Battle Arena

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Note: Battle Arena events seem to have been discontinued; on the US servers, the most recent Arena Event was in September 2013.

Arena Skills

Click Arena units to see the list of units with arena skills and their functions.
Also, in Battle Arena or Guild Battle events, normal skills have use different from what they do in usual quests.

Area Attack deals damage to all enemies in a row.

Skill Lvl Procing rate Damage
1 40% 70%
2 40% 75%
3 40% 80%
4 40% 85%
5 40% 90%
6 40% 95%
7 40% 100%

Atk Boost increases attack power for units of a given type.

Skill Lvl Procing rate Attack bonus Duration
1 33% 7% 1 turn
2 33% 10% 1 turn
3 33% 13% 1 turn
4 33% 15% 1 turn
5 33% 17% 1 turn
6 33% 20% 1 turn
7 33% 25% 1 turn

Knockback decreases one target's speed by a large amount.

Skill Lvl Procing rate Amount
1 25% 500
2 25% 750
3 25% 1000
4 25% 1250
5 25% 1500
6 25% 1750
7 25% 2000

Poison sets the target as poisoned. The poisoned target takes damage after its each move.

Skill Lvl Procing rate Damage Duration
1 25% 5% 3 turns
2 25% 7% 3 turns
3 25% 10% 3 turns
4 25% 13% 3 turns
5 25% 16% 3 turns
6 25% 20% 3 turns
7 25% 23% 3 turns

Slow decreases the speed of all enemies by a fixed amount. The amount indicates millisecond. e.g. 350 = 0.35 attack delay.

Skill Lvl Procing rate Amount
1 20% 100
2 20% 150
3 20% 200
4 20% 250
5 20% 300
6 20% 350
7 20% 400

Arena Tickets

Participating in an arena round costs one ticket. Tickets can be obtained rarely through training, or purchased through premium boxes and megaboxes. Any unspent tickets will carry over to the next Arena event.

Previous Battle Arena Events

Event Start Date End Date Arena Decree Rank BT Pts
Arena v5 banner.png
Arena v5
8/29/2017 8/31/2017 No Restrictions N/A Aeroma icon.png
11★ Aeroma
Arena Encore banner.png
Arena Encore
7/25/2017 7/27/2017 No Restrictions N/A Aeroma icon.png
11★ Aeroma
Arena Season 3 release banner.png
Arena Season 3
9/17/2013 9/20/2013 No Restrictions Juana icon.png
6★ Juana
Rain icon.png
6★ Rain
Arena Season 2 release banner.png
Arena Season 2
5/16/2013 5/23/2013 Only Melee units allowed Nunnally icon.png
6★ Nunnally
Aludra icon.png
5★ Aludra
Arena Season 1 announcement banner.png
Arena Season 1
3/25/2013 3/29/2013 Only units with deploy cost 25 or less allowed Arcadia icon.png
6★ Arcadia
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