One Shot Packs 18

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One Shot Packs 18
One Shot Packs 18 banner.png
Start Date 2015-09-20
End Date 2015-09-21
Related Event The Knight's Watch
9★ 3
One Shot Packs 18 release.jpg

Purchasing a One Shot Pack for 10,000 Mobacoins / Fanta Points granted you one guaranteed 9★ unit, and one Ticket 10 Gamma icon.png 10★ Gamma Ticket.

All units in One Shot Packs 18 were reprints, and did not give bonuses in any events.

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Reprinted Units
Ailis.gif Ailis icon.png
9 Magic 25 C 130 241,211 203,751 166,738 Slow,

8★ Plus Packs 1
One Shot Packs 18
One Shot Packs 25
One Shot Packs 46
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 6
Anaitis.gif Anaitis icon.png
9 Melee 30 C 130 291,653 185,233 157,468 Area Attack,

Iron Wall
Cerulean Sky Packs
One Shot Packs 18
Mini Chessmaster Packs
One Shot Packs 62
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 6
Eibon.gif Eibon icon.png
9 Magic 30 D 150 199,131 231,517 252,326 Poison,

Dark Nexus
Extreme Packs Season 17
One Shot Packs 18
One Shot Packs 35
Three Step Packs 36
Triple Shot Packs 7
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 6

Ailis card.jpg Anaitis card.jpg Eibon card.jpg

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