Event Info
Paths of Fate: Duel on the Dance Floor is a pvp-centric event where you create a deck and battle against other players for prizes.
To start, position your units on the Fate Map. This is where they will battle enemy units.
Once battle starts, your units will advance along their own path of fate.
When one of your units lands on an Attack Square, they will attack your opponent.
Reduce the enemy team's HP to 0 to win!
Battles require FP to initiate. FP regenerates at a rate of one every 10 minutes. You can have a maximum of six FP at any time.
Alternatively, you can use a Fabled Flask to instantly restore your FP to max.
For more information about editing your team, please check the Editing Your Deck section.
For more information about battles in general, please check the Battles section.
Your performance in battle will earn you BT Pts. Player rankings will be determined by the amount of BT Pts you earn during the event.
Higher rankings will offer better rewards, so good luck!
Event Schedule
Duel of the Dance Floor will take place during the period listed below:
Start: September 1, 2016, post-maintenance
End: September 5, 2016 at 2:00 am PST/PDT
- The above times may be subject to change without prior notice.
- All eligible rank rewards will be sent to your Inbox at the end of the event.
- You must have earned at least 1 BT Pt within the event to be eligible for any event-related rewards.
- The deadline to receive Shard Rewards is September 8, 2016 by 2:00 am PST/PDT.
Special Units
Bonus units are units that offer unique bonuses during the Duel of the Dance Floor event.
Set a bonus unit in your deck during the Duel of the Dance Floor event and receive the following bonuses:
1. More BT Pts
2. Increased ATK for bonus units during battles
The higher the rarity of the bonus unit, the better the BT Pt bonuses.
- The BT Pt bonus received after a victory will be determined by the single rarest bonus unit on your team.
- Bonus BT Pts awarded are applied when advancing, but they are NOT applied to your unit placement bonus.
- Defeating opponents quickly may result in fewer bonus BT Pts, but rest assured the bonus units are working as intended.
The bonus units are listed below.
- Additions may be made to this list without prior notice.
- 9★s and 10★s cannot be traded.
- Bonus units listed above cannot be traded for the duration of the event.
[Expand] BT Points
BT Pts earned during the event will contribute to your ranking.
You can earn BT Pts by completing the following actions in battle:
・ Defeat enemy units / teams
・ Move along the paths of fate
The following actions will also award you additional BT Pts:
・ Spending three or six FP (Fate Points) to initiate battle will contribute a BT Pt multiplier equal to the number of FP points spent
・ Deploy a unit in battle to earn an additional 1000 BT Pts each
・ Defeat an Archrival
・ Win a Rematch
・ Have units remaining during each movement phase of the battle
・ Defeat an enemy unit
Of course, achieving victory in battle will also award you an increased amount of BT Pts.
[Expand] FP (Fate Points)
Battles within the Paths of Fate event require FP (Fate Points) to initiate.
FP regenerates at a rate of one every 10 minutes. You can have a maximum of six FP at any time.
When initiating battle, you can choose to spend either one, three, or six FP.
Spending three or six FP will allow you to receive the following bonuses:
・ 3 FP
All allied units will receive a 1.5x ATK bonus. You will also receive 3x the amount of BT Pts, EXP, and event-specific Shards.
・ 6 FP
All allied units will receive a 2.0x ATK bonus. You will also receive 6x the amount of BT Pts, EXP, and event-specific Shards.
- All EXP and event-specific shards listed on the post-battle results screen represent the total amount (bonus included) of each item earned.
- The amount of FP spent to initiate each battle can be set via the Settings button on the main event page.
- The amount of FP needed to initiate an Archrival battle or Rematch may vary regardless of individual settings.
You can also use a Fabled Flask to instantly restore your FP to max.
- Players can only have up to six FP at any given time.
[Expand] Event Items
The following event items can help you gain an advantage over the competition!
Good luck!
・ Dancer's Flasks
Use a Dancer's Flask to instantly restore your FP to max.
Should you suffer a defeat in battle, you can also use a Dancer's Flask to get back into the fight.
This does NOT apply to Archrival battles.
Enemy units you have defeated, as well as any HP damage you have inflicted, will NOT be reset when continuing in this manner.
- You can only have a maximum of six FP at any time.
・ Mask Shards
Collect Mask Shards during the event to unlock rare loot, including event-specific units!
You can earn Mask Shards via Chests, Daily League rewards, or by successfully defending against enemy player attacks.
Tap the Receive Rewards button on the main event page to receive all eligible Shard Rewards.
All eligible rewards will be sent to your Inbox.
- The deadline to receive your Shard Rewards is September 8, 2016 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.
[Expand] Editing Your Deck
You must first edit your deck before you can initiate a battle.
