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Use this template to show off your team!

But DO NOT edit this template unless you know what you're doing, because it could break everything.

The cards are assumed to be MLB and empowered, if applicable.

Noting the ascension level will also automatically calculate the changes made to the unit (only works for units 9* rarity and above).

This template also only works for units! If you want a separate template for monsters, contact Jarrbox about it.

Keep in mind that this template heavily relies on a card's stats existing on the wiki. If there's no values shown on their card page, the values will show up as zero!

This can be easily fixed by inputting the MLB stats here: http://www.fantasicawiki.com/edit_unit.php?unit=UNIT_NAME

Even if you don't know the exact values for ascension, just putting a "1" for the ascension value will allow the calculator to work properly!

It would help you and anyone else using the wiki, so please consider it!

Template Usage: {{Team|CardName|Ascension}}

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