Guild Battle

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Event Overview

Guild Battles is the event that you have formed a "guild" in everyone of user, go fighting.

The event is divided into two as "guild formation period" and "Battle finals period".

Find the best companion, let's lead to win the guild battles!


About the two event periods:

There are two event periods,

Guild formation period

In order to challenge the Guild Battles the guild formation period is the period of time to collect guild members.

It will help you find the perfect companion to fight together in battle finals period.

How to join the guild, · I will participate in the guild is not full members • Create your own guild and collect members There are two ways described above. Let's join the guild in a way that suits you.

It is possible to leave in the guild who join once if guild formation period. However, please note that after joining the guild next, leave a period of time because you can not.

Also, you can not make a withdrawal if you create a guild on your own.

About comeback members

You can If you are collecting the guild members, to perform the call to users who do not have a period of time login.

Only if that has joined the guild from "comeback application list button", the user who has been called will participate in it in the event as a "comeback Members". ※ I do not count as a "comeback members" when it came back it is called, it has been fully to participate in other guilds and create a guild to new, please be careful.

※ I do not count as a "comeback Members", please be careful if you want to leave the guild who participated as a "comeback Members", participated in the guild and other create a guild to new.

※ However, if there was a guild that was called on other than "comeback application list button" at that time, participation is available again as a "comeback Members" for the guild.

About infusion of the soul

You can power up the "soul of the warrior" button from the "infusion of the soul".

You can raise the level of tension in the guild that a certain number up the "soul of the warrior". "Soul of the warrior" can be during the event, to get a chance when you have made the training. In addition, you can be to exchange thrift shop also get. ※ level up the number of "the soul of the warrior", the guild tension will be guild members common.

Because the maximum value of the power of action in battle increases guild tension goes up, you can proceed to advantage the battle. However, guild tension will return to their initial value each time the battle is finished, please be careful.

Do you go up the guild tension in any battle, let's decide in consultation with guild members.

※ It is not possible to be used after the event the "soul of warrior" you have possession. ※ In addition, there is a case where I am allowed to clear after the event. Please be forewarned.

Battle finals period

The Battle finals period is the time to do battle with each other in the guild.

Battle finals period is divided into three phases. 1. Matching phase 2. Battle Phase 3. The end phase

1. Matching phase This is the phase that determines the guild as a next opponent. You can only matching phase, turning on the "soul of the warrior" button from the "infusion of the soul".

2. Battle Phase It is a phase that doing battle with each other in the guild. It becomes the victory of the guild, who won a number of GP (guild points) by the time.

3. The end phase This is the phase after the battle phase is finished. It provides summaries GP (guild points), to determine to determine if a player has won.

※ There is a case to change the end time.


Trade is disabled during the Guild Battles Event.

Previous Guild Battle Events

Event Start Date End Date Rank Wins GP
The Fantasica Chronicles 68 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 68
10/09/2018 10/13/2018 Blank icon.png Blank icon.png Blank icon.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 67 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 67
09/13/2018 09/17/2018 Blank icon.png Blank icon.png Blank icon.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 66 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 66
08/16/2018 08/20/2018 Blank icon.png Blank icon.png Blank icon.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 65 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 65
07/16/2018 07/23/2018 Blank icon.png Blank icon.png Blank icon.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 64 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 64
06/14/2018 06/19/2018 Blank icon.png Blank icon.png Blank icon.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 63 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 63
05/17/2018 05/21/2018 Blank icon.png Blank icon.png Blank icon.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 62 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 62
03/15/2018 03/19/2018 Matthias icon.png
11★ Matthias
Jerome icon.png
9★ Jerome
Abadin icon.png
11★ Abadin
The Fantasica Chronicles 61 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 61
02/13/2018 02/19/2018 Valentinus icon.png
11★ Valentinus
Sirup icon.png
9★ Sirup
Enma 11 v3 icon.png
11★ Enma_11_v3

