Hello there, I'm going to try and figure out how this whole site works. Which might take me a while since I'm busy and not very technical... But once I get it done, this place will look great!
I'm only going to place cards for sale that I have a pc for,
so those '??' or empty slots won't be seen here.
No offense to those who have that, but I know how annoying it can be when you're looking for a pc.
Speaking of which, I'm probably just as confused and clueless as the average player.
If my pc turns out to be completely wrong, do message me and I apologize in advance!
In the end it's all guesswork based on limited available information.
Keep it classy though, it's not that hard to be nice to each other.
My kik is my ign, same name as on this site.
That's the only way to contact me as for now.