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Gremory, Demon Countess
Gremory icon.png
Blank album 5.png
Magic icon.png Magic 150 Range D Speed
20 Cost Poison
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
100 25,900 34,300 28,000 88,200 38,937 0
120 30,720 40,640 33,200 104,560 55,380 0
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground grey icon.png Air grey icon.png Sea grey icon.png Cost Range HP
The Key of Goetia
BT & Victory Rank Reward
1st - 10th
16th - 100th
190 units awarded

Gremory card.jpg Gremory card back.jpg

JP Version Artwork:
Gremory jp.jpgGremory back jp.jpg

KR Version Artwork:
Gremory kr.jpgGremory back kr.jpg

CN Version Artwork:
Gremory cn.jpgGremory back cn.jpg

There is also an alternate, 10★ version of Gremory:

Gremory, PRELUDE
Gremory 10 icon.png
Gremory 10.gif
Blank album 10.png
Magic icon.png Magic 150 Range B Speed
30 Cost Slow,

Shadow Shackles
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
200 245,322 265,849 307,219 818,390 527,222 1,440,825
240 295,000 321,000 375,000 991,000 704,352 1,725,000
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Cost Range HP
Y 20,100 20,600 21,675 +5

Gremory 10 card.jpg Gremory 10 card back.jpg

Gremory X, PRELUDE
Gremory 10 mlb icon.png
Gremory 10 mlb.gif
Blank album 10.png
Magic icon.png Magic 150 Range B Speed
40 Cost Slow,

Shadow Shackles
Lvl Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Total Arena HP
200 316,958 329,063 350,142 996,163 624,868 1,792,940
240 402,000 412,000 433,500 1,247,500 855,645 2,155,000
Increase per Ascension Step:
Spd Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Cost Range HP
Y 20,100 20,600 21,675 +5

Gremory 10 mlb card.jpg Gremory 10 mlb card back.jpg

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