Legion Battle

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Event Info

Players must traverse through 3 battlefields and participate in a new, real-time, training-combat system.



You will encounter enemies while you explore each of the 3 battlefields.

The degree of difficulty for each enemy you encounter is indicated on the battlefield information window. Obviously, the more stars in difficulty, the more harder the enemies are, and the more BT they will reward you, once defeated. You also have a certain amount of time to kill these enemies, so make sure you watch your clock!

Normal Enemies are depicted by a red mist or aura.

Arch Enemies

Arch Enemies are depicted by a blue mist or aura.

Arch Enemies are much harder to kill and will require the help of your allies. Arch Enemies also have a greater window of time to kill them off (usually 3 hours - much like the shared bosses in Training Events).

Bonus Bosses

These bosses appear in the center of the map, usually when you've reached a certain requirement. (i.e. Killed 30 enemies or more)

Killing these bosses will reward you with a lot of BT points. The difficulty & amount of BT points to gain from these bosses, is also determined by it's star rating.


Event Items

There are two event items used in Legion Battle. They are:

  • A flag/banner type of item
  • A weapon/gladius type of item

Flags/standards are items you send to your allies, and will increase the damage you deal when assisting them. In return, you will also receive a huge amount of BT points for sending the flag/standard.

Weapons/gladius are items you use to defeat your enemies and arch enemies. Using this item, will grant you a huge bonus in attack strength for your team.

Previous Legion Battle Events

Event Start Date End Date Rank BT Pts
Dark Tides banner.png
Dark Tides
05/08/2018 05/14/2018 Marinca icon.png
11★ Marinca
Kleene icon.png
11★ Kleene
An Age Between banner.png
An Age Between
01/11/2018 01/15/2018 Ishtar 11 v2 icon.png
11★ Ishtar_11_v2
Kuzunoha 11 v2 icon.png
11★ Kuzunoha_11_v2

Event Start Date End Date Rank BT Pts
Pocket Protectors banner.png
Pocket Protectors
11/14/2017 11/20/2017 Cynebald icon.png
11★ Cynebald
Paega icon.png
11★ Paega
One Step Closer banner.png
One Step Closer
08/01/2017 08/07/2017 Tiziano icon.png
11★ Tiziano
Lonsania icon.png
11★ Lonsania
The Fabulous Ones release banner.png
The Fabulous Ones
05/23/2017 05/26/2017 Kurenaibotan icon.png
11★ Kurenaibotan
Takauji icon.png
11★ Takauji
The Sanada Clan release banner.png
The Sanada Clan
03/21/2017 03/24/2017 Mochiduki icon.png
11★ Mochiduki
Kosuke Anayama icon.png
11★ Kosuke_Anayama
Hearts on Fire release banner.png
Hearts on Fire
02/13/2017 02/16/2017 Moa & Roa icon.png
11★ Moa_&_Roa
Zyana icon.png
11★ Zyana

Event Start Date End Date Rank BT Pts
Fullmetal Mayhem release banner.png
Fullmetal Mayhem
12/21/2015 12/24/2015 MouSe 10 icon.png
10★ MouSe_10
KrysTal icon.png
9★ KrysTal
Mysteries Within release banner.png
Mysteries Within
05/10/2015 05/13/2015 Erudessa icon.png
8★ Erudessa
Thenidiel icon.png
8★ Thenidiel
The Night Shift release banner.png
The Night Shift
03/08/2015 03/12/2015 Katala icon.png
8★ Katala
Tatsumaru icon.png
8★ Tatsumaru
Midnight Oasis release banner.png
Midnight Oasis
12/31/2014 01/06/2015 Dracul icon.png
8★ Dracul
Mave icon.png
8★ Mave

Event Start Date End Date Rank BT Pts
Blood on the Sand release banner.png
Blood on the Sand
11/11/2014 11/13/2014 Hathor icon.png
8★ Hathor
Parra icon.png
8★ Parra
The Price of Magic release banner.png
The Price of Magic
07/14/2014 07/18/2014 Numero icon.png
8★ Numero
Uno icon.png
7★ Uno
Theater of the Gods release banner.png
Theater of the Gods
06/09/2014 06/12/2014 Adria icon.png
8★ Adria
Consilia icon.png
6★ Consilia
Flowers of War release banner.png
Flowers of War
04/24/2014 05/02/2014 Acacia icon.png
8★ Acacia
Araya icon.png
6★ Araya

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