User talk:ICEHatchet

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Ascension Stats

Hiya, ICEHatchet, and welcome to the wiki! Thanks for helping contribute stats and unit info, it's much appreciated! :)

We're just rolling out the capability to update Ascension stats, so it's still a little bit of a work in progress. That said, to update a unit's stats, you'd just go to:

Just swap out the name for whatever unit you're updating.

Note that what should be entered is the incremental increase for each ascension stage. So for example, if a unit starts with 100,000 HP and ascending it one single time brings them up to 150,000 HP, it's the 50,000 that should be entered into the 'Asc HP Inc' field. Same for Attack, Cost, and Range, always use the incremental amount.

Speed is trickier. Like you mentioned, it's possible to fully Ascend a unit and never have the letter grade change what's displayed, so it's harder to track, especially incrementally. For right now, we're just using a checkbox - so if Speed is one of the stats affected for a unit, toggle that on.

Thanks again for the help! Let me know if that makes sense, or if you have any other questions. :) -Kattiara (talk)

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