Your deck can consist of up to 10 units, though your total deck cost may not exceed 220.
- Units within your deck cannot be set as your leader, enhanced, sold, traded, placed in your inn, traded to Leana, or ascended.
- Players wishing to do one of the above actions should first remove the unit from their deck, then try again.
[Expand] Choosing Your Opponent
When initiating a battle, you will be given the option to select an opponent.
When possible, players will be matched with opponents of similar rank.
[Expand] Battles
Battles are broken up into the following two phases:
1. Unit Deployment
2. Battle
・ Deploying your Units
At the start of each battle, you will have the opportunity to deploy each unit in your deck, as well as one ally leader unit, to one of the five starting squares located on the battle map.
During this stage, you can reassign units to different starting squares by tapping on the desired square.
Deploying a unit to a starting square will form a team at that square.
You can also access the following commands by tapping the Deploy button found on the event battle screen.
・ Undo All: Disbands all units and teams deployed at all locations.
・ Deploy to All Paths: Deploys units to all available starting squares.
・ Deploy to Single Path: Deploys all units to a single path.
You must deploy at least one unit to start a battle.
At the start of each battle, you will receive a bonus for each unit you have deployed.
・ Battles
At the start of each battle, units will advance from their starting square along the path of fate set before them.
When proceeding along a path, units will turn in a manner that allows them to proceed further down the path whenever given the chance.
There are four types of special squares on each battle map.
Landing on, or next to, each square will provoke a different result depending on the square.
・ Attack Squares: Stepping on an Attack Square causes that unit, as well as units on the path immediately to the right and left of the attack square, to attack the opponent.
・ Enemy Squares: When a unit steps on a square neighboring an enemy square, that unit, as well as the enemy unit placed on the enemy square, will engage in battle. If your unit loses this battle, then they will be removed from the battlefield and the next unit on that team will take their place on the path.
・ Skill Squares: When a unit steps on a Skill Square, they will unleash a Fate Skill. The skill used depends on the unit.
Fate Skills will not activate under the following conditions:
1. Said unit does not possess a Fate Skill
2. Said unit's skill is a Passive Skill
3. There are no valid targets available
・Chest Squares: Step on this square to receive a reward.
Attack Chains
When multiple units step on an Attack Square at the same time, an Attack Chain will ensue.
Attack Chains increase the ATK of all attacking units.
The bigger the Attack Chain, the higher the attack bonus.
・ Victory and Defeat
Victory is achieved when you have reduced the opponent's HP to 0.
Defeat occurs when all of your units have been defeated OR 200 turns have elapsed--whichever happens first.
・ Defeat
When defeated, the amount of BT Pts you earn from that battle will be halved.
The number of chests you earn for that battle will also be capped at one.
・ Continuing
Upon defeat in a non-Archrival battle, players will have the option to continue by using a Potion or Ruby Flask.
Continuing in this manner will have the following consequences:
・ All BT Pts earned during the battle will be halved.
・ All units / teams will be returned to their starting squares and the battle map will revert to its original state.
・ Players will retain all the chests they've acquired. The opponent's HP will NOT regenerate.
・ Players who continue will not receive the starting BT Pt bonus normally earned for deploying units.
- Neither Archrival battles nor Rematches can be continued.
[Expand] Chests
While some chests may contain the same items as others, the number of items included in each checst will often vary.
Players who suffer a defeat will receive a maximum of one chest from that battle.
[Expand] Archrival Battles
When initiating battle, an Archrival may appear under certain conditions.
During this time, the Battle button normally appearing on the main event page will be replaced with the Battle Archrival button.
Winning an Archrival Battle will award you a much larger amount of BT Pts! Good luck!
- Normal event battles will be unavailable during this time.
- Archrival battles can NOT be continued.
[Expand] Skills
Units with arena skills may use those skills to shape the course of battle in the Paths of Fate event.
Skills are divided into two groups: Fate Skills and Passive Skills.
Fate Skills are triggered by stepping on a Skill Square.
Passive Skills are always 'on', and their effects are persistent so long as the unit remains alive.
Here is a list of the Fate Skills found within the Paths of Fate event.
Fate Skills
・ Area Attack
Damages the closest enemy unit above you in your column, as well as all enemy units within two spaces on either side of the affected unit.
・ Poison
Damages and poisons the closest enemy unit above you in your column.
Affected unit takes poison damage every time the unit that afflicted the damage moves for up to five turns.
・ Attack Boost
Boosts ATK of all friendly units.
Attack boost will wear off after damage has been dealt to your opponent's HP gauge or enemy units a total of five times.
- Damage from poison or fire effects does not count.
・ Double Attack
Damages all enemy units in your column within two spaces above you.
