona x 1 10
300 Anu icon.png Anu x 1 10
300 Danu icon.png Danu x 1 10
300 Tartu icon.png Tartu x 1 10
300 Enurta icon.png Enurta x 1 10

Cursed Crystal icon.png Cursed Crystal

Cursed Crytsals Reward Max Exchanges
30,000 Gerda icon.png 8★ Gerda 1
15,000 Demetrius icon.png 7★ Demetrius 1
4,000 Nessie icon.png 6★ Nessie 1
1,000 Bridget icon.png 5★ Bridget 1
7,000 Soma icon.png Soma x 1 5
7,000 Ticket 6 plus icon.png 6★+ Ticket x 1 1
5,000 Ticket 5 icon.png 5★+ Ticket x 1 5
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