Dorothy 9

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Dorothy, Wandering to Wonder
Dorothy 9 icon.png
Dorothy 9.gif
Blank album 9.png
Magic icon.png Magic 150 Range C Speed
15 Cost Slow
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
180 162,095 178,750 171,350 512,195 289,882 0
200 175,000 193,000 185,000 553,000 347,760 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
A Tricky Proposition
Area 6 Clear Reward

Dorothy 9 card.jpg Dorothy 9 card back.jpg

JP Version Artwork:
Dorothy 9 jp.jpgDorothy 9 back jp.jpg

An 8★ version of Dorothy also exists:

Dorothy, No Place Like Home
Dorothy 8 icon.png
Dorothy 8.gif
Blank album 8.png
Missile icon.png Missile 150 Range C Speed
15 Cost Slow
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
160 119,870 132,695 128,425 380,990 192,184 0
180 0 0 0 0 0 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
The Emerald City
Gold Chest Reward / 300 Lap Reward

Dorothy 8 card.jpg Dorothy 8 card back.jpg

JP Version Artwork:
Dorothy 8 jp.jpgDorothy 8 back jp.jpg

CN Version Artwork:
Dorothy 8 cn.jpgDorothy 8 back cn.jpg

A 9★ beach version of Dorothy also exists:

Dorothy, A Little Detour
Dorothy (Beach) icon.png
Dorothy (Beach).gif
Blank album 9.png
Magic icon.png Magic 175 Range D Speed
30 Cost Area Attack,

Chain Lightning
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
180 233,357 189,876 262,047 685,280 410,194 1,346,412
200 252,000 205,000 283,000 740,000 492,199 1,450,000
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
Y -2 145,000

Dorothy (Beach) card.jpg Dorothy (Beach) card back.jpg

An 11★ version of Dorothy also exists:

Dorothy 11 icon.png
Dorothy 11.gif
Blank album 11.png
Missile icon.png Missile 170 Range C Speed
30 Cost Slow,

Shields Up
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
220 0 0 0 0 0 0
260 363,000 422,500 393,000 1,178,500 900,312 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Cost Range HP
18,150 21,125 19,650 -2 1

Dorothy 11 card.jpg Dorothy 11 card back.jpg

Dorothy 11 mlb icon.png
Dorothy 11 mlb.gif
Blank album 11.png
Missile icon.png Missile 170 Range C Speed
30 Cost Slow,

Shields Up
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
220 0 0 0 0 0 0
260 402,000 508,000 449,000 1,359,000 1,056,527 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Cost Range HP
20,100 25,400 22,450 -2

Dorothy 11 mlb card.jpg Dorothy 11 mlb card back.jpg

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