・ Triple Attack
Damages all enemy units in your column within three spaces above you.
・ Quad Attack
Damages all enemy units in your column within four spaces above you.
・ Penta Attack
Damages all enemy units in your column within five spaces above you.
・ Defense Order
Decreases damage received by all ally units during their next encounter with an enemy unit.
・ Incinerate
Damages and burns the closest enemy unit above you in your column.
Affected unit takes fire damage every time it performs an action for up to five turns.
・ Backstab
Inflicts damage on your opponent's HP gauge.
・ Stone Breath
Decreases damage received by all ally units during their next encounter with an enemy unit.
・ Snipe
Inflicts damage upon the enemy unit with the lowest HP.
・ Acid Rain
Damages and poisons the closest enemy unit above you in your column, as well as all enemy units within two spaces on either side of the affected unit.
Affected units take poison damage every time the unit that afflicted the damage moves for up to five turns.
・ Fire Storm
Damages and burns the closest enemy unit above you in your column, as well as all enemy units within two spaces on either side of the affected unit.
Affected units take fire damage every time they perform an action for up to five turns.
・ Stone Shot
Decreases damage received by the unit that activated the Skill Square when it next encounters an enemy unit.
・ Balefire
Damages, poisons, and burns the closest enemy unit above you in your column.
Poisoned unit takes poison damage every time the unit that afflicted the damage moves for up to five turns.
Burned unit takes fire damage every time it performs an action for up to five turns.
・ Valor Song
Boosts ATK of all ally units.
Decreases damage received by all ally units during their next encounter with an enemy unit.
Attack boost will wear off after damage has been dealt to your opponent's HP gauge or enemy units a total of five times.
- Damage from poison or fire effects does not count.
・ Frenzy
Damages all enemy units in your column within seven spaces above you.
・ Dark Nexus
Damages the closest enemy unit above you in your column, as well as all enemy units within two spaces on either side of the affected unit.
・ Bale Storm
Damages, poisons, and burns the closest enemy unit in your column, as well as all enemy units within two spaces on either side of the affected unit.
Poisoned units take poison damage every time the unit that afflicted the damage moves for up to five turns.
Burned units take fire damage every time they perform an action for up to five turns.
Passive Skills
・ Skills that Boost Attack
Critical Shot
Speed Order
Nerve Strike
Chain Lightning
Gravity Pulse
Shadow Shackles
Piercing Flash
・ Skills that Boost HP
Iron Wall
Drain Attack
Angelic Aura
Mirror Shield
Soothing Wind
・ Skills that Boost ATK but Increase Damage Taken
Blood Pact
[Expand] History
By tapping the History button, you will be able to view which players have attacked you in the past and whether or not they were successful.
If you successfully defended against the attack, you will receive Tranquil Shards as a reward.
If you were unsuccessful, you will be given the option to seek vengeance via a Rematch.
Rematches will only be available when you have suffered defeat at the hands of another player. Rematches can be initiated from the History screen.
If you are victorious, you will receive an increased amount of BT Pts.
Rematches CANNOT be continued.
You may participate in up to 10 rematches per day.
Your Rematch counter will reset daily at 2:00 am PST/PDT.
[Expand] Daily Leagues
In addition to the normal event rankings, players participating in the A Bloody Invitation event will also take part in Daily Leagues.
Starting on September 2, 2016 from 2:00 am PST/PDT, players will be placed in a Daily League.
Daily Leagues are divided into sub-Leagues (League 1, League 2, and League 3).
Each League is then divided into Groups (A - Z). There are a finite number of Groups in each League. The exact number depends on the League itself.
League 1 has three Groups.
League 2 has 12 Groups.
League 3 has an unlimited number of Groups.
Each Group is limited to 300 players.
Which League / Group you are placed in will be determined by the number of BT Pts you earned during the previous day.
League / Group placements are calculated daily at 2:00 am PST/PDT. All eligible Daily League rewards will also be made available at this time.
League 1 has the best loot, followed by League 2 and League 3.