Event Start Date End Date Rank Wins GP
The Fantasica Chronicles 35 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 35
12/21/2015 12/28/2015 Santa icon.png
10★ Santa
Rudy icon.png
8★ Rudy
Yvette icon.png
9★ Yvette
The Fantasica Chronicles 34 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 34
11/24/2015 12/01/2015 Verna icon.png
10★ Verna
Kana icon.png
8★ Kana
Melusie icon.png
9★ Melusie
The Fantasica Chronicles 33 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 33
11/05/2015 11/11/2015 Issunboshi icon.png
10★ Issunboshi
Momotaro icon.png
8★ Momotaro
Yemma icon.png
8★ Yemma
The Fantasica Chronicles 32 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 32
10/24/2015 11/01/2015 Pumpkin icon.png
10★ Pumpkin
Desdemona icon.png
8★ Desdemona
Lith icon.png
8★ Lith
The Fantasica Chronicles 31 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 31
09/21/2015 09/28/2015 Morta icon.png
10★ Morta
Achlys icon.png
8★ Achlys
Asphyxia icon.png
8★ Asphyxia
The Fantasica Chronicles 30 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 30
09/07/2015 09/14/2015 Seto icon.png
10★ Seto
Momoka icon.png
8★ Momoka
Komatsu icon.png
8★ Komatsu
The Fantasica Chronicles 29 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 29
08/24/2015 08/31/2015 Bangle icon.png
10★ Bangle
Karotene icon.png
8★ Karotene
Sivir icon.png
8★ Sivir
The Fantasica Chronicles 28 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 28
08/10/2015 08/16/2015 Serqet icon.png
10★ Serqet
Zorah icon.png
8★ Zorah
Leyla icon.png
8★ Leyla
The Fantasica Chronicles 27 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 27
07/22/2015 07/28/2015 Moonstone icon.png
10★ Moonstone
Turquoise icon.png
8★ Turquoise
Obsidian icon.png
8★ Obsidian
The Fantasica Chronicles 26 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 26
07/10/2015 07/16/2015 Diabla icon.png
10★ Diabla
Lilitheen icon.png
8★ Lilitheen
Dhysana icon.png
8★ Dhysana
The Fantasica Chronicles 25 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 25
06/16/2015 06/22/2015 Nanase icon.png
9★ Nanase
Azami icon.png
8★ Azami
Kureha icon.png
8★ Kureha
The Fantasica Chronicles 24 announcement banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 24
06/07/2015 06/13/2015 Krega icon.png
9★ Krega
Velvet icon.png
8★ Velvet
Marilyn icon.png
8★ Marilyn
The Fantasica Chronicles 23 banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 23
05/25/2015 05/28/2015 Villia icon.png
9★ Villia
Libre icon.png
8★ Libre
Cabina icon.png
8★ Cabina
The Fantasica Chronicles 22 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 22
05/16/2015 05/19/2015 Mojca icon.png
9★ Mojca
Aksel icon.png
8★ Aksel
Dalibora icon.png
8★ Dalibora
The Fantasica Chronicles 21 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 21
04/23/2015 04/27/2015 Liseria icon.png
9★ Liseria
Exusiai icon.png
8★ Exusiai
Thianne icon.png
8★ Thianne
The Fantasica Chronicles 20 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 20
03/20/2015 03/26/2015 Anne 9 icon.png
9★ Anne_9
Maqura icon.png
8★ Maqura
Siffler icon.png
8★ Siffler
The Fantasica Chronicles 19 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 19
02/16/2015 02/23/2015 Amphitrite icon.png
9★ Amphitrite
Nehalennia icon.png
6★ Nehalennia
Atlantica icon.png
8★ Atlantica
The Fantasica Chronicles 18 release banner.png
The Fantasica Chronicles 18
01/23/2015 01/29/2015 Qinhua icon.png
8★ Qinhua
Mamei icon.png
6★ Mamei
Heixing icon.png
8★ Heixing

Finding A Units Guild Battle/Battle Arena Attack

Note: this is the formula to use during Battle Arena events (and Guild Battle events), where you create a team of 7 units (or 10 units) and fight without the aid of your allies. The formula to use during normal Arena events, where you create a team of 5 units and fight with the aid of 2 random allies, is found in a different topic: Colosseum Events

During Battle Arena events, the damage units deal is determined by these factors:

RANK - The rank of the unit. In other words, the amount of stars it has. However, RANK kan never be higher than 6! For units with 7 or more stars, use 6 as the value of RANK. For example: Orlando is a 2* unit. His rank is 2. Anton is a 4* unit. His rank is 4. Lilith is a 7* unit. Her rank is 6. LEVEL - The level of the unit. Note: this concerns the unit's current level, not his maximum level. HIGH BASE DMG - The highest number of the unit's 3 attack numbers: land, sea or air. Bonuses, such as skills that increase dmg by a cerain percentage, are not included. In other words, this is the number you see on the card when it's in your unit list, not when it's in battle. For example: at level 80 without any bonuses, Anton has 36528 land damage, 0 air damage and 18586 sea damage. His highest base damage is 36528. At level 100 without any bonuses, Rose has 36250 land damage, 38800 air damage and 35240 sea damage. Her highest base damage is 38800. MID BASE DMG - The second-highest number of the unit's 3 attack numbers: land, sea or air. Bonuses, such as skills that increase dmg by a cerain percentage, are not included. In other words, this is the number you see on the card when it's in your unit list, not when it's in battle. For example: continuing on from the examples of Anton and Rose, Anton's second-highest base damage is 18586 and Rose's second-highest base damage is 36250.

The formula to calculate the damage dealt in a Battle Arena battle is as follows:

Battle Arena Damage = ( 1 - 1.5 * RANK ^ 2 / 100 ) * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG ) * LEVEL / 100

The final Battle Arena Damage is rounded up or down to an integer number (down if the first decimal is smaller or equal to 4, up if the first decimal is greater or equal to 5).

For example: let's calculate the Battle Arena Damage for a level 80 Anton. Anton has rank 4. His highest base damage is 36528. His second-highest damage is 18586. Battle Arena Damage = ( 1 - 1.5 * RANK ^ 2 / 100 ) * ... Battle Arena Damage = ( 1 - 1.5 * 4 ^ 2 / 100) * ... Battle Arena Damage = ( 1 - 1.5 * 16 / 100) * ... Battle Arena Damage = ( 1 - 24 / 100) * ... Battle Arena Damage = ( 1 - 0.24) * ... Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * ... Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG ) * ... Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * ( 36528 + 18586 ) * ... Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * 55114 * ... Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * 55114 * LEVEL / 100 Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * 55114 * 80 / 100 Battle Arena Damage = 33509.312 Battle Arena Damage = 33509

If you want to simplify the formula, you could split it into different formula's for each rank:

7* Battle Arena Damage = 0.46 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG ) * LEVEL / 100

6* Battle Arena Damage = 0.46 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG ) * LEVEL / 100

5* Battle Arena Damage = 0.625 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG ) * LEVEL / 100

4* Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG ) * LEVEL / 100

3* Battle Arena Damage = 0.865 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG ) * LEVEL / 100

You could simplify it even further, by assuming maximum level without level breaking:

Level 140 7* Battle Arena Damage = 0.644 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 120 6* Battle Arena Damage = 0.552 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 100 5* Battle Arena Damage = 0.625 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 80 4* Battle Arena Damage = 0.608 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 60 3* Battle Arena Damage = 0.519 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Or if Ambrosia fruits were used to raise their maximum level by 20 levels:

Level 140 7* Battle Arena Damage = 0.736 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 140 6* Battle Arena Damage = 0.644 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 120 5* Battle Arena Damage = 0.75 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 100 4* Battle Arena Damage = 0.76 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

Level 80 3* Battle Arena Damage = 0.692 * ( HIGH BASE DMG + MID BASE DMG )

For anyone wanting to use this formula in a Spreadsheet where you have the base damage numbers of all characters and you want to assume the character is at its maximum level without using ambrosia, here's how you would rewrite the formula (you would have to replace "RANK", "LAND ATK", "AIR ATK" and "SEA ATK" with the appropiate columns):


Or if you want to assume ambrosia has been used to raise the maximum level by 20 levels:


In these formula, it is assumed RANK can be higher than 6, so MIN(RANK;6) is used to make sure no value higher than 6 is used there.

Alternate formula (from Coraphise)

I believe this is a more simplified formula that will work on all units without the need to worry about NLB, LB or Ascended units. I took the time to swap out every unit I have, so have been able to test with units that are LB, NLB, somewhere in between as well as various levels of Ascension from non-Ascended to a unit that is Level 3 Ascended. So far it has provided the same values as when I swap units into my Guild Battle team.

=ROUND((1 - 1.5 * MIN(RANK,6)^2 / 100) * (MAX(LAND,AIR,SEA) + MEDIAN(LAND,AIR,SEA)) * LEVEL/100,0)

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