January Monthly Rankings

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January Monthly Rankings
January Monthly Rankings banner.png
Start Date 2018-01-05
End Date 2018-02-04
Event Type Monthly Rankings
Event Cards Daikyo
January Monthly Rankings release.jpg


In January 2017, Fantasica held a Monthly Ranking event, where all players could compete to earn rewards.

Ranking Points were earned by participating in the five events between January 05, 2017, and February 04, 2018:

For each of these events, there was also a weekly Bonus Ranking for additional rewards. The Bonus Ranking did not affect the amount of Ranking Points earned for the Monthly Rankings.

The featured units for both the Bonus Rankings and the Monthly Rankings were changed every month.


Points were awarded based on rank during the four events.

Rank Monthly Points
1st 50
2nd - 5th 40
6th - 10th 34
11th - 20th 28
21st - 30th 23
31st - 50th 18
51st - 100th 14
101st - 150th 10
151st - 200th 7
201st - 300th 5
301st - 500th 3
501st - 1000th 1


Monthly Rankings

Rank Daikyo icon.png Aurora Essence icon.png Celestial Orb icon.png Nerio icon.png
1st Daikyo x 5 Aurora Essence x 20 Celestial Orb x 20 Nerio x 6
2nd - 5th Daikyo x 4 Aurora Essence x 20 Celestial Orb x 20 Nerio x 6
6th - 10th Daikyo x 3 Aurora Essence x 20 Celestial Orb x 20 Nerio x 5
11th - 20th Daikyo x 2 Aurora Essence x 15 Celestial Orb x 15 Nerio x 5
21st - 30th Daikyo x 1 Aurora Essence x 10 Celestial Orb x 10 Nerio x 5
31st - 100th Aurora Essence x 10 Celestial Orb x 10 Nerio x 5
101st - 300th Aurora Essence x 5 Celestial Orb x 5 Nerio x 4
301st - 500th Aurora Essence x 3 Celestial Orb x 3 Nerio x 3
501st - 1000th Aurora Essence x 1 Celestial Orb x 1 Nerio x 2
31st - 100th Nerio x 1
Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Daikyo.gif Daikyo icon.png
11 Missile 35 A 150 372,015 434,745 335,789 Knockback,
Melt Armor
January Monthly Rankings

Daikyo card.jpg

Event Rankings

Monthly Rankings based on rank as of February 5th, 2017 at 10:00pm PST

Rank 1 to 10

Rank Player BT
1st Tsunjin 202
2nd KonCep 184
3rd Cz75b 152
4th Xavier0Dragon 140
5th tholoongwei 138
6th FB:(679718163) 134
7th wchristensen6 133
8th yammyyaggs 128
9th rika 126
10th thundercock24 118
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