New Units
The following units in the Fancy Footwork Series gave bonus BT points for victories in Duel on the Dance Floor, more Mask Shards, as well as an increase in ATK power and HP during battles, when deployed as Battle Units:
Fancy Footwork Series
Slow, Valor Song
Fancy Footwork Series
10★ Omicron Ticket Exchange Untradeable
Slow, Blink
Fancy Footwork Series OP Unit Exchange 3
Knockback, Speed Order
Fancy Footwork Series
Area Attack, Critical Shot
Fancy Footwork Series
Poison, Acid Rain
Fancy Footwork Series
Knockback, Quad Attack
Fancy Footwork Series Standard Card Packs
Slow, Incinerate
Fancy Footwork Series Standard Card Packs
Reward Units
Rank Rewards
Area Attack, Shadow Shackles
Duel on the Dance Floor Final Rank Reward 1st - 100th 120 units awarded
Area Attack, Blink
Duel on the Dance Floor Final Rank Reward 1st - 500th
Knockback, Penta Attack
Duel on the Dance Floor Final Rank Reward 1st - 1,000th
Poison, Fire Storm
Duel on the Dance Floor Final Rank Reward 1st - 3,000th
Slow, Speed Order
Duel on the Dance Floor Final Rank Reward 1st - 6,000th
Shard Rewards
Slow, Shadow Shackles
Duel on the Dance Floor
90,000 Mask Shards Reward Untradeable
Knockback, Incinerate
Duel on the Dance Floor
20,000 Mask Shards Reward
Shard Rewards
Mask Shard Rewards
100 |
Dancer's Flask x 3
300 |
Potion x 2
500 |
Time Elixir x 2
1,000 |
Dancer's Flask x 4
1,500 |
5★+ Ticket x 1
2,000 |
Dancer's Flask x 5
3,000 |
4,000 |
5,000 |
6,000 |
6★+ Ticket x 1
Mask Shard Rewards
7,000 |
Dancer's Flask x 7
8,000 |
Ambrosia x 5
10,000 |
7★+ Ticket x 1
12,000 |
Soma x 3
14,000 |
Dancer's Flask x 10
16,000 |
Ichor x 5
18,000 |
20,000 |
8★ Berydia
22,500 |
8★ Berydia
25,000 |
Dancer's Flask x 15
Mythic Shard Rewards
27,500 |
8★ Berydia
30,000 |
8★ Berydia
35,000 |
40,000 |
8★ Berydia
50,000 |
Aurora Essence x 1
60,000 |
70,000 |
Aurora Essence x 3
90,000 |
10★ Lady Faewood
110,000 |
130,000 |
10★ Lady Faewood
Group Rank Rewards
Based on rank as of September 5, 2016 at 2:00am PST
Players that ranked through 10,000th were also rewarded with 3 x
Rank |
 10★ |
 9★ |
 8★ |
 7★ |
 6★ |

1st |
Lilinette x 5 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Let's Dance! Having a Ball Defensive Dancer Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 20 |
Ichor x 30 |
10★ Omicron Ticket x 3 |
2nd - 3rd |
Lilinette x 4 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Having a Ball Defensive Dancer Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 17 |
Ichor x 27 |
10★ Omicron Ticket x 2 |
4th - 6th |
Lilinette x 3 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Having a Ball Defensive Dancer Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 15 |
Ichor x 15 |
10★ Omicron Ticket x 2 |
7th - 10th |
Lilinette x 2 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Defensive Dancer Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 12 |
Ichor x 20 |
10★ Omicron Ticket x 1 |
11th - 20th |
Lilinette x 1 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Defensive Dancer Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 10 |
Ichor x 15 |
10★ Omicron Ticket x 1 |
21st - 30th |
Lilinette x 1 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Defensive Dancer Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 7 |
Ichor x 10 |
10★ Omicron Ticket x 1 |
31st - 50th |
Lilinette x 1 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 5 |
Ichor x 7 |
10★ Omicron Ticket x 1 |
51th - 70th |
Lilinette x 1 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 3 |
Ichor x 5 |
Soma x 15 |
71st - 100th |
Lilinette x 1 |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Stepping on Toes |
Aurora Essence x 1 |
Ichor x 3 |
Soma x 10 |
101st - 200th |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Stepping on Toes |
Ichor x 1 |
Soma x 5 |
201st - 300th |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Soma x 3 |
301st - 500th |
Stacea |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Soma x 2 |
501st - 750th |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Soma x 1 |
751st - 1,000th |
Boniface |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Ambrosia x 10 |
1,001st - 2,000th |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Ambrosia x 5 |
2,001st - 3,000th |
Lapinea |
Pandewyn |
Ambrosia x 3 |
3,001st - 4,000th |
Pandewyn |
Ambrosia x 1 |
4,001st - 6,000th |
Pandewyn |
Potion(P) x 3
6,001st - 8,000th |
Potion(P) x 1
8,001st - 10,000th |
Potion(P) x 1
No rewards past 10,000th
Event Rankings
Rank 1 to 10
Rank |
Player |
1st |
CrackleSnap |
2nd |
sontymc |
3rd |
Hellestra |
4th |
daniely2889 |
5th |
raon-jihyun |
6th |
huamanlingwu |
7th |
CeruleanSinn |
8th |
Nebz79 |
9th |
katakreil |
10th |
magiknumba3 |